MeeGo-Harmattan Is Handling X

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 2 January 2011 at 02:22 PM EST. 9 Comments
While Intel is looking to use Wayland on MeeGo Touch for their mobile/embedded purposes, the Nokia side is still focusing upon X for the time being. But rather than using X with KDrive, developing all of their X support out of the mainline trees, or going down any other messy paths, they are working towards using the mainline X.Org Server as found on along with the other X libraries.

For MeeGo-Harmattan on embedded systems they are looking to use this clean X11 solution. As said by Tiago Vignatti on his blog, "At this point, we are very proud of ourselves because 99% of the content on these repositories are based on the ones at X main-stream of development. IWO we are directly fetching the X code-base from More important, we are shaping freedesktop implementation for embedded devices. So at this moment, we are pretty much aligned with X version 1.9.2, plus a few of other commits from master branch; the rest of components, like client side libraries, are mostly what we have on freedesktop master also."

So the Nokia developers have love for upstream development and are pushing their changes back up there to improve the embedded experience for X. "We are quite happy because it follows exactly what we’ve planned some time ago when we strategically decided to contribute to X at freedesktop community, centralizing the development there and not ignoring it. So, no-no for kdrive, no-no for massively code-drop on the top of freedesktop’s, no-no for a proprietary X implementation, no-no for major hacks or anything like that. Aside from the video driver stack, everything was dumped at freedesktop."

MeeGo-Harmattan is the Nokia N9 operating system that succeeds Maemo 5 and was originally dubbed as Maemo 6. MeeGo-Harmattan is MeeGo compatible but uses more of a Maemo foundation than the MeeGo Core.

The X code for MeeGo-Harmattan while working its way to can currently be found on Gitorious.

While Nokia is still working on X, they haven't ignored the Wayland Display Server. You can find Tiago Vignatti and other Nokia developers actively participating on the Wayland mailing list, etc.
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Michael Larabel

Michael Larabel is the principal author of and founded the site in 2004 with a focus on enriching the Linux hardware experience. Michael has written more than 20,000 articles covering the state of Linux hardware support, Linux performance, graphics drivers, and other topics. Michael is also the lead developer of the Phoronix Test Suite, Phoromatic, and automated benchmarking software. He can be followed via Twitter, LinkedIn, or contacted via

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