What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 4]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 27 November 2011 at 08:56 AM EST. Page 9 of 10. 5 Comments.

3801: 1. Bring back application menu, I find applications with icon and title "shape", I don't know the name of many apps I use
2. Make left bar movable (I like it on the bottom) or make it a lot more usable and configurable (ala Xfce or even KDE)
3. See 1.

Whoever thought that Unity 3D was a usable interface needs to never design another interface again.

3802: Change it back to the user interface it was before gnome 3

3803: default location of toolbars and window controls (why are they on the opposite side of where most work is done? It's like it's trying to be the opposite of windows while replicating all of Window's functionality. I'd rather have KDE without the bugs)

easier modification of presentation and settings. See above, its hard to modify certain things unless you know exactly where to look

Improved performance in virtual environments. To be fair Gnome is lightyears ahead of other environments and the gnome team isn't exactly responsible for how gnome performs in virtual environments but it could be better.

3804: I'm so impressed with GNOME 3 so far that I can't think of anything. Seriously!

Just keep up the good work, and ignore those who would put you down (I'm looking at you, Linus!).

3805: Maintain g2's effective use of screen space in new versions (but have a "big button" option for tablets)
Keep the ability to customize everything!!

Listen to your users.

3806: Make it ligher and faster.

Make a keyboardless interface alternate interface.

Make a run / quick search option to start program, like W7, Unity...

make the usability better, less click, more intuitive, maybe a system with multiple user profile based on experience. Novice interface ... all the way to expert interface.

3807: From what I've seen of gnome 3 you can't hide the panels. Don't know if that is true or not but I saw no clear way to do it. I want as much screen available as possible and hate unity and what I have seen of gnome 3.

I do not like being forced to do things in desktop environments that I have been using. Unity's lack of customization is a complete failure as far as I am concerned and I am not pleased with what I see in gnome 3. It seems like it is somewhat like unity.

Screen real estate is very important to me, and allowing for as much customization as possible so that I can make the desktop environment work as I want, not as some developer forces me to do.

3808: I'll just list one and please listen to us. I'm sure others will say the same.
I'm a multi tasker and with the new GNOME shell, I can only view 1 window at a time and it is maximised. WHY?

Bring back functionality of Gnome 2.x

3809: Gnome 2 was perfect in my opinion. I loved it. The functionality was everything I needed and was fabulous. Compiz complemented this functionality with beauty. I also love the interface of OSX, it too is fantastic. Gnome 3 seems to copy some elements of OSX, and some from Gnome 2 buts fails to integrate them into a cohesive whole. I think that merging Gnome 2 and Compiz would have offered a smooth transition, without sacrificing functionality, and provide the form that Gnome 3 was shooting for.

3810: 1) Go back to the GNOME 2.x style of interface - it was good-looking, mature, and polished to a *mirror* shine. Or, at least offer a reasonable "make it like GNOME 2.x" option.

2) Seriously, give support to a fork of GNOME 2.x or something. XFCE isn't as good and e17 isn't ready yet.

3) GNOME shouldn't sacrifice desktop/laptop usability for tablet/touchscreen usability.

The GNOME developers have something of a reputation for not listening to users. Work to change that reputation - many users you lost during the 2.x-3.x switch are still watching. GNOME 2.x was fantastic, I'm hoping the day will come when I can use it (or something like it) again.

3811: 1. Restore GNOME 2.0 Panel functionality.
2. Make gnome shell (not capitalizing that) functionality into Panel applets for those braindead enough to want to use it.
3. Make it easier to replace Metacity with whatever WM you want (bring back Enlightenment compatibility!)

Fire Jon McCann.

3812: Window resizing. Dealing with using the same home directory on multiple machines that may be running multiple versions of gnome.

Feel free to dumb or smarten up gnome as much as you want. Merely make sure that everything works with a sane default.

3813: Fuck Gnome 3
Better/ easier customisation in Gnome 3

3814: The overall concept of shell is OK, but the fit/finish is terrible. When trying to run gnome-shell, I have near constant crashes and worse hangs where *nothing* works anymore. I always have problems when I try to do something different from the developer's laptop configuration. Heaven forbid I try to use two monitors!

3815: I would completely destroy Gnome 3 and go back to Gnome 2.

3816: Get a taskbar back. Cut out the upper left corner as I accidentally hit it too often. Get a "start menu" back.

3817: 1)Hot corners 2)hot corners 3)hot corners. Without Compiz, which is buggy and cumbersome.

Keep up the good work, geniuses.

3818: - Keep supporting and improving Gnome 2
- Kill Gnome 2
- Make gnome more configurable

Stop telling me how how you think I should use a computer and instead make it configurable enough that I can do what *I* want with it. I've been using Gnome since around 0.13. When Gnome 2 came out, I switched to KDE 3 for about 2 years (until Gnome 2 became usable). Now Gnome 3 is even more of a disaster than the original Gnome 2 and I have decided to have all new installs use XFCE instead. Please stop this madness and make software that people like, not software you think you can teach people to like.

3819: 1. The movement of windows in gnome shell gives me a headache & makes me feel sea sick.
2. it seams slicker than gnome 2 nad perhaps more clever in design but even if I managed to understand the new layout and workflow, it's not intuitive enough. I wouldn't recommend it to my girlfriend / grandma. 'KISS'.
3. bring back the ability to type / copy the location from nautilus.

3820: Everything about Gnome 3. The interface is not efficient in the slightest. It does a horrible job with multiple monitors.

I know this isn't specific to GNOME, but Unity is also complete crap. Not being able to change which edge the main bar is on is infuriating.

Think about usability before implementing something just because it looks pretty. I would much rather have a desktop that looks like crap that I can customize how I need it to be. Being stuck with some shiny piece of crap that won't allow me to get any work done is inexcusable.

I've switched to KDE on my desktop, and won't be switching back unless some major changes happen to GNOME that make it appealing again.

3821: Please don't abandon GNOME 2.

3822: *Restore customization options from GNOME 2. See: Appearances settings in GNOME 2 vs GNOME 3.

*Fully migrate from gconf to dconf instead of this half-assed state it's currently in.

*Unlock options such as using the location bar in Nautilus once again.

See the previous answer.

3823: Customized themes.

I like Gnome 3 and like the direction it's going in. I'd only ask for the ability to customize the theme.

3824: Bit more control over system settings. I'd like to be able to disable the screensaver/lockscreen.

Theme could be improved. Make it a bit slimmer.

More controllable features from the dock or the top right status icons. (e.g. control over music playback using the dock icon of the music player or sound icon in the top right, similar to how Unity does it).

3825: * Reduce memory usage
* Make everything accessible via keyboard
* Improve configurability

Stability and configurability is more important than look and feel.

3826: More customization options for Gnome 3 panel and menus. More development of fallback mode.

3827: Keep it a desktop system
Have it's own window manager
cloud support

cloud integration

3828: 1. Easier user customization.

2. Better support for multimedia.

3. Configurable install.

Don't keep heading the direction your going. I already own a smart phone and a tablet. Please don't turn my computer desktop into another one. I have to have something I can actually use to get work done!

3829: More configuration options.
I would change the panel to include the button task switchers or at least a menu to choose which window.
Better ATI proprietary graphics driver support.

Keep improving and ignore the haters who want a gtk version of KDE. This software is the future, so far so good :D

3830: The desktop UI is fine for me. The main area I want to see improvements is apps - I would like a decent free word processor. Libre office is far too heavy, complex and unreliable. Abiword is also overly complex. I use Evolution but I would prefer it to be split into separate apps for email, contacts and calendaring with APIs for other apps to access these services.

I really like GNOME2 - in particular I like the fact that I can organise icons and applets on the panel exactly the way I want so that I almost never have to use the menu. The applets I use most are SSHMenu, System monitor and the Clock+calendar drop-down (plus notifications obviously). I also have about a dozen shortcut icons on the panel. They are all things I have selected myself.

This works really well for me. I have tried Unity (but not GNOME3 yet) and the lack of applets is a major showstopper - particularly SSHMenu. Although I am a command-line user I'm not at all attracted to the Unity launcher command line.

I intend to try out GNOME3 soon (probably on Linux Mint).

I hope GNOME3 will not be following Unity's approach of optimising for netbooks. I have a dual screen desktop and even my laptop screen is plenty beig enough to run multiple overlapping windows with focus-follows-mouse - a config that doesn't work at all on Unity.

3831: Let me customize my desktop: put the panel somewhere else, etc.

When people want feature X, don't respond with "we're not designing an operating system for people who want x."

You're designing an operating system for people. Do what they want or get out of their way.

3832: 1 Keep it closer to current gnome 2 - don't want it flipping out and becoming a non-desktop like Unity.
2 My 68 year old Dad can use gnome 2 with minimal input from me.
3 My girlfriend can use gnome 2 with minimal input from me

See above.

3833: I like the ability to call up menus from any part of the screen, ala old TWM or XFCE now. I also like being able to have multiple work spaces.

a helper application would be nice. Something that I could type in "Write a letter" and have it open up a word processor (Libre Office right now). or "Browse Slashdot" and have it start up a web browser with Slashdot opened.

Please be careful to keep things usable. The fewer mouse clicks needed the better. Graphical is not always better.

Don't fall for the 'everything must look like a smartphone' fad. It's not really that good.

Do what you do well. Even if I don't want to use the full Gnome suite, I would like to be able to use parts of it, in whatever environment I end up setting up. Even a partial victory is a victory. Remember that.

So, don't make everything depend on every other part. Modular is the way forward.

3834: Go back to the style of Gnome 2. Gnome 3 isn't logical.

3835: Amount of dependencies
Useful compositing as part of DE (no more Compiz)
Don't shoehorn tablet/touch features onto mouse-driven computers

3836: Clean API's

Perform real user testing, please.

3837: 1. The philosophy of giving users the 5% of controls that 95% of what users use is bullshit and needs changing. No one knows what controls a user needs and a user should have the ability to easily set their application up to reflect themselves. KDE does this right---even Windows does it better than GNOME.
2. An environment 'simple enough for everyone' is convenient for no one. Worse, it offers no room for growth for a user as they become more skilled and their needs/wants from the desktop increase.
3. Less glitz, more innovation. It's all well and good to make things pretty, but the core functionality of a desktop environment is to get things done. Again, KDE has the right idea here with their implementation of Activities and being able to fully fall-back to a functional non-accelerated desktop, a feat the latest Gnome has a lot of trouble doing.

The whole reason this poll is happening now is because the GNOME team seems to have forgotten to listen to their userbase and is instead aping whatever is shiny and new. GNOME 3 is clearly inspired by touchscreens on smartphones---when's the last time you saw a serious desktop with a touchscreen? Mono is another example of this; Microsoft made .Net and immediately much of the GNOME team fell over themselves to ape it. This aping has been a major problem with GNOME for a while now.

Users want a functional, competitive, usable desktop. The GNOME team instead has delivered a slow, inflexible, nonfunctional desktop that blindly follows the latest trend. This isn't how any healthy project should work.

3838: Nicer icons and desktop look. That's the main bit.

3839: Get the GNOME 3.x developers to listen to the community

3840: Make applications the default menu? I shouldn't have to do that out of the box.

Minimize, maximize and other window controls didn't need to be removed, I find them very useful.

For some reason when I get back from hibernation, gnome doesn't reconnect my wifi? I know DE's are usually responsible, but it started doing it when I switched... so that's where I'm placing blame

I have been using gnome happily in the 2.x's and it was a beautiful thing. Very customizable through config files as well as just using the context menu. Removing that makes no sense.

A computer is a tool and its interface is something magical that gives the user some control on how it conforms to them. Removing options and ways we interact with our computers is a gimped system.

Gnome make ubuntu easy to understand when starting out, now I feel like I have to learn how GNOME wants me to work not the other way around.

3841: 1. How they manage applications (lack of dock/menu)

3842: Make sabayon Profile Editor better - I use this to manage many desktops at work and it's very buggy.
More customization options in gnome 3
Make "Gnome Classic" just as good as gnome 2

I really love gnome, it's still the best desktop environment out there. I gave only moderate ratings because of Gnome 3. If people want to use Gnome Shell that's fine, but don't forget the many people who prefer the classic interface.

3843: 1. Easy and more options for personalization.
2. GUI tools for deeper settings.
3. More polishing.

3844: You know how in cisco IOS you can hit tab to auto fill? Or use a partial word for a command? That.

Thats about it.

Why do people hate gnome 3 so much?

3845: back to 2.x
easier config, more options

no more corner mouse actions ever.

3846: bring back the ability to use something that looks like gnome 2

gnome 2 was not bad.

3847: 1.Bring back a little sanity from the 2.x while still improving stuff.

2.Integrate Compiz.

3.Fluxbox-like menus and keys.

Computers are not smart-phones...

3848: * More applets/indicators
* Improved workspace management; it takes too much mouse interaction to move windows to an alternate workspace, and I miss the tiled (i.e. horizontal + vertical grid) workspace layout. I used to keep my current work application (e.g. an IDE) on the central workspace, and could quickly switch up/left/right/down to access auxiliary apps (web browser, email, office apps, etc.

3849: Better documentation for power users. We need to know exactly what each process does, what it depennds on, and how to fully configure it to meet our needs. Document everything fully, without exception!

Simultaneous logins to the same account. I'm not sure if this has changed recently, but trying to run Gnome on your local X server and also via some remote method (VNC, NX) causes all kinds of grief.

I like Nautilus, but file management needs to be more powerful. Please add Miller Columns for fast directory tree navigation! And, find/search capabilities suck compared to the commandline, eg. you can use GNU "find" to quickly show what a tree looks like. Even Windows Explorer has this feature, eg. when you search for "*" and sort by pathname.

Thank you for your contributions to FOSS over the years, Gnome is my overall favourite desktop environment.

3850: Base your design decisions on real needs of real users and test your ideas before making them default.

Make the default view an improved GNOME 2 for PCs with keyboard and mouse (not a lessened fallback).

Don't make the shell default until it offers a real improvement over Gnome 2 in terms of "getting the work done" for your main user group, either because the shell is better than the old style when you use a regular PC, or because the majority is already using touchscreens.

A desktop is not a tablet, your main user base uses PCs with keyboard and mouse.

3851: 1) some applications depend on games, WTF ?
2) I dont have need for included battery's because I can install my own webbrowser and so on.
3) less bloat, more eyecandy. Example: default GNOME icons are grey = ugly (I prefer GNOME-wise).

I hear many people dont like GNOME 3. I hear GNOME 3

3852: Stop treating users like morons. Offer advanced options.

Stop treating users like morons. Offer advanced options.

3853: Better interface for controlling the environment.

Better notification area.

Less memory usage.

Keep it simple.

3854: Scroll wheel on desktop to switch workspaces, configurable window manager behavior, system tray icons that don't move away from your mouse or allow you to click on the text as well.

Add more configurability! KDE's system settings and context menus (built in .desktop editor!) put yours to shame. I don't like having to search out third party utilities or dig through dconf/gconf if I want to change anything significant about my desktop environment. Gnome tweak tool does offer a significant improvement in this area, however.

3855: Plz Im not a retard, give my power to customize things back !

3856: 1. *Much* more configuration options (themes, behaviour, basically a lot of stuff available for configuration via GUI interface in 2.x). Doesn't need to be in your face all the time, but you shouldn't need to hack around with the configuration to change basic things that were easily changed in 2.x. Less is not more.

That's actually it really.

Gnome 2.32 was great. To be fair, a lot of improvements added in 3.x are also good. The *biggest* problem with 3.x is lack of configuration. Linux is about choice. Gnome 3.x is not. There are a lot of things I've love to be able to tweak in Gnome 3.x that I could easily do via GUI in 2.x. It doesn't make any logical sense to have removed as much configuration GUI as was done in 3.x.

3857: Nothing, really. I like it as is.

3858: add more timezone clocks to calender
turn off computer would be accessible in a more logical way
in the activities screen scrolling would move to next/previous desktop

3859: 1º- redesign the UI for desktop users (3.2 is not for desktop but for touchscreens).
2º- Let the user customize the UI and arrange things as they want.
3º- I really see no advantage using gnome 3.2 in any way (i'm a desktop user) and it feels bloated and full of stupid animations extra big giant icons and transparency effects, etc..

forget gnome 3.4, start making gnome 4 NOW!

3860: Keep the Gnome classic desktop, at least as an option.

Keep the Gnome classic desktop.

3861: 1. make gnome 3 usable by developers, not just users who want an iphone interface
2. put applets back into gnome 3. my favorite thing about gnome is the applets that can be added to the panel. For gnome 3, they are gone. So I no longer use gnome
3. make the interface not "incredibly difficult" to use. Press Alt in order to shut down? Really? Did you ever consider how anyone would figure that out? Do you realize that if someone has to use google to figure out your product then it is probably a bad idea?

gnome 3 sucks. It is designed for phones. Make it useful for desktops. Make it useful for developers. Put back all of the great features that you got rid of. I hate to be so negative; it was a great product. I just do not understand why you went so wrong.

3862: Make it easier to set the mouse cursor style.
Keyboard shortcuts for jumping between workspaces.
More smooth/consistent integration of the file browser and mounted media -- eg, shortcuts in nautilus and the "Places" menu.

3863: 1) Make opening a new instance of an application easier (without having to right-click for context menu)
2) Change the default icon set (it's ugly and I think it gives a bad first impression). Faenza as default would be great.
3) More GNOME Shell extensions and a more stable GNOME Shell (I feel like it's a 50/50 that when I restart the shell it will crash)

Simple is good, but please start providing more advanced tweaking settings for users that want/need to customize.

3864: Remove unity.
Make buttons to be back on right.

Stop trying to reinvent the desktop.

3865: Get rid of the cancerous idea that user choice can be bad. I will not be using GNOME 3, simply because you can not configure what happens when you close the laptops lid. That single lack of a future is a deal breaker, and if it wasn't that I'm sure there is more I would find intolerable.

You guys have done such a great job developing GNOME in the past, just don't forget your core fans (the power users), when developing the Desktop environment of the future.

3866: File selection dialog - the GNOME one stinks!

Get out of the ivory tower and listen to the people who want to use GNOME. GNOME is no longer your little play toy.

3867: Aesthetics! Clean precise lines, clean luminous colors. Enough with the "we've all got fat fingers" school of design.

Have different layers of user interface: simple, medium, complex. Nobody needs to fight with more complexity than they want. Nobody needs to be hamstrung by a dumbed-down locked-down system. Do not try to shoehorn everyone into a bad-imitation-Mac-UI. That is dumb.

Hugely dislike Gnome3. (The only thing worse is Unity.) The reduction in customizability is a showstopper. I've started the process of drifting to kde.

3868: 1) some applications depend on games, WTF ?
2) I dont have need for included battery's because I can install my own webbrowser and so on.
3) less bloat, more eyecandy. Example: default GNOME icons are grey = ugly (I prefer GNOME-wise).

I hear many people dont like GNOME 3. I hear GNOME 3 is a desktop environment for both pc and tablet. I think you better make separate versions for pc and tablet.

Ps GNOME 3 looks really good but ... so does my XFCE with GNOME-wise and a litle bit of compiz XD.

Pps I didnt fill in most of your questions because it is such a long long time ago that I was using GNOME. (I switched to XFCE because it needs less CPU and memory)

3869: An option to emulate Gnome 2.0 (especially including themes) would be fantastic.

3870: 1. globalmenu
2. web integration
3. nothing else :)

3871: 1. I miss my taskbar. I'm new to GNOME 3 so I may adjust, but I haven't quite yet.

2. Add a shutdown option to the menu. I like shutting down my computers.

3. The extension ecosystem for GNOME 3 has not yet replaced the applets for GNOME 2. Particularly, a persistent CPU/memory monitor would be nice.

See previous answer.

3872: Improved dual monitor support such as window swapping and extending the panels.

3873: - More customization in Gnome 3
- Better on-screen keyboard for tablet interfaces (Swype comes to mind)
- Better use of desktop space in Gnome 3

You're on the right track with Gnome 3 -- it's perfect for a tablet interface and is great for productivity under the average user. Imperfections keep it from it's full potential.

The notifications system with Empathy -- brilliant!!!

3874: Some issues with 3d.. not too sure if thats gnomes fault though..

Please make Gnome 3 more usable.. simple things like displaying the seconds in the time field at the top seem to be hard to set.

3875: silly dock

super key

3876: remove evolution, shrink memory usage, and get gnome shell out of my face. You dont need to take over the entire screen with big icons every time I want to run an app. You forced me to switch to XFCE until you clean up this up. Also I dont want this pig called MONO on my system.

Gnome is getting too heavy, trim it down. It needs to be slim, fast and smaller footprint. And stop thinking everyone wants their desktop to look like a touch pad. We dont, we have work to do.

3877: Provide an easy way to disable gnome-shell in GNOME 3.x
Screensaver settings.
More advanced preferences.

Please provide a way to disable GNOME-shell. It's extreamly annoying to use.

3878: Documentation
Gnome Shell Speed
Gnome Shell Configuration

3879: 1. Make 3.x easily themable again.
2. Make more addons for the tray bar(s)
3. Improve memory usage or performance

3880: I would make settings easier to find- in particular I searched through the System Settings menus trying to find Startup Applications with no luck, until I accidentally found it in the dash.

I would allow users to customize the top panel more easily- I'm sure this is possible, but I don't know how to add applets to it yet.

3881: Stop messing with the desktop, at least leave me a way to get the improvements while not changing everything visually and work-flow wise. XFCE does this well.

Thanks for the hard work.

3882: 1: minimum requirements. I shouldn't need the latest graphics hardware to run a few xterms and a web browser.

2: bloat. Have you seen how much space GNOME takes up? On the latest debian, it was somewhere close to 2gigs. I know that storage is cheap these days, but come on...

3: Turn off all of the shiny things. Compiz etc... Just give me a plain old desktop. There is far too much screen real-estate being taken up by widgets and useless menubars. Maybe a dialog that walks a user through what they want in a desktop.

Keep it simple. Make it smaller. It doesn't have to be so similar to windows, I think people open minded enough to try something different should get something DIFFERENT. If it takes the latest and greatest video card to run it efficiently then there is a problem.

3883: Tiling windows/better fullscreen capability
More customization ability
More stable

Please stop taking away customization from GDM/Gnome. That it is less customizable than it was 3 years ago is not a good thing. Features are a good thing and should not be torched arbitrarily, and as I don't have time to maintain these things, "fork it yourself" is not really an option.

Stability is a large issue--I have to bounce GDM multiple times a week because it crashes or behaves unexpectedly. This becomes more pronounced in larger setups (I have far less problems on my own machines than on networked setups I have access to).

Also, I am not sure if Gnome or the team that this is going to maintains Gnome Terminal as well, but I may as well mention: for some reason it has weird rendering issues. On my pretty standard Ubuntu setup, I can't use alsamixer in a Gnome Terminal--it won't render, and I have to restart the terminal because rendering starts acting up for anything else at the same time.

I am probably going to switch to a different Linux distribution and desktop manager soon, because I am finding my current Ubuntu/GNOME setup is not meeting my productivity needs.

3884: I would continue support for the GNOME 2.x series. I love the 2.x desktop, which I use every day, and would rather use it than many other desktop environments.

Also, documentation could definitely be improved. The steps taken with Project Mallard have been great, but I think there needs to be more effort at expanding Mallard docs to more applications. The Docbook docs look very empty and not helpful, while the Mallard docs are simple and pleasant to use, in my experience (disclaimer: I helped write Mallard docs for gedit).

If possible, please continue to support the 2.x series of releases, or make GNOME 3.x configurable to behave similarly to the 2.x series.

3885: Less animations, more responsive. More scripting / configuration.

Love that plugins are written in JavaScript / CSS, this needs to be leveraged more. Good Job, just keep refining the UX.

3886: the roadmap
the dumbing down
the removal of useful features

Delete the gnome 3 tree and go back to working on 2
I am seriously trying out LXDE and XFCE because you have taken away everything sensible from Gnome.

3887: Make stuff more configurable.

Thanks for the good work! It is being appreciated.

3888: Add a control panel that makes sense for window management settings. (button placements.... etc.)

Was KDE 1.x, KDE 2.x, KDE 3.x, encountered KDE 4.x, switch to Gnome version 2.x.
Tried "Unity", switched back to Gnome 2.x
Tried "LXDE", not quite right, switched back to Gnome 2.x
Tried "Xfce", not quite right, switched back to Gnome 2.x
Prefer lower memory type WM/Desktop combos that don't crash and can handle drag/drop well from app to app including auto-download of web links dragged from browser.... etc.

3889: Continuing Gnome 2.x
Better network/wireless configuration options

3890: Faster and easier access to hard core pornography.

3891: 1. Give users the option to switch to a Gnome 'classic' - a desktop environment that emulates Gnome 2.x.

2. Make it possible to edit all configurations / settings without having to hack and poke around gconf.

3. Up to date Documentation!!!!!! Specifically documentation on accessing/editing all configurations and themes.

Stop assuming that I am an idiot. If I was an idiot, I would using Windows or OSX as my desktop of choice.

Desktop environments are supposed to make it easy to get things done. Not hide options and settings. Not demand that I cut into my productivity time just to hack my way into fixing a configuration you did not make available in the first place.

But I guess it's a tall order for a desktop environment that was built with the focus on being 'mac-esque' before being efficient, stable and providing quickly navigated paths to getting things done.

I hear Apple has an recently vacated opening for an interface design guru, get out of Gnome project and go work for somebody who's agenda fits your ideas.

3892: I would make it as customisable as KDE 3 was.
I would either make more detail generally available by default (eg File open/save dialogues, etc), or make it easily configurable to enable it. (Basically, power user options and controls.)

3893: easier panel config
easier menu config
connection management interface

let us have config options! Make the default simple, but don't make changing it impossible!

3894: 1. Gnome Shell is horrible, give users the option to go back to "classic mode".
2. Evolution is terrible, unstable and not usable for daily use. This needs to be fixed.
3. Not sure, its pretty good otherwise

Good work on Gnome 2.x, just a little disappointed with Gnome 3.

3895: Not force reinvent the wheel.

3896: Add Minimize and Maximize buttons back to windows in gnome 3 shell and make the adwaita theme more slim, the title bar and other areas are far too thick. Make the gnome-tweak-tool ship in Gnome 3 by default.

Make QT applications appear to look fully native on gnome 3 (like KDE does with GTK2 apps on KDE 4.6 and higher).

Make the dock on the right of the Activites menu always appear whether you have the Activites menu open or not (have an option to autohide or intellihide). Similar to other docks.

The three things above I would have changed is pretty much it.

3897: Easier configuration

3898: Keyboard accessibility à la StumpWM.

I miss choosing my own window manager. Ideally, I would want Gnome to work in full screen and with total keyboard accessibility as is done in StumpWM or RatPoison.

3899: In GNOME 3.x there should be an option to allow the windows to be minimized without actually getting lost; It takes too many clicks to find the previously opened window whereas in GNOME 2.x they were readily available in the task bar.

Thank you for making such a nice desktop environment. Would be nice if instead of features, development could concentrate in optimization like better use of system resources (less memory, less CPU) so that GNOME can be considered more efficient than other desktop alternatives. LXDE and XFCE are good but they lack the list of utilities that I have come to expect in GNOME.

3900: Gnome 2: combine the two default panels. Better graphics for the items in the taskbar. Always found it hard to find all the settings - some of them are grouped well, and some are not.

Couldn't test Gnome3 since I can't get back to the old one easily, but gnome2 is great. It's so customizable you can do anything with it. Please add some of this to gnome3.

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