GCC vs. LLVM Clang Compilers For The Apple M2 On Linux

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 1 September 2022 at 07:54 AM EDT. Page 2 of 4. 12 Comments.
apple m2 compilers
apple m2 compilers
apple m2 compilers

While LLVM Clang is widely used by AArch64 Android vendors, Apple investing heavily in upstream LLVM as part of their Xcode usage, etc, at least when it comes to running on (Asahi) Linux, the GCC 12 compiler was often producing faster AArch64 binaries than Clang.

apple m2 compilers
apple m2 compilers
apple m2 compilers
apple m2 compilers
apple m2 compilers

But there were still many cases where the Clang-built binaries were faster on the Apple M2...

apple m2 compilers
apple m2 compilers
apple m2 compilers

And often times, a toss-up between LLVM Clang and GCC given their significant competitiveness over the years especially on x86_64 but on AArch64/ARM64 too.

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