What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 10 of 20. 2 Comments.

5901: 1. Move elementary features (like theme, window borders, fonts) from Gnome Tweak Tool to System Settings, it has no bussiness being in some semi-hidden settings app. In general, give users more fredom to tweak the desktop to their liking (thus have a different attitude than Unity)

2. Add tool for browsing and downloading themes, wallpapers and extensions like in KDE (KNewHotStuff)

3. Work on Rhytmbox, it's getting old and outdated, currently the weakest part of GNOME's application portfolio, I'm still using it, but I'm missing some features (song lyrics in the same window, update the UI). Amarok and Banshee are moving forward, not Rhythmbox (and I dislike Banshee, don't want to use it). I'm thinking about switching to BeatBox, looks quite sleek.

Keep on with the good work, Gnome Shell was a huge step forward. But try to communicate with KDE developers, XFCE developers and Unity developers more closely. It would be great to finish the common password storing infrastructure in all DE.

5902: 1> Needs a Clip Board that doesn't suck, properly handles the copy|paste/Xselect buffer. Instead of behaving like M$windows: select text, paste? no, select again, paste? yes but what I selected 20x ago.. only thing that Mostly works is <ctrl>+C (x10), <ctrl>+P works aprox 10%, R-Click+Paste 30%, X11-button 3 20%.. vs. KDE's Klipper 99%

2> Better (read: Any) ability to play nicely with KDE, and other DE's

3> Easier customization, configuration of UI and applications.
(ie: the standard rant "Stop treating user's as if they are completely incompetent", thats what Micro$lop, and Apple are for..)

Serve Thy Users, without them you are Nothing but a fading memory. And that is a Sad thing.

5903: First: Faster view over all available applications (faster application list)

Second: Additional tutorial for avialable hotkeys on first start (e.g. deleting files with [CTRL]+[DEL] wtf? shutdown with [ALT]-CLICK on Suspend??)

Third: Addons for more information in the top bar (I miss the system graph plugin from gnome 2 and the long black space is a waste)

Optional Forth: Make those title bars much smaller, its only a stupid title and a giant close button... (The title is very unimportant because I recognise the application from the content not from the title)

Again make those title bars much smaller! Its only a Text and a button.
I don't need to read the text because a know it from the content of the window, and the close button dont need to be so big. [ALT]+[F4] works fine.

5904: Return to sane interfaces. Make things more streamlined.

Don't put out unstable software and force it upon users.

5905: 1. Rename Gnome-Classic to Gnome-Panel (for experienced users)
2. Provide a long term future for classic.
3. Provide a Gui and test bed for extensions so that one can check out additions one by one.

A LibreOffice survey indicated that there were the two distinct classes of user, roughly the under and the over 35s. The latter are menu and panel based and tend to run a large screen fixed environment. The former like ribbons and icons. Gnome should take both types into account.
Raw Gnome 3 (and ubuntu/unity) do not reflect my use of the computer and people like me will not be growing to like this approach. This is the same for my wife and some of my friends upgraded from Windows whether they are experienced or simple users.

5906: Panel,Dock,Application switch

Panel should contain at least application menu.
Dock should be visible not only in overview mode.
Add something like stacks in MAC OS dock.
Add some dock/panel for application switching without go in overview mode.

5907: more and easier customisation to the look and feel
make it faster
more applets / extensions

Keep up the good work. It is miles better than unity (I am afraid the first version was so unstable I quickly stopped using it) and more intuitive than kde and more customisable than xfce and LXDE.
Windows is no competition and Macosx is not that customisable.

5908: 1) Changing Features - I recently installed Debian Unstable with Gnome and there's this notification system, I don't even know what to call it, but I get really confused every time I try to google how to disable it, and just get gnome to be "like it used to be." I strongly dislike receiving a mail icon everytime my battery starts discharging!
2) Notification System - This was a cool bell/whistle that I enjoyed when I was leaving Windows but in recent versions I've installed it's become a major nuisance where I'm clicking "Clear all Notificaitons" all the time.
3) Transparency - I started out like many as a M$-GUI user seeking a similar experience, but as my taste for GNU/Linux matured I've wanted to learn more about the system. I use GNOME on my "just get things done" laptop, but I feel forced not to use GNOME on any of my learning machines because I find it too difficult to see what stuff GNOME is automating and what stuff is part of Linux, ETC.

As mentioned above, I just can't figure out how GNU/Linux works, with Gnome installed, I had to switch to IceWM on my learning machines.

Gnome does a GREAT, GREAT job making the system easy for new users. I've got some senior citizens to migrate from windows to ubuntu/gnome very easily.

However, when I try to migrate from Ubuntu/gnome to debian/icewm, it's a rough adjustment. It would be great if there were ways to run Gnome in "minimal" mode or something, slowly taking away features and services to allow the user more control.

5909: 1. start adding some configuration options back in
2. reduce bloat and increase speed
3. work and collaborate better with other projects, and without all the bad blood

5910: 1.) Drop the whole 3.x series, and the direction of development that turned us where we are now.

2.) Stop thinking that Gnome users want less possibilities, and less control over their desktop environment.

3.) Increase the feature set, don't take away options that existed before, and don't publish this as "improvement".

Stop ruining Gnome any further.
Stop suggesting that your users are dumbasses.
Stop thinking that your design ideas are good for everyone.
Give back the users the option to change things according to their taste using easy-to use interface.

5911: More customizable
Simpler configuration (that doesn't mean deleting useful options)
Option to use classical menu and GNOME2 applets

Please don't close to other developers ideas. GNOME should be more open, but you do good work with keeping it consistent.

5912: do your best to resist the trend of making osx like silly tool bars on of the desktop. ubuntu will never admit it but they pissed lots of long time fans by making unity the default dt environment. gnome is the best work environment for any serious adult computer user. kids love kde, they have the time to fool around with all the ponderous glitz. when they grow up and have the pressure to get things done they find gnome. stay on the path you're doing great things.

5913: 1. Make customization easier
2. Make the overall layout smaller. On a laptop buttons, title bars, and text take up too much space
3. Would like to see the possibility of moving the Menu bar to the top of the screen like Unity. Moving it to the top frees up screen space while replacing the useless button next to Activities showing what currently has focus.
4. Also it would be nice to be able to theme the GTK icons easier. I hate the silver theme.

Implement the above. :)

5914: 1) Addition of more complete PIM (See below)

2) I would put the activities hot-spot closer to the desktop changer. Having to go to the upper left and then all the way back to the right makes it inconvenient enough to not use.

3) Accessibility features should not be integrated as much. I don't need/want orka etc. Instead of defaulting to installing them and then making me work around getting them off why not leave them off with the option to add later?

Take a page from the KDE team in regards to their PIM. Evolution is a great mail program, and I like the integration of the Calendar as it stands in Gnome 3. I miss the other features of KDE's PIM though, such as the universal contacts list and the RSS aggregation.

5915: make Gnome 3 shell behave like Gnome 2

do not outsource usability testing

5916: 1. Add a way to graphically shut down the system. It's a huge problem.

2. Put notification icons in a more easy to see spot. For example, when you run the game distribution program Desura, it puts a small icon in the lower right hand corner of gnome-shell that is so incredibly hard to notice.

3. Allow users to set a predefined number of workspaces. I dislike the current system of # of workspaces = # of open programs + 1, and would like some choice in the matter.

Please add configuration options and move the settings out of gconf. No one wants a repeat of the Windows registry, it's just a huge problem to configure. Finally, store configuration options as open text files, not as closed off blobs of data that we can't edit.

5917: Hide the window title bar when windows are maximized (see unity)
Remove the need to hit "alt" to shutdown, unintuitive
Include plasmoid-like thingies?

Don't cave in to them grumpy trolls. Great job! Make it greater!

5918: Make Notification area more immovable. Icons wiggle around too much, don't need the words telling me what the icons are.
Fix power button. Get rid of pressing ALT. Really come on.
Same for delete button, get rid of need to press CTRL.

I like the new gnome shell a lot, easy and simple, but. They do need to listen to their users and release the easy extensions site to fix most of people's problems that are just preference. Also if they could keep up the good work, and not focus much on new users, just making their product better.

5919: Offer a Survey at first boot that lets the user decide what his Desktop Looks like. With Presets for Openbox style, OS X like, Windows Style, Gnome own idea Defaults and the survey which will set the Desktop up in a sandbox style with visual changes if possible

It needs to be Sandbox like options that dont need tons of Plugins. an desktop Interface is no FireFox

5920: I can't use GNOME 3.x because my hardware is too old, and I don't think the "fallback mode" is adequate. I don't know what the answer is here, though, since it's unrealistic to create a desktop just for older hardware, however you should make sure 3.x is more inclusive.

Listen to your users.

5921: add the power button
add a menu editor, so i can enable webgl on chrome
add an app installer interface to the activities search

keep up the good work! I love Gnome 3! I'm on fedora now, because of it

5922: 1) Options - there's nothing to customize in Gnome 3. All the options I had in the old version are gone. Now it's worse than Windows and more difficult to find what I want.

Give me back the old System Settings menu! I don't want Gnome to look like Apple's soft. I want it to be usable.
My first Ubuntu was with Gnome and I really liked its simplicity. No bloody transparent windows or tons of links leading nowhere. Click, show, change, done. Voila. Was it so hard to leave it the way it was and work some on stability?

5923: Make the new desktop usable
have a good fallback mode to gnome 2.x

HELP! My Wife converted to Linux using GNome! Now She wants to return to Windows or having other Desktop as She is unable to work with what is there now. She simply do not understand the new gnome

and me neither.

5924: first, I would revert back to GNOME 2.32
second, I would trash Nautilus and replace it with something that works and looks more like Thunar
third, I would find a reasonable way to make active sync work with a decent pim (Evolution feels bloated).

For an extended period of time GNOME was my preferred desktop, but recent changes (GNOME-Shell) have caused me to switch to XFCE. To my surprise, I think I like the current iteration of XFCE not just more than GNOME-Shell, but also more than GNOME 2.x. If this seems to be a common statement GNOME should consider changing directions.

5925: 1. I would have indicators on the dash icons for when you have multiple instances of an application open.

2. I would have a system and bandwidth monitor for the panel.

3. I would not hide the "power off" option behind an alt-key press.

You need better marketing.

5926: gnome-shell needs more configuration options:
keyboard shortcuts for window resizing and moving
more extensions,

5927: Make it easy to change the "hotspot".
Make it easier to add themes.
Provide better documentation for tweaking Gnome.

Keep going. This is the best desktop I have ever used. Simple, clean and sweet.

5928: Fewer code rewrites and focus on fixing existing bugs
Be more accepting of code from outside Gnome
Provide decent upgrade path for developers

Developing applications for Gnome is difficult. There is a lack of documentation for many parts of it (eg, various Glade widgets). Once something is developed, libraries change and code has to be rewritten. It feels like this has to happen all the time and it is very discouraging as a developer to target Gnome as a supported platform.

There are a ton of bugs in all different parts of Gnome, but the bugs sit in the bug tracker and often just rot. It is very discouraging as a user to have an annoying bug that has been around for months or years only to see upstream rewrite the application (maybe out of necessity, see above) and then introduce a bunch of new bugs. Evolution springs to mind in this regard. A rather said comment I heard the other day was "rewrite it until it sucks, then throw it away and replace it with something else". I've thought about this for several days and while it is rather harsh, I find it hard to disagree with.

Additionally (and I know this has been talked about to death), Gnome is not friendly to outside contributors, preiod. It feels like it is a RedHat project and if you aren't in the in crowd there you are out of luck. Sure, code talks, but the structure of the project is such that it is difficult to get a toe hold into proper Gnome development even if you have working code.

5929: I'm excited to try out Gnome 3 in Linux mint 12, but I would like an to see a slightly quicker/easier way to start up applications that you use often (e.g. web browser, text editor, etc...)

5930: It needs to be easier to customize, I don't like having to fight the interface to make a simple change.

I don't like smaller role of the window in 3.x.

Simplicity is not better, but rather well-designed and comprehensive layouts. Users don't like to switch back and forth between mouse and keyboard, so a UI has to reflect the usability of both input systems, seamlessly integrated.

I feel that a move back towards the old 2.x system would be advisable, however improve stability and incorporate your better ideas. Also try to avoid overly incorporating things into the system so much so that they're harder to change. I enjoyed the flexibility of Compiz + Gnome 2.x.

5931: I'm very satisfied with Gnome 2.x and would not change anything.

For Gnome 3, I would change anything that hides elements until I mouse over them, forces me to use a "panel" with big buttons, makes it impossible for me to use a Gnome 2.x style interface.

I don't really care about what is under the hood. If changes to the architecture from Gnome 2.x are needed I don't care - unless they force me to use the new GUI which is exemplified by Unity and Gnome 3. These are both disasters which force me to work harder to accomplish ANYTHING. As a user, it is the interface that matters to me and the interface of Gnome 2.x works very well for me. I don't want a tablet metaphor on my desktop computer - they are different beasts.

5932: 1. Add Power off button.
2. Consistent size of icons at the side bar
3. Add themes and provide a default professional-looking set of icons

Users are the most important aspect of your development, it seems you ignore this.
"Your software is as good only as the end-user will find it, regardless of your coding skills." Taken from Linus Torvalds

5933: Don't hide config completely, put it under "advanced" or something, but have it there!

Responsiveness! Gnome 1 and 2 did things fast!

5934: I would fork Gnome 2. Failing that, in gnome 3 I would make _everything_ customizable, and make "classic mode" exactly like gnome 2.

Please fork gnome 2.

5935: 1. Better development and usage documentation.
2. I would auto hide the top bar as well. ALT+TAB, ALT+F1 and ALT+F2 is all you need.
3. Better GUI for power saving settings.

Keep up the good work!

5936: Transparent windows (like Aero in Windows) build into Gnome3!!!
More theme options available to regular users via GUI
More options via centralized GUI for system&user options (like KDE)

Gnome3 is such an improvement compared to Gnome2, so congrats are in order! Thank you! Please add transparent windows in your next release. And unified look&feel for Gnome apps! And perhaps better integration with Google Apps, the calendar does not work for me (for some reason). Thank you

5937: 1. Create more plugins.

I think what the Gnome team has done with Gnome 3 is great. Even Microsoft is copying the overlay idea in Windows 8. Overall despite what others might think I like to not spend hours trying to find options, or spend forever chasing down problems. So far the launch of G3 has been much better in my eyes than KDE4.

Keep up the good work.

5938: 1) Stop the ctrl+click stuff to open a new terminal in the app bar. If I pressed it again, I wanted another window.

2) Allow me to tile my windows by default. At a minimum, let me make four tiles (each corner) instead of only supporting side-by-side. Having 9 (3x3) would be even better.

3) Include poweroff/restart by default in drop down bar. I shouldn't need to add extensions to get this function.

5939: 3.2 could use a few more config options, but overall I'm very happy

5940: 1, Add theme settings to the control center
2, Turn on desktop icons by default (now I have to use dconf-editor)
3, Google calendar and mail integration without Evolution

5941: window selection paradigm
multiple windows of the same app become tabs
wobbly windows :)

keep on going!

5942: 1. Nautilus annotations: comments don't transfer with the file
2. Documentation: I want to change something, but is in a obscure file, in an obscure format, with only two people who know how to read it,
3. Linux system integration. There is a linux way, and than there's always a gnome way sitting on top (virtual file system, network manager, ..)

Not every thing I want to do with my computer can be predicted by a benevolent dictator. More documentation, room to play, and freedom would help.

5943: Not sure if this is a Fedora-only thing; but forcing a 96 DPI on users is a horrible idea. Please let it go back to auto-detecting that stuff.

5944: the menu and shortcuts
make it more lightwave , less dependencies

Please maintain the gnome 2.x , gnome 3 is not flexible enough and too oriented for tablets ...

5945: - drop GNOME Shell, go back to the panel
- focus on applications
- speed and efficiency

stop targeting tablets, make a DE for workstation desktops

5946: More profiling for using resources in better ways.

Aim for better stability and using less resources before moving to new features.

5947: gnome-shell, zeitgeist

stop fucking gnome up. zeitgeist is useless, gnome-shell is a piece of crap so by extension i'll rather use no gui software than make use of your shitty software.

5948: More complete control panel
Better integration of social features, music player, etc.
Better control of wifi (for example ability to delete accounts)
Last time I tried to use a projector I failed.

5949: focus on power users
focus on power users
focus on power users

focus on power users, don't dumb down everything, and, FFS, don't let _designers_ have a say in the choice of functionality to include/remove, they are good at making pretty things, not so good at the usability part

5950: 1. On the main bar next to the text "Activities" the name of the current application is displayed. This is useless and mere clutter. If this text was turned into a drop down list of available apps if would be less useless.
2. If a want to change desktops with the mouse then I have to go all the way to the top left corner to trigger the shell and then back again to the right hand side to select the desktop I desire. Please allow top right corent to be a hot corner.

3. Please allow the optiion for the task swhitcher to show all instances of an app in the first level i.e. all open firefox windows.

Give th euser the ability to customise the environment to their taste

5951: GNOME 2.x with
1. Stable, faster Nautilus, Tree view shouls contain Trash and mounted devices.
2. Possibility to system menu like in Windows using drag and drop.
3. Gnome-terminal should remember maximized window.
4. Compact theme
5. Optimalization and purification to make it faster.

I have been using GNOME for 11 years. I have been very satistied, very proud user. GNOME Shell made me feel it is over. I never imagined it could happen.

5952: Bring back the old two-panel layout as a powerful alternative to gnome-shell, instead of a poor underpowered fallback.

Improve default themes (shell, gtk3 and notification), especially in terms of consistent look'n'feel.

Got rid of symbolic icons, or at the very least allow users to opt out and use standard colourful ones instead.

I wish they changed the we-know-best-what's-good-for-you attitude.

5953: 1. More options for configuration of appearance
and function, not less
2. No more nonsense like removing 'power off'
and 'hibernate' and making 'suspend' a default
3. Reducing the irritating emphasis on 'social'
connectivity (google+, facebook, flicker, etc)

Concentrate more on configuration of function
and appearance, add more options not less

5954: Make it easier to use basic window functions, like minimize. Don't take up so much screen real estate with super large icons. And more configuration options.

Make Gnome easier to configure to how I want it to work for me. As it is, it's pretty much useless for development work.

5955: 1. Create better themes. The current one sucks!
2. A much better default font.
3. A better notification system. The one in GNOME 3.2 is all over the place. Bottom right. Top right. Bottom middle. GNOME 2.x was much better in this respect. Top right corner only. Much less distraction.

You guys are doing an amazing job. Good luck!

5956: Be able to change the size of the icons in Activities/Applications... They are way too big on a non touch screen desktop/laptop environment.
Make online accounts work... I have all my Google login details entered in but get nothing in return i.e emails calendar dates etc...usless so far.
Add Temperature to the date & clock, Really miss that.


5957: 1/ Evolution to Thunderbird ( I prefer )
2/ 1 background image per desktop ( background image can help find wich desktop I use)
3/ rhytmbox to another ( I don't like it)

* adding a better configuration tool ( which will be NOT the default one ) dconf is not a solution
* integrate a desklet in gnome ( no plugin ok but can we use the screen to have information )

5958: Make some of the preferences easier to find (e.g. screensaver)

Keep up with the good work!

5959: - bring back configuration options
- better bugfixing: fix bugs in time rather than developing something completely new again and again (which might accidentally fir the bug, too)
- become modular again and honor xdg standards, so users can select what to use instead of having to live with the all-in-one shell

Listen to your users! There is nothing wrong with doing something new. I don't expect GNOME to stick with the GNOME 2.x layout for another 8 years. But when you do something new, do it based on the feedback from the community or user surveys.

Remember the minimize button? No doubt it doesn't serve much purpose in the shell, but removing it after it was tested by 2 (two!) people from the GNOME team (= biased people) for 2 (two!) days is just a bad joke.
Or think power management: 20 people complain about a missing configuration options in Bugzilla and the developer still claims he is right and nobody wants the features he removed.

This arrogance will kill GNOME if you don't stop!

5960: - bring back configuration options
- better bugfixing: fix bugs in time rather than developing something completely new again and again (which might accidentally fir the bug, too)
- become modular again and honor xdg standards, so users can select what to use instead of having to live with the all-in-one shell

Listen to your users! There is nothing wrong with doing something new. I don't expect GNOME to stick with the GNOME 2.x layout for another 8 years. But when you do something new, do it based on the feedback from the community or user surveys.

Remember the minimize button? No doubt it doesn't serve much purpose in the shell, but removing it after it was tested by 2 (two!) people from the GNOME team (= biased people) for 2 (two!) days is just a bad joke.
Or think power management: 20 people complain about a missing configuration options in Bugzilla and the developer still claims he is right and nobody wants the features he removed.

This arrogance will kill GNOME if you don't stop!

5961: 1) Better plugins [more like Windows 7] and make them easier to install.

2) Easier documentation and a better path to allow people to create programmes a method of doing so.

3) Keep it simple [the interface], but allow the ability to switch to more complex settings if a user feels more comfortable with it.

My experience of even ~trying~ to get Gnome 3 to run has been a disaster - a lot of linux users use fairly basic hardware - Gnome 3's fallback interface is horrible - a pale imitation of Gnome 2.x. May I suggest that you actually try and shoehorn Gnome 2.x as a fallback [for us mear mortals with older Intel chipsets and less powerful graphics cards]. I am sure that Gnome 3 will be eventually wonderful, but you've just thrown out the baby with the bathwater....Developers don't always know best.

5962: make gnome3 fallback mode as usable as last 2.x was (repeat 3 times)

make gnome3 fallback mode as usable as last 2.x was

5963: minimise button
bottom tool bar
icons for faviote programs on a top bar

5964: 1.remove Unity

5965: better plugin handling and compatibility
easier theme switching

5966: frankly don't care about it.........moved to chakra

haven't used it since 4.10

5967: planner is to old
fall-back mode needs

you're doing a good job but gnome love needs more resources

5968: a better fallback mode and the option to start in it.
more configuration options not less.
port everything to vala or c.

good job

5969: 1. Gnome seriously lacks configuration options. Simplicity is nice but does not mean you must disallow configuration.
2. Only having the option suspend in the menu is stupid.

I feel the new interface looks great and is quite usable.

5970: 1. Comapt launcher like Krunner in KDE4 or MacOSX (no launcher over whole screen. It is horrible)

2.Eliminate permanent zoom in and zoom out effect on windows/activities. Good for ostentation, bad for solid work.

3. Compact UI. Most of screen take in padding around the widget. Content is important not widget.

Make Gnome 3 more usefull and less crazy graphic orgy.

5971: only thing i'm missing is gnome panel and its applets

5972: Get rid of Gnome shell
Speed it up
Modernize Evolution

5973: * make socialweb/onlineaccounts optional
* make IM integration optional
* add "privat mode" (something like private browsing in firefox)

Please don't focus on the socialweb integration. There are usecases without internet acces and there are people that don't use google-accounts, facebook, twitter, etc.

5974: More reliable rendering experience on various devices; improved customizability for the base GNOME3 platform (e.g., ability to have system load and weather applets)

Give up the anti-customization drive. GNOME3 is solid and usable, but needs to be customizable/adaptable for various workflows and preferences.

5975: Handing desktop by Nautilus always

5976: 1. More aspects of the desktop can be configured.
2. replace gnome-terminal with konsole
3. ---

Over-simplified desktop

5977: 1. I'd like GNOME 2.x to not look like XP.
2. I'd like simpler window switching in GNOME 3.
3. I'd like greater customizability in GNOME 3.

I use Linux because of it's customizability. I'd like to see GNOME 3 reflect that spirit more.

5978: Better support for keyboard navigation in the launcher and windows overview (Unity does this beautifully) and less wasted screen real estate for toolbars in full screen windows (again look to Unity)

5979: Some more config ability.
Faster Evolution.
Faster hibernate.

Thank you!

5980: 1. Tools for customization
2. Tools for customization
3. Tools for customization

Tools for customization

5981: I would let it die.

Give up.

5982: 1. For me it's better to have more configuration options than less.
2. No Mono dependencies - or - don't include Mono applications in base Gnome system (like TomBoy etc.).
3. Don't make changes, that break things.

I think it was stated in the previous box. :-)

5983: - Make Gnome Tweak Tool a part of Gnome shell by default
- falicitate the change of icons
- that's all

keep on your way

5984: more GUI-configuration options available (themes, icons, login),
remove user name from top bar,
more polished fallback mode.

5985: Keep the good work, you rocks!!!

5986: Great Job on gnome 3!

5987: I much rely on keeping my desktop uncrowded by minimization. I understand that is not the gnome3 way, but I wish you could come up with a one-click restore solution. That probably goes together with a quick overview of what's where.
I use workspaces for specific tasks, like email&web, coding, admin, remote servers. With gnome2 I had a bar of minimized windows for each workspace: ugly but handy. What would be equally useful is to have a backstore workspace behind each workspace where minimized stuff is shown, for example in a tiled fashion. The backstore could then be invoked with a hot key, so restoring a window would be hot key + click. BTW, Apple would squeeze 10 patents out of this...

Lastly, a different background for each workspace! Irix had that, and a handy workspace overview panel too.

On my home computer (Ubuntu 11.10) gnome3 worked straight away. However, on my work computer, also U11.10, Unity works, but I could not get gnome3 going, despite a clean install and a fresh user account. It has an fair nVidia board and OpenGl works. Gnome3 lauches quickly with a background, draws the top bar and a date. Mouse cursor works, but does nothing. Can't launch a terminal with cntr-alt-T, have to ctrl-alt-F1 go to a terminal and kill X. My suggestion: please log what happens at startup, and what goes right and what fails.

I feel that screen space of the top bar is a bit wasted. But I'm glad you didn't put a stupid global menu there as Unity does.

I much appreciate the effort to create a clean uncluttered environment and attempting to find a new way to achieve that!!

5988: Just one: Please hear your users!

5989: interface, large buttons, small labels

just drop the gnome 3

5990: 1. Continue to develop version 2.xx
2. DON'T push me to use V 3.xx

Please DO NOT create a desktop environment for small children or idiots.
I have gone long way to Linux/Gnome to find my perfect desktop, but now I'm thinking about switching to an other system, like XFCE or KDE.
I just DON'T like this "simplified stuff" Gnome devs are creating in gnome v3 series.
DO we really need another OSX or MS Windows?

5991: - Add a taskbar to the bottom of the desktop!
- Add the minimize and maximize buttons to the titlebar by defualt (I know its possible to switch on via tools)!
- Shrink the extreme big titlebar to normal and usable size!

Because of the lacks (see above) I switched to KDE, even I preferred GNOME for all my years with a Linux system (round about 6 or 7 years).

5992: accessibility to options

additional pre configured choices for desktops (say 3 desktop styles and i choose the one that i find most productive)

less emphasis on "gnome tools" and better integration of 3d party tools.

You made a beautiful product... its just not a product I want to use anymore.

5993: More configurable
Lighter on resources (at least fix the memory leaks)
Better documentation

Listen to your users.

5994: - Back to Gnome 2.x
- more configuration/customization
- less changes and more stability

Usability is NOT what current users needs. It's stability, performance, customization/configuration and applications integrated to the desktop system

5995: 1. make desktop notifications easier to notice after they've been shown. If I'm not in front of the computer when they're first shown, there are no signs anywhere, I'll only notice them if I move the mouse over the lower right corner -- which has no indication whatsoever that something that needed my attention was missed.
2. provide easier access to extensions (maybe some sort of a "third-party catalog"). Some apps do it well, eg. Gnome-Do

Lose the "we know what's the best thing to do, no need to listen to users" attitude. Even though there has been some unnecessary (and undeserved) bashing from some stupid people, redirecting all feedback to /dev/null is equally stupid.

5996: I pay to buy softwares or found specific project. But taking into account what it is Gnome... I never but never help, invest or finance Gnome. Wait for Unity to stabilize or switch to anything other else including Elementary project and OS.

Less navel gazing.

5997: I would make the notification area (bar extending from bottom right in GNOME 3.0) to be purely icons, with tooltips.
I would make theming/customization easier to discover (GNOME 3.0).
Auto-completion for the runner(?), Alt-F2, would be nice.

Streamlining and simplifying is all well and good, but take care that I'm not accidentally treated like a dimwit with the attention span of a goldfish.

5998: - Developers / community more friendly & open with communication of their plans

5999: Fork Gnome 2
Scrap Gnome 3
Open up Gnome Development

Please pay heed to user feedback. Gnome 3 is a disaster :(

6000: no clue

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