RADV vs. AMDGPU-PRO vs. AMDVLK Vulkan Linux Driver Performance

Written by Michael Larabel in Display Drivers on 8 May 2018 at 10:00 AM EDT. Page 3 of 9. 21 Comments.
Vulkan AMD Linux Driver Tests
Vulkan AMD Linux Driver Tests
Vulkan AMD Linux Driver Tests

AMDVLK Git was recently fixed for Rise of the Tomb Raider, the latest major Linux game port. The PRO Vulkan driver also ended up working with Radeon Software 18.10 on its proprietary compiler. The PRO driver was noticeably faster than the two open-source Vulkan driver options.

Vulkan AMD Linux Driver Tests
Vulkan AMD Linux Driver Tests
Vulkan AMD Linux Driver Tests

Tomb Raider with very high visual settings also was running much faster on the PRO Vulkan driver with its closed-source compiler.

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