Wine 3.10 vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Desktop Performance

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 22 June 2018 at 08:18 AM EDT. Page 2 of 4. 57 Comments.
Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

First up was the multi-platform Crafty chess engine. With this chess benchmark that is entirely CPU bound, the Wine 3.10 performance was effectively on-par with Windows 10 Pro while the native Linux performance was a tiny bit faster on Ubuntu itself.

Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

While testing x264 video encoding performance in the three environments, WineHQ was noticeably slower than the native Linux and Windows performance. The Linux performance was about 13% faster than the Windows x264 build under Wine and then the native Windows performance of x264 for H.264 video encoding was about 9% faster than Linux.

Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

While in the case of OpenSSL that is pretty much well-tuned on all platforms, the performance was the same.

Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

In the case of the AOBench ambient occlusion renderer, Windows 10 Pro was much slower than Ubuntu 18.04 and that of Wine.

Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

In the case of 7-Zip compression, Windows 10 again was the slowest while the Windows version on Wine under Ubuntu 18.04 was a little bit faster and then the native Linux performance was running the best.

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