What Linux Users Are Saying About GNOME In 2012

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 18 December 2012 at 07:00 PM EST. Page 6 of 10. 6 Comments.

1501: harder to install new themes on gnome 3 than gnome 2.

1502: Develop a global menu extension that uses the same approach as Unity and KDE. It needs to work with Qt Programs and GTK programs. It could even be integrated into the other appmenu you have. If toggled on, the menu would be displayed to the right of the "Appmenu"/Title. If it's toggled off, appmenu would only show options for progrms coded to use gnome appmenu.

1503: I don't like that GNOME devs act on their own without much reasoning. GNOME should collaborate with Unity, as Ubuntu relies heavily on the GNOME platform, and as such is the biggest distributor of GNOME technology.

Some changes really do scream WTF! like having to press Alt for Power Off. Crtl+Alt+Middleclick.. to move panel objects in Classic mode. (Experiences on Fedora 16 in corporate environment)
Instability on F16 (Freezes, unable to start Terminal, because some background deamon crashed)

Necessary Printer- and Network- Options are just removed.
There's no visible reasoning / plan accessible in a central place. sometimes I'll find some background on a Google+ post or a private blog.
I can't see WHO is behind GNOME. Where's that team? Who does make decisions, vision? I just see some weird changes appearing making users mad. My feeling is, that some GNOME-devs just think they know better, work for some tablet optimization that's nowhere used or wanted.

Don't forget the powerusers!

1504: What I (will) miss are all the GNOME Applications converted in Apps. I fear every GNOME updates as it might take away applications I like such as Nautilus, Evolution, Totem, Rhythmbox and even Gedit and replace it with touch things with half the functionality.

1505: Notification system is noisy and not easy to dismiss, default alt-tab behavior highly impractical for switching back and forth between two windows, which I often do, not having a shutdown on the menu a sign of severe dementia on the part of designers probably. Depending on extensions isn't viable, I've had too many stability problems when trying to do so. Crippling nautilus is going quite too far.

otoh I do like the application launcher.

Luckly, fedora18 should have MATE back.

1506: Less simplification of the core apps. nautulis has become a chore to use

1507: Do not try to make "Gnome - better Windows than Windows". This was motto of OS/2 ...

1508: I would love it if you guys stopped breaking tray icons because I REALLY need them because I prefer Pidgin to Empathy and there's no working around Skype.

1509: Please, please resolve stability issues... it's great software but stability problems are killing it

1510: Should i have?

1511: Just look at what's happening with Windows 8. People doesn't like it because of the interface, so why would they love GNOME 3 when it uses "modern desktop metaphor" too?
Well, of course I can use GNOME 3 but it just slows me down! Imagine copying file from disk to pendrive. Pendrive folder is opened in one window, disk in another and Firefox is maximized. First I must go to activities, then click on Nautilus window, ctrl+c, activities, another Nautilus window, ctrl+v.
It's not that I'm enemy of change. I like the way GNOME changed, but now it's fail train. Just add the other power management buttons! Why are you insisting on the same failed logic?
As for now I don't see any future for GNOME 3, but I swear that I will use it when something that works like old way of window management and application launching will be added.

1512: less eyecandy and depencies, smaller GNOME (memory footprint and disk space usage)
minimum dead space in themes

1513: Don't break/remove functionality just because of "necessary changes" until you have a fix/new functionality in place. Regressions are hated.

Don't develop GNOME for yourself but for the people. That means talking to them, patiently and politely. The current message is often "fuck off, we don't care".

1514: Good job, I'm still able to tweak it to behave as GNOME 1 :)
Please focus on stability, keep the old systray.

1515: Please, please, please: reduce the dead space in the theme. Unity does a *much* better job here, and this is a complete blocker for me when working on my laptop.

1516: Discard all Gnome3 and continue development gnome2

1517: I hate gnome shell!!! Bring back version 2 environment.....why is needed to change everything when it worked? I heard that it's easy to get used to gnome shell, but I don't wat to get used to it....I was satisfied.

1518: Stuck off touch interface. Everything is so confusably big so it is worse experience to use with mouse. But you are on the good way with rebuild UX for modern era.

1519: I'm just happy with Cinnamon and MATE. For me GNome SHell is a huge mistake, similar to UNity and WIn8.

Gnome 2.x was 'classic' was the best. Bring it back!

1520: Splitting the usability of desktop and touch devices. For example large window decorations just for a single (closing) button is waste of space and some other design decision are not suitable for desktop(laptop) machines and it shouldn't be there at all.

Optional (full feature) tiling manager would be incredible. Example of easy-to-use and yet powerful tiling manager is Bluetile, which can be fully handled with mouse and/or keyboard.

1521: great job

1522: I missed better documentation so I could change the themes accordingly (I did not like shortened names on icons, for example).

JS + CSS is a good way, just the lack of docs (or maybe examples or different themes) made the experience very bad and rendered the environment unusable for work.

1523: I'm still a virgin.

1524: Please switch to a more approachable UI by default and make the new UI optional for distributions. Gnome use to be the most approachable entry point to Linux for Windows users.

1525: Please fix alt-tabbing with full screen games. Doesn't work on most games.

1526: I use Gome on work.
evolution is quite important so please get it running is very buggy against exchange both ews and mapi.

1527: Draw inspiration from Cinnamon. It strikes a perfect balance between being tablet-oriented and usable on laptops and desktops for daily tasks. Having used it on a Lenovo X220 Tablet for some time, I really haven't looked back.

1528: notification hide after some second?
better configuration of the program icons

1529: There are some serious performance issues, especially when using high dpi number setting. this indicates some strange bugs within gnome shell and/or mutter.

Also i very like the ui conecept of the gnome shell it somehow feel very unfinished.

And finally, the extension support is too unstable. extension should become more robust against gnome shell version changes. The ability to extend and complete gnome shell via extensions is great but actually quite useless if any minor version update of gnome shell can brake things so easy and often.

1530: streamline and integrate more features (eg various IM/social services.

1531: just listen more.

1532: thicker scrollbars please

1533: Find something else to do. I spent some time customising Gnome 2 to look and feel the way I wanted. After being harangued by the ubuntu software updater into updating my system I rebooted to find that without warning, my desktop and taskbar had been trashed and *there was no fallback mode* despite what was said on various forums. I had to reinstall gnome 2 to even get back to a semblance of what I had. Only a couple of weeks ago I finally restored the unused windows 7 partition on my laptop and have been experimenting with different distros since last year. I don't have the time or energy to do this properly and at least the windows desktop is not going to screw me over without me going out an installing a different version of windows.

I have been more productive on this machine in the last two weeks than I have been the last two months. This is a shameful indictment of what both canonical and the gnome team have done and they deserve all the hate they got. As for me, I couldn't care less now, I've moved on and when the time is right to go back to linux for my desktop I'll be choosing a distro that's not going to pull the rug out from under me.

1534: Please modify Gnome to be an effective and good environment for programmers (not only for not skilled users - which do not use unix like systems anyway).

And don't rely on 3D acceleration - some old computers (or PCs with bad hardware) can't do this and pressing 3D acceleration via slow processor is strongly decreasing computer speed (This is my humble opinion).

Please try to make Gnome 3 as lightweight and fast as Gnome 2.6 with the same functionality (also as gnome 2.6)

1535: FUCK YOU!

1536: Just focus not to replace useful/working things with garbage :D.

1537: I'm using Gnome Shell on a Netbook and the design seems to work well on this kind of hardware: one app per workspace, always full screen, etc. But if I try to scale, things start to fall appart: you lose track of your apps, important notifications missed. In the end still feels like a toy, and its a shame, because I like the underling technologies you're developing to make it work.

1538: Bring back the startup button !!!
I understand why you want to remove it, but i am not ready for this and nore I all the people i made go on linux :/

1539: No. Complaining to the GNOME developers is something to no avail.

1540: ability to disable animations

1541: Pull your collective heads out of your collective asses. (Which seems to be the only they do collectively.)

1542: I really don't understad for who is gnome 3... I always use new version for few days(I really loved gnome 2... probably only reason) ... but what the fuck??? I'm using linux, because I can configure everything... but you just took charm from it... MORE CONFIGURATION!!!
One more thing... you should really listen to users... they probably don't know what they want... BUT they know what they don't want...
BTW ... I use KDE now...

1543: Multi-monitor, multi-monitor, multi-monitor. Thinking about how to support tablets is great, but don't force everyone on desktops with multi-monitors to pretend they have a tablet.

1544: Right now the Gnome-Tweak-Tool is a must-have app, and it would be much nicer to have all of those configuration options nicely integrated within the config options of the System-Settings.

Many of us are still desiring nautilus to handle the desktop, it would be nice if some work were done to allow that to be more of an official/accepted option.

I understand the desire to make more apps touch friendly, such as the most recent changes to Nautilus. However, it would be very nice no more features would be taken away, and rather more features would be added.

Right now, I am at an odds with Gnome and KDE. I feel that the Gnome experience is richer and has a "cool" factor that KDE does not have. Stability in Gnome is also much much higher; however, I feel that the applications in KDE are extremely better. App for app I think KDE takes the cake, most specifically Nautilus vs Dolphin.

1545: Nautilus displays sizes in MB without an option to display MiB, but the System Monitor displays sizes in MiB without an option to display MB. I would like the display of sizes to be uniform throughout GNOME 3 with the option to choose how I want it to display. Personalty I prefer MiB.

Please improve the time it takes to display Application Icons when opening the Activities screen. The first time I click it it can take more than 5 seconds to display. It's not as fast as the old menu it replaced, which is a big draw back.

1546: Please collaborate with other communities: kde, freedesktop, mozilla(!!) and distribution if possible (ubuntu and debian first)

1547: Removing features from Nautilus is a horrible mistake, but hardly the first mistake in the ongoing Gnome 3.x train wreck. The Gnome team has caused the fragmentation of a once nearly universal desktop, to the detriment of the users, developers and the entire Linux community. Unity, Mate and Cinnamon all offer a superior user experience over plain vanilla Gnome 3.x, a sad testimonial to how out of touch the Gnome project has become. On the plus side, Gnome's organizational failure has increased interest in KDE, XFCE and LXDE, to the benefit of those competing projects.

1548: Sure, this is my opinion you f@#$%g, C*&^t`s how tha h#@### they take funtionality, I love the plain old gnome, nice nautilus, but the s@^#%#% gnome shell, what happend, you can not make a file, no split windows in nautilus, just moving backards. I jump to KDE, at least I dont know what shit they have done recently.
Best Reards
And Engry user

1549: Better support for extensions debugging.

1550: I want a 100% configurable desktop. Do not hide any configuration option because it would be confusing to beginners. It should also be lightweight, even in gnome 2, I didn't use 95% of the stuff that was available. What really matters is how the desktop environment lets ME decide how it works and gets out of my way when I am working.

1551: Stop following the mono nonsense, listen to users, bring back a Gnome 2 skin - it should be easy. Make a touch friendly version. Try to be as compatible as possible.
One thing that prevents me from using Gnome again is the "we know better than you, you want simplicity, you don't even know it and you cannot change anything about it" attitude.

1552: thx for this user survey ... i hope you come back to the roots

1553: - integrate DASH from Unity
- DO NOT dumb it down for everybody - make configuration options avaiable in an "expert" mode if you want to keep it easy for newbies
- the more configuration options, the better

1554: Start listening to the users, unless you really don't want to listen to them, then keep doing what you're doing because I can't imagine there'll be that many left.

1555: Better integration with Google and Facebook, sometimes it is a little buggy. Make it easier to add new applications to the list (right click add maybe). Evolution could use some work with syncing. Also, notifications should minimize after a fixed amount of time instead of staying there indefinitely.

1556: Mske it easier to hibernate in gnome 3.6. Work more on the application menu. Improve epiphany (copy and search from right click, stablilty etc). stop changing theme api every release!

1557: I think many people are using linux because it just looks somewhat different than windows and mac, so why the developers should be trying to simulate that look? In my opinion a good desktop enviorment should focus on usability and stability and it should offer its users somw way to customize it exactly as they want it.

1558: I now use cinnamon, it just makes sense to me, I do not like these desktops like unity or gnome shell, they seem to be much slower to me than a traditional desktop.

I wish there was a a hybrid between the two system, global menu is nice for maximised apps, but having it as a menu to select and then drops down isn't a good idea, I don't want to have to uncover menus or toolbars.

virtual desktops are left to right for me, not top to bottom, cinnamon has got that almost perfect.

pressing the windows key to launch and/or select running apps is a good idea.

1559: I found GNOME3 unusable, switched to LXDE

1560: Would you be so kind to:

* be less concerned about gnome brand
* listen to your users
* cooperate with other desktop projects where possible

1561: Continue to do your awesome work guys!

1562: Please think a little bit more about desktop users instead of tablet users.

1563: I am now an Xfce user due to the awful attitude of GNOME developers. Even if they fix everything broken in GNOME, I'm not going back because I know they're still obnoxious people.

1564: please remove the input method whitelist. I cannot input my language!!!

1565: Keep up the great work!

1566: Keep up the goodwork!

1567: Don't get lost!

1568: Keep it up.

1569: I was perfectly happy with the classic GNOME2 menu system, whereas the GNOME3 interface is too annoying to do almost anything as a power user. I have now switched to KDE as a result.

1570: Please expose options/customization to users without making them jump through hoops. For example: minimize, maximize, shut down, and restart are all basic features that users expect so they should be shown by default. Cinnamon's "Nemo" file manager is also much more usable than "Nautilus" (in my opinion) for similar reasons. It exposes the "Computer" overview of storage devices, an up button, back and forward buttons in the top left corner of the window, file templates in the context menu, etc by default. Minimalism can be taken so seriously that it hinders usability. Please try to avoid that problem. Thank you! :)

1571: Give more configuration options, and a better configuration GUI.
As long as they're well-organized and properly labeled, it won't overwhelm users. If you take pride in your work, you can do it.
It's hard to ask for this without seeming to insult the intelligence of your target audience.

I hate to say this, but Windows Explorer strikes a much better balance between simplicity and configurability than GNOME.

1572: Could you add support for something simliar to the dock in Mac OS X to manage multiple app windows

1573: There is a lag when the upper-left hot corner is first initiated after logging in and after that, the hot corner acts immediately. Is it possible to run code earlier when login first happens so there isn't this initial lag?

I like 3.6, but I haven't decided yet whether I like the time lag for notifications at the bottom of the screen or if I prefer the old/instantaneous action present in 3.4. Maybe this could be settable by the user?

How about a hot upper-right corner (even if it's just for selecting workspaces)?

Other than that, I love 3.6. When I'm on any other os/windows interface I always go for the upper-left hot corner which of course isn't there and I really miss it.

Keep up the good work. Thanks for your effort.

1574: I have used and loved GNOME from 1.4 to 2.32. You fucked it up completely. GNOME 3 sucks. I hate it. It is too slow and therefore unusable on all my machines because of stupid compiz animations. All great themes gone. I never imgined is could happen. I do not understand what happened.

1575: Stop fighting and continue implementing the missing features left from 2 -> 3 version transition.

1576: I'm not even sure what to write here... At this point, GNOME 3's Shell interface ruined the user experience for me as a former GNOME 2 user. Their 'fallback' interface is rather decent though.

1577: I suggest the GNOME team get it's act together, and smarten up, or else they will find themselves to be no longer relevant. Countless forks have popped up this part year or so, and they are slowly going mainstream, and other existing forks such as XFCE also are getting momentum. Both GNOME and Unity are in the wrong direction and require difficult customization to use, KDE on the other hand also needs a little configuring, and the same goes for Cinnamon, and almost none for Enlightenment or XFCE.

GNOME Developers, please listen to your users, because if you don't, you will no longer be relevant, and will be a relic of the past. Try to keep up and innovate, but don't innovate by yourselves, this is an open-source project. We all have a right to decide on how things should go, or what should be implemented, when there is something wrong, don't try to make it right, it will come back to bite you in the ass.

1578: I would like to see the user be able to install classic Gnome at install. I would also like to have the ability to customise Gnome in any way I see fit. Wouldn't it be cool to customise your destop to suit your own tastes and workflow. Death to Gnome 3.

1579: My issue is window switching - alt tab and having hundreds of icons, i have no idea where something is.

1580: I rely on the old alt-tab to quickly switch between windows. eg. switching between two bash windows is no longer a simple alt-tab; I now have to navigate down with the mouse and locate the bash window I am after.
It is the same problem when alt-tabbing between two instances of any program.
Please don't make the interface more Mac like. If I wanted to use the Mac UI, I would buy a Mac.

1581: 1. Continue support for other init services (openrc) and separate usr partitions.
2. Be more open to user base concerns / recommendations.
3. Improve music / media support. Recommend user interface with scrapers like xbmc, but directly accessible from the shell (like docs).

1582: 1) Would like to an option to center newly created windows by default
2) Would like for windows to remember their size
3) Would like to have keyboard navigation for everything
4) Possibly, better communication of features .. while I love them .. maybe they get missed by some other users.

1583: Progress is progress, but dropping the 'classic' looking mode (fallback) seems like a bad idea to me. I also heard buttons were being added to the ALT+F2 dialog. I think a 'close' button? Why? Escape does just fine. Adding a button just looks like bloat.

I've been using Cinnamon lately, but plan on taking GNOME 3.6 for a spin in the near future.

Other than that, keep up the good work.

1584: Combine the features of Gnome3 with customization from Gnome2 and its all i need.
If you drop fallback mode than you have to make sure that performance of LLVM-rendering is equal to (or better than) current fallback mode. Else Gnome becomes unusable for realtime tasks (like audio recording).

1585: I tried Gnome 3 with a live CD boot... I just cannot cope with th

1586: Nautilus needs massive performance improvement
Totem does not support nvidia h/w acceleration like gnome mplayer
Epiphany does not have flash support
KVM is not as good as Virtual box(support for windows vm)
Keep the current black theme
Dont add unnecessary code keep it small for performance reasons
Keep config options to bare minimum unlike KDE

1587: - Part of people are looking for news on the new Gnome,
and like it.
- But but the part of the people are looking for light environment,
like Gnome 2, LXDE , Xfce. Gnome 3 is too heavy.
Some people use old KDE 3 , because working fine in old laptops
and they like it.
Some people liked MATE, but I don't know what it is.
Every linux is changing, I like Gnome 2 because is very very fast.
You can try PClinuxOS or Zen linux, this is faster linux than Kununtu,
Ubuntu-LXDE or XFCE. Zen is light and it use Gnome 2.
I use there KDE4 compiz fusion, Desklets from Gnome 3, aplets for Desktop,
like monitoring internet and sometines Gnome 2, gnome is faster. Anf evrything working fast in old desktop.
If sometimes work slowly, problem is in applications.
For now I use KDE 4, because in Gnome 2 I was bugs with some update mix desklets gnome 3 in gnome 2 I don't know.

1588: Gnome3 have a very good potential, but should not NEVER ignore the community and make the "trendy" and "cool" stuff, where like not the community. Thanks for our works!

1589: Good Job!

1590: Biggest peeve - lock screen takes forever to show the "enter password". If this is configurable, I can't (easily) figure out how.

1/2 a gig for a desktop environment is just kinda slow to install. Cinnamon is like 14MB?

When you remove the last window in a workspace, I'd like them to not disappear. e.g. I can always hop to workspace 4 and it will contain my music-related stuff, as opposed to it all moving to workspace 3, since a workspace got freed up.

1591: definitely need to reduce excessive whitespace in GUI layout!
make the system settings window resizable (this one is a real PITA)!

1592: Don't take away features which are already working.

1593: I would appreciate better overview of running applications (window), I miss the taskbar or its reasonable equivalent (having a window overview when touching the left top corner by the mouse pointer is not enough, it is too slow).
When I start the telepathy it is not very apparent where to find the list of my contacts.

1594: I was always very satisfied with Gnome 2. When Gnome 3 came out, I switched to XFCE, which is now almost as good as GNOME 2 used to be.

Gnome 3 is just another example of a bunch of developers getting carried away with themselves without bothering to listen to their user community, just like Windows Vista, Windows 8 and maybe OSX Lion.

1595: Drop GNOME 3 and continue with GNOME 2.

1596: GNOME 3 is terrible.
Computers with keyboards are not tablets.
Truly a regressive project. The only thing that makes it sane is the custom configuration that the Trisquel GNU/Linux crew have created.

1597: Improve multi-monitor support
Open new instances of application by default instead of focusing on the running instance.

1598: Would like to see options for separate tablet/desktop modes.

I dislike the behaviour when mousing to a corner because when playing full-screen games it can often invoke the menu when its unwanted.

Alt-tab has been buggy for this too!

Would love to see a dedicated place perhaps for user-created themes where you can apply/change themes with a single click from the web/app.

I mostly work between Unity and Gnome 3.6, which I use for different things. I like the single bar on Gnome, but the window manager is poorly done and the top bar is awfully thick with not much information on it (for desktop mode).

I would love to use it on a tablet, but it seems to run counter-intuitive to what tablet users are expecting.

1599: Gnome 2 ergonomy and look-and-feel on top of Gnome 3 back-ends, spiced with simple tiling from current Mutter. This would be marvelous. I hope to find it in RHEL7 and its clones.

Question 11 is a nonsense for me. I'm running the same version of Gnome for at least last 2 years (RHEL6 based distro).

1600: gnome_shell > /dev/null 2>&1

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