Windows 10 vs. Ubuntu Radeon Gaming Performance With Linux 4.13 + Mesa 17.2

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 2 August 2017 at 05:56 PM EDT. Page 4 of 6. 51 Comments.

After testing those popular Linux game ports, I then ran some cross-platform OpenGL games/benchmarks to see how the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.7.2 OpenGL driver compares to the RadeonSI OpenGL driver stack backed by the AMDGPU kernel driver for the RX 580 and R9 Fury.

Windows 10 Radeon 17.7.2 vs. Ubuntu And Linux 4.13 Mesa 17.3-dev
Windows 10 Radeon 17.7.2 vs. Ubuntu And Linux 4.13 Mesa 17.3-dev

Similar to what we've shown with our most recent AMDGPU-PRO (with its OpenGL proprietary driver shared with the Windows code-base) vs. RadeonSI, this latest open-source code can outperform!

Windows 10 Radeon 17.7.2 vs. Ubuntu And Linux 4.13 Mesa 17.3-dev

Most surprising to me now is the margin by which Linux 4.13 paired with Mesa Git is able to outperform the Windows 10 configuration with both operating systems using OpenGL.

Windows 10 Radeon 17.7.2 vs. Ubuntu And Linux 4.13 Mesa 17.3-dev

Many of you probably never thought it was possible for the open-source Radeon Linux graphics driver stack to outperform Windows' proprietary driver with OpenGL, given the number of Catalyst / Radeon Software developers over the years, etc.

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