Initial Benchmarks Of The Intel Downfall Mitigation Performance Impact

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 9 August 2023 at 04:00 PM EDT. Page 4 of 5. 46 Comments.
Cascade Lake Impact

I also ran some benchmarks on an Intel Xeon Gold 6226R Cascade Lake Refresh server and confirmed the same workloads being negatively impacted there...

Embree benchmark with settings of Binary: Pathtracer ISPC, Model: Crown. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OpenVKL benchmark with settings of Benchmark: vklBenchmark ISPC. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay benchmark with settings of Benchmark: particle_volume/ao/real_time. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay benchmark with settings of Benchmark: particle_volume/scivis/real_time. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay benchmark with settings of Benchmark: gravity_spheres_volume/dim_512/ao/real_time. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay benchmark with settings of Benchmark: gravity_spheres_volume/dim_512/scivis/real_time. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay Studio benchmark with settings of Camera: 1, Resolution: 4K, Samples Per Pixel: 1, Renderer: Path Tracer. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay Studio benchmark with settings of Camera: 2, Resolution: 4K, Samples Per Pixel: 1, Renderer: Path Tracer. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay Studio benchmark with settings of Camera: 1, Resolution: 4K, Samples Per Pixel: 16, Renderer: Path Tracer. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay Studio benchmark with settings of Camera: 1, Resolution: 4K, Samples Per Pixel: 32, Renderer: Path Tracer. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OSPRay Studio benchmark with settings of Camera: 1, Resolution: 1080p, Samples Per Pixel: 32, Renderer: Path Tracer. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
Neural Magic DeepSparse benchmark with settings of Model: NLP Text Classification, BERT base uncased SST2, Sparse INT8, Scenario: Asynchronous Multi-Stream. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
Neural Magic DeepSparse benchmark with settings of Model: NLP Sentiment Analysis, 80% Pruned Quantized BERT Base Uncased, Scenario: Asynchronous Multi-Stream. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
Neural Magic DeepSparse benchmark with settings of Model: CV Detection, YOLOv5s COCO, Scenario: Asynchronous Multi-Stream. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
Neural Magic DeepSparse benchmark with settings of Model: CV Classification, ResNet-50 ImageNet, Scenario: Asynchronous Multi-Stream. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
Neural Magic DeepSparse benchmark with settings of Model: CV Detection, YOLOv5s COCO, Sparse INT8, Scenario: Asynchronous Multi-Stream. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
Neural Magic DeepSparse benchmark with settings of Model: NLP Text Classification, DistilBERT mnli, Scenario: Asynchronous Multi-Stream. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
Neural Magic DeepSparse benchmark with settings of Model: BERT-Large, NLP Question Answering, Sparse INT8, Scenario: Asynchronous Multi-Stream. 0x5003303 was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Vehicle Detection FP16, Device: CPU. 0x5003303 was the fastest.

The various Intel oneAPI rendering toolkit software packages like OSPRay were showing significant hits to the performance and for the DeepSparse AI inference software was another area to be particularly hit hard by yesterday's microcode mitigations.

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