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LABWC 0.4 Stacking Wayland Compositor Brings Fullscreen Mode, Drag & Drop

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  • LABWC 0.4 Stacking Wayland Compositor Brings Fullscreen Mode, Drag & Drop

    Phoronix: LABWC 0.4 Stacking Wayland Compositor Brings Fullscreen Mode, Drag & Drop

    Early in 2021 there was the inaugural release of LABWC as a stacking Wayland compositor that promoted itself as an alternative to Openbox. In kicking off the new year, LABWC 0.4 is now available...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

  • #2
    Looks like this project is in pretty early development but I'm quite excited about it, for some reason it feels like the most promising wayland compositor to me, the devs focus on function, the user can decide on the form, and it helps that this might open a lot of doors for other devs creating desktop environments using labwc as a core component, like, well, like openbox


    • #3
      Is there a comparison of resource use compared to other desktops? I have one of those old netbooks with 2GB RAM that might handle this better than Plasma, assuming the GPU can even support Wayland.


      • #4
        It looks like it's wlroots based so there's no (official) support for nvidia proprietary drivers. I've been wanting to try wayland/gbm on nvidia, but the ubiquity of wlroots means it doesn't seem like there's many options outside of gnome/kde for wayland desktops that aren't hostile to bug reports.

        I think these days I lean on thinking wayland punting the basic implementation stuff to downstream compositors to be mostly a mistake, especially since the resulting ecosystem fragmentation is only ideologically driven now. I wish nvidia's chokehold on the scientific computing sector wasn't so strong, but as it stands it doesn't seem like there's any light at the end of the tunnel for either less nvidia need or wayland community nvidia consolidation.


        • #5
          Originally posted by aphysically View Post
          It looks like it's wlroots based so there's no (official) support for nvidia proprietary drivers. I've been wanting to try wayland/gbm on nvidia, but the ubiquity of wlroots means it doesn't seem like there's many options outside of gnome/kde for wayland desktops that aren't hostile to bug reports.
          The bug reports should go to Nvidia and you'd probably be dealth with even more hostility from their side.


          • #6
            If they support workspaces/taskbar, it'll be pretty usable.

