What Linux Users Are Saying About GNOME In 2012

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 18 December 2012 at 07:00 PM EST. Page 4 of 10. 6 Comments.

1301: listen to the user

1302: I would like it to be faster, smaller, require only essential parts to be installed

1303: - make GNOME default apps more reliable such as File-Roller, Anjuta, GNOME Image Viewer; which both have reliability issues
* File-Roller fails in creating archives (version file-roller-3.6.3-1.fc18)
* Anjuta crashs every few minutes when working on GTK Python projects (anjuta-3.6.2-1.fc18)
* Image Viewer: when one image is already opened, the Image Viewer will not come to the top when opening another image.

- remove the Pulseaudio dependency

Thank you for making GNOME better.

1304: Ditch shell for unity
Make internet account plugable and add accounts for evolution and astuff
Dont slauter nautilus
Improve SSh Mount intehration

1305: Please guys have the balls to admit gnome-shell is targeted to tablet users!
Unity is way more useful either in a desktop and i don't have the need to be installing a ton of "extensions" to bring back stuff gnome2 had.

1306: keep up the awesome work.

1307: Please return to the GNOME2 and improve it! ;-)

1308: Don't take away features. Relying on a previous version of Nautilus isn't fun. Having to install replacement apps is even less fun.

1309: Make GNOME 3.X faster, don't cut out more advanced options (like "create new file") :). Find a way for design and usefulness to coexist.

1310: Keep up the good work, the gnome-shell is an improvement in a conservative market. In a few years people everybody will understand. I'm looking forward to the improved search features of 3.8.

1311: Open windows list is definitely the future that is missing in current Gnome. As a developer switching windows with ALT+TAB or by Activities future finding very painfull. Currently I use TaskBar extension which adds active windows icons to top panel.

1312: by forcing development of gnome to be more 'tablet friendly' like, you basically destroyed overall productivity of desktop environment on computer/laptop. computer/laptop is not a tablet and working principals are to different.

most of actions takes more time, more clicks, more frustration when comparing gnome2 to gnome3. where is improvement in that?

gnome3 just looks better, more futuristic and nicer, thats all.

1313: it would be nice to add support for showing desktop icons on desktop view. i dont know how, maybe under window thubnails you should show some panel with them...

1314: Current version of workspaces in Gnome sucks! In XFCE I have 8 workspaces, with defined keyboard shortcuts to navigate between them and move window to concrete workspace. For me, it's one of most important features in desktop environment. I have diffrent type of applications running on every workspace and usally i do not close them. Their just running in the 'background'. Workspaces in Gnome 2 was cool but in third version, it's unusable. That was the main reason why I switched to XFCE. Cheers.

1315: Like said before - system tray area in GNOME 3.6 works too slow. Everything is fine with GNOME 3.4.

1316: GNOME 3 should be lighter and faster.

1317: With the movement and probably dead of our normal platforms, I'm eager to see where the project is heading... I think all the basis are in Gnome Shell already, so keep up the good work!

1318: Make default integration with firefox/iceweasel and thunderbird/icedove. In particular addressbook and calendar with carddav and caldav. Integration with owncloud.

1319: Improve performance and responsiveness, improve startuptime of gdm and gnome shell
Improve performance of evolution
Bring back compact contact list of empathy, or improve Pidgin integration
The delay in showing the new status area makes integrated chat windows hard to use
Allow to link people in contacts by hand

1320: I still experience inconsistency with GNOME 3. Still lots of crashes in shell!

1321: Have a GNOME UI mode ( also GL accelerated ) that resamble classical UI interactions

1322: Taking away options and features (example: Nautilus) does not lead to a better user experience.
And increasing the level of indirection (like hiding menu bars beyond a context menu like happening with 3.6+) does not increase the usability, especially for screen sizes above 5" ... hell, what should a user in front of a 24" or 27" screen think if you trade 20px against longer mouse movements and more clicks? (Simple solution: A configuration option to toggle between "crippled" mode and "normal" mode)
Oh, and stop ignoring the DPI value reported by the display/xserver and detach the font scaling from the screens DPI. (-> users can choose the font scaling they like without breaking the rendering/page scaling of evince or Libre/OpenOffice)

1323: Focus much more on the desktop environment. More configuration options. E.g. how to set/import system-wide fonts in a GUI on Gnome 3?? The Cinnamon fork offers some suggestions for the way forward of Gnome Shell.

1324: If GNOME 3 is meant to be used in any capacity on the desktop, you must be delusional. It might work on a tablet, but what tablet runs GNOME? Who will create the tablet and when will said tablet come out? Until then, stick with what works: GNOME 2. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

1325: Listen to your user input

1326: tweak tool options need to be integrated into System Settings.

Hiding the accessibility icon from the top bar should be a basic system settings configuration item and not require installing an extension.

The new, huge notification bar at the bottom is terrible, and activation/focus never seems to work quite the way I want.

1327: I really like the idea of gnome 3. But mutter is very slow (dragging windows around etc.) on my laptop. I tried a lot drivers (fglrx, radeon, xorg-edgers) to fix that but it just doesn't work well.

Another thing that I don't like is the design concept. I don't need and I don't want font size 12. I'm using always font size 8. I know that I can change the font size with gnome-tweak but after that it just does not look nice. Everything is just so big. Have ever tried gnome 3 on a netbook?

So the reason why I'm not using gnome 3 is the bad graphic card driver situation because it does not run smooth. KDE with kwin works a lot better for me. The compiz performance is even better, but I don't like Unity!

So, don't get me wrong. I like Gnome, but it does not run on my hardware and everything is just too big! You could improve the situation by adding the option to change between the font sizes: small, medium, big.

Thanks for reading this :)

1328: I don't hate Gnome shell, by any means. I think its a good start, kind of. Just make it easier to quick glance at all open apps. Like OSX mission control, only good. More keyboard config easily accessible would go along way. Many people are ticked about gnome 2 not being there, I never really liked that interface. Gnome shell seems better to me, but I'm having trouble training myself to work with it. Maybe I'll give it another go soon.

1329: The gutting of functionality and features in gnome 3 has been the most troubling thing in my opinion. Nautilus in particular has become nearly unusable as a file manager. It would be nice if the developers actually considered user opinions/needs before they decided to make major changes to the DE.

1330: My biggest two issues are intertwined.

With either the binary ati driver or the open source driver, I cannot get gnome-shell to not give me corrupted visuals when I run multi-monitor. This is using a Firepro V3750 (Ubuntu 12.10, with ricotz ppa, gnome3 ppa, and ubuntu-x-swat ppa).

Works great on my intel graphics laptop...

1331: Seriously tired of all the BS surrounding Gnome 3.
The reliance on extensions to configure and customize Gnome 3 is horrid, as these break often and add cruft. Themeing is awful, and I've heard testimony from many theme makers that Gnome developers are shutting them out and breaking themeing wantonly from version to version. Usability of the new interface is slowly improving, but the core idea is still a desktop based upon a touchscreen-feeling interface, which I still feel makes things less intuitive, less efficient, and less usable.
Desktop needs and wants change from user to user. Themes and customizations are not some blight (as Gnome developers have indicated the Gnome project feels)- they enable more users to enjoy an environment and make it fit them instead of forcing a user to fit their environment. Linux is all about empowering the user- Gnome 3 seems to take the power of customization and control away from the user and gives it to the developers of Gnome, and that's just wrong in my book.
I've given Gnome 3 a fair run (heck, several fair runs), but it's become not worth the effort or the hassle, and it's about time that I stop playing around on my systems and get to work. I'm very sad to be giving up on a project I used to love so much, but I'm switching to Openbox.

1332: default theme and icon needs major work

1333: Agree on a common ground with cinnamon and thus stop this stupid userbase rift. Besides don't try to reinvent the wheel all the time.

1334: The peak for Gnome is definitely 2.3, as used by current Debian. MATE is okay, and I use it on Ubuntu, but I'm switching my computers over to Debian so I can use unaltered Gnome2. Not a fan of Gnome3 at all, it has gotten better but I can't see any advantages.

1335: For me the biggest problem is with the dynamic desktops and the application launcher. Especially on a two monitor system. And I do not like the direction of a top menu bar (like the Mac), as this fails horribly on a dual monitor system as it results in way to much mouse movement. Gnome 3 in general requires to much mouse movement.

1336: Find a new hobby.

1337: Make it work better with games !

1338: Work with the KDE camp, please

1339: Move towards Weston and remove the stupid accessebility button.

1340: Listen to users!

1341: Dont't give up fallback mode plzzzzzzzzzzzzz !

1342: Last patches took away empathy small icons and nautilus options
Please stop taking away all configurations and buttons from everything!

1343: With 3.4 the fallback mode no effects works pretty darn well. Hope they don't kill it...

1344: Listen to your users, if the say they love Gnome2 and hate Gnome3....do something about it.

1345: Linus Torvald's famous quote about GNOME 3 pretty much says it all. It's really hard for an average non-nerd user to figure out how to use the default GNOME Shell desktop.

Getting rid of fallback mode is definitely a bad decision. Same goes for recent changes in Nautilus 3.6 - some of them are really great while others pretty much killed it for some users. File manager's main window design is now way better: back/forward button placement, breadcrumbs navigation buttons, etc. Other changes like trashing the Computer icon from desktop or "Change desktop background" under right-click.

GNOME Shell also needs some simple task switching option and an application menu that does not interrupt your current work, i.e. something that does not take all of your windows away from you only to find and click your calculator/word processor/GIMP icon - vide XFCE, KDE or Unity, which is a prime example of a desktop done right. It gives you lots of desktop space yet does not take the most important stuff - window buttons, application icons, system tray (by the way, why has it travelled all the way from the top panel to some hidden and completely non-obvious bottom one?) away from you.

One more thing regarding fallback mode - if you want to get rid of it from future GNOME releases at least give users an option to make GNOME Shell look and feel like its classic counterpart.

Ok, now a bit about improvements over GNOME 2.x: System settings is a prime example of how to design GUI properly: simple, clean and intuitive. Mutter fells really snappy and responsive, it's good that you finally took adavantage of GPU power. GDM's design, especially its GNOME Shell based version is also nice and functional.

I hope that at least some of my suggestions will be of use. Thanks and good luck :)

1346: Bring back GNOME2 !!
Or make a choice to choose gnome2 or 3!

1347: Merge your efforts with those of the the Cinnamon team and/or Unity. I don't see any future for Gnome after the disaster of 3.0 and the subsequent fragmentation, a very predictable result of ignoring the user base, ignoring pundits and even ignoring developers. There is no upside to the desktop fragmentation caused by the ongoing Gnome 3.x debacle. You went from being the default desktop of choice to being a constant source of bad publicity for the Linux community. And the mistakes just keep on coming....you'd didn't manage to break Nautilus until the latest, decontented edition. Brilliant. Now we have a fork of Nautilus called Nemo. More fragmentation.

1348: please don't remove fallback from gnome 3. if there will be no fallback, i will switch to xfce.

1349: Keep up the good work :)

1350: Make GNOME much more configurable and make it easier to configure. The massive amount of configuration available in GNOME 2 is my most missed feature, along with how easy it was to do so. If GNOME 3 still had this available, I would cry tears of joy.

1351: Please make more active corners, http://suhy17.deviantart.com/art/Gnome-shell-Aplication-Menu-idea-HUD-319801917, and more animations!

1352: Linux community is the driving force. Gnome developers have forgotten.
Great Compiz was "betrayed" by the Gnome. Could further embellish gnome.

1353: I'm running Arch and so stay up to date and find that things break often. Gnome 3 has a good (though not perfect) feature set. A focus on polish, bug fixes, and regression testing is what it really needs in my opinion.

1354: Regards Gnome team. I appreciate your work.

1355: Qt applications need to look better.
Stop making new standard libs and start using the ones thats already available .

1356: At first sorry for my english:
I think that three changes can make Gnome 3 best and most popular desktop environment:
1) KDE, Unity and Gnome Shell are totally different but if you allow to add custom panels (like in this extension https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/105/panel-docklet/ ) everybody will be able to change behaviour in simple way to something similar to KDE, Unity if they don't lika default configuration.
2) Back to tray from 3.4 (it was awesome, tray in 3.6 is disaster in my opinion)
3) Support for Unity badges and progress bars.

1357: don't follow the latest hype. don't copy unity because unity sucks.

1358: -Would love to see GNOME 3 using even less resources.

-Would love to see something similar to Kwin, that full screen programs suspend all ongoing effects to maximize fps or performance, specially in gaming.

-Would love to see that icons in the application section reduce their size depending on screen size because seriously they look too big for a laptop or desktop by defualt, or at-least give a choice of reducing them based on choices like for example. Desktop/Laptop/Netbook/Tablet and reducing or maximizing them depending on which device category im using, rather than manually reducing them and creating a mess.

-Would love to see a shortcut to my /home/user folders in the top bar preferably beside the activities button like gnome2.

-Increase speed in both DE startup and shutdown.

-Another annoying thing is that Gnome 3 needs to polish some areas like the rounded buttons of shutdown/restart when pressing poweroff.

-Would love to see the whole DE blending with how the theme of the login screen looks in 3.6

I love how clean and organized Gnome 3 is and appreciate the devs work (specially the lockscreen and log in looks fantastic in 3.6), in giving us the true multi purpose OS for example it can be used on a desktop and on a tablet both comfortably, unlike the mess Windows 8.

1359: I have the impression that Gnome is largerly inspired by systems for tablets - I am not sure if it is good for people using standard PC or laptops.

1360: -Would love to see GNOME 3 using even less resources.

-Would love to see something similar to Kwin, that full screen programs suspend all ongoing effects to maximize fps or performance, specially in gaming.

-Would love to see that icons in the application section reduce their size depending on screen size because seriously they look too big for a laptop or desktop by defualt, or at-least give a choice of reducing them based on choices like for example. Desktop/Laptop/Netbook/Tablet and reducing or maximizing them depending on which device category im using, rather than manually reducing them and creating a mess.

-This is really important, i would really love to see Gnome default icons more polished and presentable/or change completely, i always change them to Feanza thats how much i cant stand them.

-Would love to see a shortcut to my /home/user folders in the top bar preferably beside the activities button like gnome2.

-Increase speed in both DE startup and shutdown.

-Another annoying thing is that Gnome 3 needs to polish some areas like the rounded buttons of shutdown/restart when pressing poweroff.

-Would love to see the whole DE blending with how the theme of the login screen looks in 3.6

I love how clean and organized Gnome 3 is and appreciate the devs work (specially the lockscreen and log in looks fantastic in 3.6), in giving us the true multi purpose OS for example it can be used on a desktop and on a tablet both comfortably, unlike the mess Windows 8.

1361: First, sorry for my English.
Mostly will be nice to see a bigger keyboard layout for tablets or smartphones. Now we have pretty keyboard but only in the center of screen(I'm using HD2 and it's so small layout for it)What about the empty space on the sides?

1362: If you want to stay popular and NOT lose users, listen to them, and don't remove the awesome 2D interface (v. 2x) with that massive workflow. I know Windows is doing that tablet thing with windows 8, but you shouldn't follow them, since tablets are used different from PC's or Laptop's. I'm neither a fan of unity, nor am I a fan of Windows 8 interface and Gnome v.3.

1363: Gnome 3 is really simple and fast but need more configuration options like changing position of the panel, show or show not running apps on the panel or where to show notifications (panel,messaging tray or pop-up window)

1364: just give back gnome 2.3

1365: Firstly, you are the best!
Before gnome shell I haven't thought that diversity in linux desktop environments is reasonable. Now I am very happy that there are really strong and clear alternatives which expand experiences and create new space for users rather that just fight to each others and share same part of cake with similar goals giving users fake choices. I like the ideas of simplicity, wiping rarely used functionalities, removing redundancies which didn't help but only made confusion and tension even to powerful users. It's also great that gnome enable handy welcome even for low tech newcomers. Now I must confess I don't use gnome full time, because of some issues like memory leaking, java font rendering and some gnome rendering regressions which could be fixed. My only concern is that gnome may leave desktop market someday.

1366: Gnome shell does not work with programs opening the wine emulator. You can not activate the program with the "notification area".
Emulated program can be activated in the notifications area kde xfce unity, but not in gnome shell. Most look like the gnome shell. But I can not run programs from the windows and I had to give up the use of them on a daily basis. Such problems Napiprojekt example from the program, the Polish program.

1367: Make the interface customizable to hide all panels, launchers etc. I like a desktop with one icon to launch a terminal, that's all.

1368: 1. Speedup all JS scrips, clarify API
2. Integrate with wayland
3. Where did u lose apperance seetings ? Thats fucking joke, right ?
4. Stay away of black color, unless you're emo or something. Improve theme. Sharp corners are awesome and environment looks lighter then , bends was coming from stone age.

1369: The main issue of gnome3 (to be exact: gnome-shell) is that gnome-shell uses too much cpu. What is so important to use ~10% of CPU when IDLE?
Also multimonitor support is still not perfect (but there was a nice change in comparison to 3.2 version).
What is more - could you possibly add more configuration options? I know that there are many extensions allowing people to do various things with UI but why cant I have this built in?

1370: Redirect development toward GNOME Fallback Mode + optional Mutter with some Shell features as extensions optionally for those with dedicated 3D video chips.

1371: recreate a convincing gnome2 style interface asap. I have not been able to move from 10.04 LTS

1372: Yes, reduce the overhead! Debian plus gnome 2 ate 250mbs, now with gnome 3 400mbs?? I disabed a bunch of services but could only get it down to 350. This basiclly forced me to decide between 64bit or gnome on my netbook, I choose 64bit and I find openbox quite nice. Still using gnome on my desktop.

1373: Many people want to use Alt+Shift/Ctrl+Shift to switch keyboard layouts, to have less resource-hungry UI, more reliable file search

1374: kwin, even with compositing, handles both fullscreen and windowed games much better than mutter. In general window management, translation, and resizing are all significantly faster under kwin. This needs to be improved for me to use Gnome as my primary DE.

1375: Make the gnome-shell not depend on a single window manager. (Or make mutter nearly as configurable as compiz.) Somehow work with the Unity devs so their "let's hide the menubar and expose it through an API" ideas could merge (or at lest be compatible) with gnome's app/window/whatever menu buttons.)

ps. Maybe let me add different window decoration themes on a per app basis. (Like how KWin let's me hide the window titlebar but let's me keep the borders/rounded corners for certain window classes.)

1376: Unfortunately, many of my friends have switched to other desktop environments. Interface in GNOME 3 is very different from the others and its users are very often a little confused. But do not understand me wrong: the desktop looks pretty and it's very modern, but in my opinion it's not directed to the simple users.

1377: Horrible multimonitor support with lackluster keyboard control (worse than on windows 7) is a definite dealbreaker. I use gnome as a backup because despite being unusable for me, it has polish.

1378: 3 things to change / improve wasn't enough. ;)

1379: Gnome extensions seems to auto-corrupt themselves (or sometimes they stop working). The interface is slow, I m running Mint Cinnamon now and its way faster than gnome 3.

1380: Make the DE better usable for Mouse and Keyboard. It slows down the workflow drastically.

1381: if u wanna save gnome u really have to change the attitude.
u've picked a direction and u're sticking with it, and that's admirable. the only problem is that it's the wrong direction...

1382: You could expand the power options (in GNOME2 they were better developed).
And you could move options from the gnome-tweak-tools into the environment.

1383: Cannot imagine an open source project not listening to the feedback of their users. You should just eat shit and die.

1384: Improve support for old hardware. Improve the speed and reliability of gnome.

1385: - Keep the current sleek aspect : I like it !
- Propose a better way to see what applications are installed by category and do not mix real applications and just tools / administrative tools in the general view
- Make it easier to have 2 non maximised Nautilus windows side by side

1386: I prefer Gnome 3 over native Ubuntu Unity due to strange graphic performance issues in Unity (stuttering). Gnome 3, even with GPU accelerated desktop doesn't deteriorate games performance.

1387: KDE is far better at this point. Gnome is seriously falling behind.

1388: keep up the good work. although many take issue with the change to gnome 3, i actually llike it, even if i seem to be in the minority!

1389: Minimalism as whole :). But the writing in notify bubble is bad idea ... then it is not simple because you can carry on talk in this notify bubble or open new windows . I think it should automatic open a window after click in bubble with out writing inside bubble.

1390: great job, but there are still things that need to be fixed :)

1391: Take the extesions "Axe menu" and "Taskbar" from extensions.gnome.org and integrate them in Gnome.

1392: GTK needs to be more easy to use, any plans of coming up with something like QML?

1393: stay on PCs. Don't go too far into tablet like devices.

1394: Gnome 2 was almost perfect...

1395: I miss multiple clocks and a real browseable menu.
Currently I use DockbarX with AWN to have a real, well-behaved auto-hiding dock. I also use extensions to move the titlebar buttons of fullscreen apps to the top bar to save space.

1396: stop with makeing everythig "simpler" you are just makeing it "complex"

1397: Give us:
* the Gnome 2-like interface based on Gtk+3
* interface which can use hardware acceleration (GPU), but which not require it (a lot of people using Linux on virtual machines without 3D support; GNOME fallback mode isn't solution)
* anti-aliased windows corners!
* minimize/maximize/roll up/show on all desktop/show on top/transparent menu buttons in WM (configurable)
* "icons only" option in taskbar
* new/improved GNOME 2.x panels similar to XFCE/LXDE panels (GNOME 2.x panels have problems with alignment applets to right corner (doesn't work after change resolution to higher [1]), XFCE/LXDE have "separators" which can be stretched [2])
* new applets: hardware monitor with history/histogram (CPU/RAM/HDD/etc), analog clock, fast user switching (with small icon instead of full username and with suspend/sleep/shutdown/restart/logout/lock screen buttons), etc.
* file manager with "open in terminal" option (already done with nautilus-open-terminal)
* do not show mounted dm-crypt/LUKS devices as unrecognized partitions in Nautilus (if you choose encrypted LVM during Debian installation, Nautilus shows /dev/mappers/* as unrecognized partitions)
* fix problems with gnome-keyring (PAM modules?); people wants to easy use GNOME applications without GNOME (for example use Evolution via ssh -X); default keyring should be easy unlocked without GNOME after log in
* Evolution shouldn't rely on Network Manager (it start in offline mode if NM doesn't recognize Internet access); NM doesn't recognize ppp connections (see USB modems, e.g. eagleusb)
* add summary view in Evolution with widgets [3] and incoming events panel [4]
* add Evolution daemon which can download new email/messages/feeds in background
* add native support for Atom/RSS in Evolution (not external plugin)
* add Chat/IM (IRC/XMPP) support in Evolution (like in Thunderbird 15 or Spicebird)
* add Evolution web interface (like Zimbra) - Evolution should be groupware, not just PIM
* add native sync in Evolution (now we have SyncEvolution, Multisync, etc. which doesn't work properly)
* better integration with KDE/Qt applications
* some features of tilling managers (not default, just option)

[1] - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Debian_Sarge_Gnome_krusader1-51_0.png - see virtual desktop applet; it should be aligned to the right
[2] - https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-BWJPJvN4szM/T7aVWVu2DBI/AAAAAAAAA5c/oHzwb2iRwLU/xfce410-windowslist-fix.png - applets can be easily aligned to the right using expanded separator
[2] - http://i45.tinypic.com/2m7cif8.png - as above
[2] - http://kenno.wordpress.com/2012/08/24/fix-xfce-4-10-panel-no-longer-expands/ - as above
[3] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spicebird.png - widgets in Spicebird
[3] - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/09/informalcollaborationtoolsforglobalsoftwaredevelopmentteams/image004.jpg - Jazz/RTC dashboard (see: widget system)
[3] - http://server.ericsbinaryworld.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/kde11.png - KDE Kontact summary
[4] - http://sathyasays.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/thunderbird.png - events panel in Thunderbird

My XFCE desktop:

My LXDE desktop:

Sorry for my poor English but it isn't my native language.

1398: My favorite GUI\Window Manager is a Tracker\app_server from Haiku.

1399: Can you just please stop reimplementing things that worked, or at least only replace them when the feature set of the new thing is complete? Can you also please smooth the upgrade path so that my old settings are migrated and not lost in the process?

Can you please hire the real UI/UX experts? UX dadaism is no substitute for real experience.

1400: deskop is place where j work, whot ever j do music, video, programing files, download fings


i like have it looks cleerly, j like to sort it on deskop in my ways and keep it there,

Secend whot you do with main meniu ???????
why j find there some addon with PRICE f.e. 4.99$ or sam music proposals j newer heard of ? did was reason why j start using linux

quick bar - no configuration, no resaising, no on/off, no two or more bars,no backgraund, no dyfrent posytion no folder and file addition
try bar - j do no see whot programs are working functions gous dubble with quisc bar, no improwment there, and rest is same like above

main meniu - j like have cleer looks for all my programs, whot is and whot is not there, every time when j mast serch for staff is annoying,

, main meniu

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