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KDE Kicks Off 2022 With New Feature Work

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  • KDE Kicks Off 2022 With New Feature Work

    Phoronix: KDE Kicks Off 2022 With New Feature Work

    KDE developers have kicked off 2022 into full-swing with new features and other improvements now on their way to the next round of KDE software releases...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

  • #2
    Nice to have the best UX on KDE. Feels great...


    • #3
      - Okular now makes it easier to work with digital signatures and various other QFL (quality of life) improvements.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ochita View Post
        - Okular now makes it easier to work with digital signatures and various other QFL (quality of life) improvements.
        Agreed, it would be lovely to get a certificate from letsencrypt and allow us to provide an image or a scribble pad. The "set up a certificate chain yourself" is really BS instructions.


        • #5
          Now that I am forced to work with Windows10 at work, I have a new appreciaction for KDE. (It hasn't happened for a while, I could always use Linux, at least in a VM)

          KDE is way superior in all important aspects of a desktop environment (for my purposes obviously YMMV).

          I cringe every time I have open a control panel screen in Win10 which is implemented in the "modern" UI style. Ugly as hell.


          • #6
            I think the problem with KDE is that it's a underdog, others might feel different about it, but for me that is true, it has rich history (you can blame distries or the moon I don't care it stays a fact) of instabilities, it's settings is like windows having 500 places or it was at least last time I checked.

            So just have the same as most other desktops and some small advantages here and there is not enough. I think I dislike the button animations and everything the designs so much, that even a good theme can't save it and even great features could not do it for me. Something about it makes it "modern" that makes it ugly. Like older more yellow / red tone light bulps have better light than most newer technology, and the try to emulate it sometimes but never really reach it or if they do it costs you a organ.

            But that aside more general also for other desktops or maybe for people that feel similar to me but can stomach this modern look and feel, there needs big steps in changes not another reinvented wheel that does fuction more or less the same, for me it would be a real 100% tiling window manager at least option, where the first window opens 100% the second halfs the screen and a 3. halfs another side, automatically, not pressing some context menu or key combination.
            Another alternative or addition wolud be buildin support for something like Unities "hud". Yes many users like to use mouses for as much as possible, but that can't be enough, people that are religiously only use mouse often need somebody to install linux for them, and choose the distro for them, so often they take what this people choose for them so you have to win those people over that use the keyboard.

            And yes System76 made some small moves into that direction with integrating autotiling in their desktop but I tried this extension and it feeled a bit wonkey I think it did not even allow autotiling and the big gabs between the windows that seem to not lineup perfectly is very distracting, so I rather look at what their next destop looks like, because I think they have a more realistic outlook what users want, especially with high-dpi monitors workspaces are less important than tiling, people use multimonitor not to use then 100 workspaces, but to see everything at once on their screens.

            Maybe kde will never be for me and the examples I gave are not the right for that desktop but it would need ANY Killerfeature, I literally see no reason to use that desktop for something I only can get from them. Even things like KDEConnect are available in Gnome.

            Gnome as example has a few killer features, like their Human interface guidelines, you don't have to like it but those who do for them it's great, a great dark theme as default, etc.


            • #7
              I have been using KDE Plasma on Tumbleweed steadily for over 4 years now, looking back at Plasma it became really cool.
              Stable, reliable and complete ... I use Plasma without particular configurations, very similar to the default settings and with the latest release I am permanently on wayland, there are only a few small bugs, but nothing that prevents me from using it permanently.
              In the past I have always been very critical with Plasma (KDE3 and 4), as there was a perennial clutter, but with Plasma 5 things have changed and now the GUI has become minimal, keeping many settings hidden.
              There is still some work to be done, but today I am very satisfied.


              • #8
                Originally posted by blackiwid View Post
                So just have the same as most other desktops and some small advantages here and there is not enough. I think I dislike the button animations
                So just install Kvantum, set it as a theme in System Settings and disable button animations in Kvantum Manager.

                Originally posted by blackiwid View Post
                But that aside more general also for other desktops or maybe for people that feel similar to me but can stomach this modern look and feel, there needs big steps in changes not another reinvented wheel that does fuction more or less the same, for me it would be a real 100% tiling window manager at least option, where the first window opens 100% the second halfs the screen and a 3. halfs another side, automatically, not pressing some context menu or key combination.
                There are KWin scripts that do that. But Plasma also supports different window managers, so you can choose a different one if you don't like KWin.

                Originally posted by blackiwid View Post
                Another alternative or addition wolud be buildin support for something like Unities "hud".
                Plasma already has that. Just put a panel on top of the screen, add the Global Menu widget et voila (the Global Menu widget has a HUD).


                • #9
                  maybe ill be able to give kde a try again, it will be nice to have a desktop that looks normal again.


                  • #10
                    KDE's problem ain't lack of features but massive infestation of bugs. They should concentrate on fixing those, instead of piling on more features..

