What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 5 of 20. 2 Comments.

5401: That the focus is more towards productivity and less about fancy graphics and wobbly windows.

Target experienced users more than new users. Example: Gnome 3. Not everybody wants to be pushed into running everything full screen, especially when trying to run multiple terminals.

Built in tiling option would be nice, especially when doing development work.

Gnome 2 has been nice, I've used it for years. My office has used it for years, we are dreading the time when Gnome 3 is merged into our package managers and really dreading the time when support for Gnome 2 is stopped, even via source tarballs.

5402: minimize maximize buttons back
shutdown without alt key

the new version is completly bad

5403: - better themes
- windows arrangements (W7 like)
- number of bookmarks displayed below the "places" menu item

Don't forget gnome 2.x fans!

5404: Take away all the crap they started doing in the 3.x series and add more options for cuustomizability.

Listen to your users, not some BS idea of what YOU think is right for everyone. I was a convert from KDE for a while. That didn't last long now with the recent changes.

5405: Easier to "lock in" a multimonitor setup arranged via xrandr as the default when that set of displays is connected.

New windows open on display with mouse focus (!). Otherwise an hdmi tv output that isn't always turned on kills usebility until you disable it via xrandr.

Hmmm....that's pretty much it. In a nutshell, just better multimonitor support for whatever crazy eyefinity or multimon laptop dock setups people like me use

Great job guys!

5406: In Gnome-shell : I wan to be able to change the top toolbar! I want to have a right click and a left click everywhere! I want to see the notification when I receive a highlight with xchat. I want to be able to see what are my current running apps on my desktop space without having to use the "super" button (use the godamn top toolbar! what's the point to have the name of the current window which already have the focus????).

More generally, gnome-shell seems to assume that I want to use full screen apps only... this is not the case. We are not on a smart phone for god sake.

Why javascript ? I don't get it... Also allow a remote desktop app with compression and pam module for auth, it would be so good, I'm becoming bored to have people ask me what's the remote desktop for linux (VNC is bad... I have to install nomachine, which use fallback with gnome3).

5407: Great work keep it up.

5408: 1 - on v3.2, get rid of the "hold down alt to get a shutdown" "Feature"

2 - on v3.2, make a system monitor available as a desktop widget, as in 2.x

3 - find a way to allow virtual desktops to be arranged horizontally

5409: More configurable.

Have a real menu. I hate the Unity and Gnome3 take on application menus.

More window management shortcuts. (Things like automatically tile, quickly move a window to an edge/corner, quick resizes.)

If you just made more configuration options available, a lot fewer people would complain. Don't remove choices unless there is some technical reason that you really need to.

5410: return to Gnome2 style.

5411: 1. make it more configurable and easier to do so
2. re-introduce important 'lost functionality' from Gnome 2, like being able to see directly which windows are open and being able to switch to them, and have the possibility to create custom shortcut icons and/or menu's in every panel
3. give priority to speed over fancy looking, esp. for essential functions like alt-tab program switching

Make Gnome 3 better without losing the good things of Gnome 2, I'm badly missing Gnome 2 right now (currently experimenting with XFCE to see if that could be an alternative)

5412: GNOME3 is very nice, but it needs to be more configurable through the UI. Advanced users should have an interface to tweak the settings. Also, it would be nice to integrate some window management features, like the ability to automatically place windows on certain monitors or desktops.

5413: I would bring back spatial mode in Nautilus.
I would leverage existing code in Totem and Rhythmbox to create a really good internet radio app.
I would offer the option to store more documents in the "Gnome cloud" and most importantly, store them as linked data (semantic web).

5414: Give up on similarity to unity

5415: More configurability (via GUIs, not text files or a compiler). In general, more options, not less: Screensavers are a good example: Why doesn't gnome allow the screensavers to be more configurable?

When an icon in my panel mysteriously disappears, which happens from time to time, the ability to restore it (the logout icon, for instance, does not appear in the list of icons to add.)

PLEASE fix the broken permissions system! I don't know if this is a gnome issue or a Ubuntu issue, but if I chmod a subfolder of my home folder to allow full group permissions, then put myself and another user in a group together, the other user cannot even see the folder in question. Ubuntu support don't seem interested in this fundamental bug!

Please please please do not catch "touchscreen fever" and follow Ubuntu down the horrific Unity route. If I want a phone, I will buy a phone. I do not want a phone interface designed for a 4 inch touchscreen device with no keyboard on my 15" laptop screen, which has no touchscreen but a proper mouse and keyboard instead.


5416: make it snappyer and make **EVERYTHING** configurable!

make **EVERYTHING** configurable...

5417: Theming must be quite different on 3.2 because there are not very many themes available.
I want more configuration options. For example, I would like to configure the system font I'd like to use, without having to install an extra conf application.

I like the new Gnome. It's different, but it gives a particular touch to the linux environment which sets it apart from Windows and Mac.

5418: 1) Put back the reboot button,
2) Give extended UI configuration, like changing the color of a theme (eclipse user here)
3) Put the program menu in bar in the top panel of the screen as is done in Mac OS X and now with unity

Listen the user community and give the tools to power users, do not treat user as "retarded". It is sad but most of the Linux desktop user are power users not smartphone users...

5419: 1) Go back to gnome 2 style desktop interface. It was so good already, why did it get replaced? Add a searchable start menu like KDE, and Win7, and it would be perfect.
2) Replace JS with Python for scripting duties
3) Go back to gnome 2 style desktop interface. It was so good already, why did it get replaced? Add a searchable start menu like KDE, and Win7, and it would be perfect.

Go back to gnome 2 style desktop interface. It was so good already, why did it get replaced? Add a searchable start menu like KDE, and Win7, and it would be perfect. Seriously. I've moved back to Windows 7/Cygwin so I can have a normal, productive, although slightly slower interface again. I'm not interested in entertaining peoples creative ideas at the cost of my productivity. I have things to do besides fiddle with the desktop interface.

5420: 1. less mouse movements
2. aesthetic
3. usability of Gnome Shell

it is rather ugly and counter productive

5421: try no to be a copy of Unity

no, thanks

5422: 1. Revamp Nautilus file operations. For instance, queue operations on the same device.
2. Please stop deprecating perfectly fine panel applets (like the timer applet).
3. System monitor applet not configurable/powerful enough. Makes me use gkrellm.

Don't stop GNOME 2 development. GNOME 3 should be a separate project, with another name.

5423: features are dropped, that's not how it should be.

5424: Better outreach to explain transition to Shell. GUI access to more system settings. Get rid of the concept of default apps.

Good on you for enduring the hostile criticism over the last year and producing something so smart, innovative and easy to use. I love exploring DEs and Gnome Shell is not perfect but it's the most natural feeling desktop I've ever used.

5425: Kill gnome shell
Extend gnome fallback to reinstate gnome 2.32 functions
Really kill gnome shell

Please, please, please, stop developing gnome shell. It is an ergonomic nightmare aimed at no one.

5426: 1) Being able to set primary monitor with editing an xml file
2) In gnome 2.x failback mode (when using nx client to login remotely) being able to add launchers to the top panel
3) More customizable, being able to edit programs that show in applications under activies, etc.

5427: I wouldn't change much in Gnome 2.x, but I don't like 3.x

Stay away from trends, from forcing your user base to accept your ideas, from knowing everything better. Democratize the desktop. And never forget those who want to use a computer instead of a phone. And hey - we all can read. There's nothing worse than icons without descriptions.

5428: More customisability and bring the features back don't dumb it down so much.

see above

5429: More advanced options to tweak things via the GUI. Although I use command line and i'm fine changing config files it would be easier to just use the GUI at times.
I can't put my finger on it but dual monitor support doesn't feel right.
By default i should be able to put items on my desktop for quick links. I should be able to drag and drop shortcuts into the quick launch bar on the left side.

In the past, gnome and other linux desktops were different because they gave the user choice. It seems like Gnome3 is taking the route of Mac and just giving the user the experience the gnome team wants them to have regardless if the user wants it. It feels like we're being forced to use this new interface and new way of doing things. The ability to customize and do what i want is still there but it's very old school in that i have to find/open/edit config files or download plugins. I'm not sure why i can't just mix and match what I want. Maybe there are things i like in gnome3 and gnome2 but i can't mix and match them. I find myself using KDE more and more.

5430: 1) All dconf settings should be easily accessed through one systems setting GUI.

2) Gnome team should not try to enforce their concept of a desktop environment on the end user, just provide the tools and settings for the users to configure their environment (completely configure).

3) Create a documentation application (i.e. wiki) and ship it with documentation on the standard environment shipped in gnome 3, and with documentation on how to extend and modify the gnome 3 environment. Encourage 3rd parties to document their extensions, enhancements and re-configurations of Gnome 3 by including their work with Gnome 3 if it is documented fully. 3rd party add-ons shipped with Gnome 3 can be included by a user through a system setting, but only Gnome Team work will be available if this setting is left in its default. A system for tagging incompatible extensions, like compiz extensions do, should be included.

Do realistic user studies, not just ones that back the results you already want.

Don't take criticism personally, learn to extract the actual need or issue the critic is complaining about.

Not everyone is a teenager in love with dark themes and cell pkone like interfaces. Besides being unprofessional and amateurish in appearance, they pose huge roadblocks to the visually impaired.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with allowing users to configure their own environment so they can maximise their efficiency. You cannot possibly build one environment that works well in all circumstances, so don't try. Make the Gnome environment configurable enough to allow the end user to achieve that.

Finally, deliver on one of the original promises of the Gnu Object Model Environment project(known as Gnome). A universal clipboard that works across applications and keeps items after the app cut from is closed.

5431: Destroy Gnome 3. Its so unprofessional. Gnome 2 was the only viable business class desktop. Now there is no way to bring Linux into the office environment.

You want to play on tablets, fine. But Gnome 2 was the only sign of hope for Linux in the professional world (desktop wise). The death of Gnome 2 is the death of Linux in the office. Just like the massive backlash against Windows 8 and metro right now. The only difference is Windows users don't have choice. Linux... well, the only thing its got going for it now is that there isn't a good (out of the box) desktop interface anymore. Maybe OS X....

5432: (For Gnome 3)

fixed number of virtual desktops
load-monitor widgets as in Gnome 2
disable/customize selected animations

Your focus on small-screen (laptop, tablet) usability is seriously damaging large-screen usability. Stop trying to make everything look like a phone.

5433: Based on what I read could you make Gnome3.X closer to Gnome2.X in presentation and functionality. Used Gnome since Redhat days although I went Debian back to 2.0!

5434: Change for the sake of change is not always good. In fact, for a 'change' how about you start listening to users. Desktops have evolved to best serve users over time. Now you throw all of that out the window for no sane reason. GNOME 3 and Unity are both defective. I've already switched to KDE 4.x and I've been pleasantly surprised. A DE that gives users lots of options.

5435: Creating short cuts on my dekstop used to be easy!! WTF!

Get a clue!

5436: Make 3 configurable.
Do not neglect "fallback" desktop.
Make 3 configurable. I repeat because this alone can keep me from using.

5437: I dislike GNOME 3, I used to use Fedora until I upgraded to Fedora 15, and one of the main reasons I stopped using it was GNOME 3. I absolutely loved GNOME 2.x, but the switch to GNOME 3 left me with a desktop that made it harder/more complex for me to find exactly what I want, not easier. It was also extremely buggy on my ATI graphics card. This is mostly a matter of ATI's support for Linux, but I still think that a problem that would plague so many users (people with ATI cards) should be worked out with the appropriate vendors (such as ATI) before it is released.

5438: 2D grid for multiple desktops.. Compiz style plugins.. Finer control over desktop behavior..

5439: I would only want to return to the old version (2.x). My technician always prepares my pc for me (I use it for work - translations - and for private uses), and I was perfectly happy with the old version. When he installed the new version on my laptop, I screamed... I didn't find anything anymore, it was really ugly and had become difficult for me, I even wasn't able to shut down the laptop! My technician, for days, was searching and trying until he created some usable version of it for me, that resembled in some way to the old version. But I avoid working with the laptop unless I'm forced to use it. On my desktop I still have the old version.

To listen and to respect their users, not throw them out of the thread, because they say "what a horrible thing" (it's what happened to me, I didn't offend anybody, I was only "shocked" by the new version and told it to them). Like every software, it should be for the user, not for the developer. They work very hard, I admit that, but it's of no use doing something what the users don't want! What are they doing it for, then? Gnome should remain a good usable "technical" software, not try to resemble a tablet, a game-boy (that terrific big icons!) or something like this. Anyway, if they receive such a negative echo as they do with gnome 3, they should turn to the old version, integrating it as ever they want, but not changing everything into worse.

5440: * Let user choose between SI and IEC prefix for file size display.
* Allow more out-of-box customization of interface (like windows title bar height)
* Check gnome-shell memory use, I have to kill the process at a daily-frequency or applications like chromium don't even start.

5441: return gnome 2 style menu/desktop fuctionality as an option

emphasize textual interface over visual symbols - I don't mean the command line, I mean a menu that opens up application/function names rather than images of apps, which I find very cumbersome to navigate and even process mentally.

After using gnome for a long time I've always been impressed with it's progression, with an emphasis on increasing the usability of the interface and the attractiveness of it's interface.

For me, Gnome-3 is a departure from that and, at least from my persepective, represents a triumph of user interface theory over actual practice.

I have been working with Gnome3 for about a month, trying to acclimate myself to it, but the simple fact is that Gnome3 disrupts my workflow process too greatly to be of use, so with much sadness I am moving all my pc's at home & work to xfce, which, although not as appealing as gnome-2, at least lets me accomplish my tasks quickly, which is all I really want from a DE.

5442: Return to layout closer to gnome 2.0
Or make it easier to customize the shell to remove unwanted annoying items.

Gnome 3 it not designed for a work based computer

Why are you trying to make my computer look like an ipad?

If I wanted an ipad I would have purchased one.

Considering switching to xcfe or lxde

5443: It takes too many clicks to get where you want to be. One distro tells me that I have to run in fallback mode, then another gives me the full experience of gnome. Yes I do consider this a gnome problem.

You should have made menus to work with gnome in case people did not want the real thing. Yes I know you can use the fallback mode which is the only way gnome is almost normal.

5444: 1) In Gnome 3 bring back some of the flexibility of Gnome 2 (multiple panels, arbitrary panel applets & launchers)
2) In Gnome 3 remove the stupid requirement to press ALT before I can shut down!
3) Better support for focus follows mouse with auto-raise

Make "People" a first class data type - like "Places" and "Applications". I should be able to drag an icon representing a person to my panel, desktop, etc. in order to see their online status, send them a mail or IM, start a videoconference, or drag a file onto the icon to initiate a file transfer with them.

5445: Make GNOME more configurable, add more features and release new GNOME versions more frequently.

5446: People don't like change, that's why some users whine about Gnome 3 nowadays, but they'll be fine :) In my opinion GNOME team did an astonishing job on Gnome 3. A lot of people all over the world are grateful to you guys, pity that pleased people often forget to praise the ones who's responsible for their happiness and comfort. Cheers!

5447: (1) Size of dock icons (option for making them smaller)
(2) Option for making dock visible on the Desktop as a default
(3) Option for addition of force-quit to the menubar (as per Gnome 2).
(4) Option for addition of Wine programs to the dock. (You can do it now, but they have the Wine icon instead of their own and they don't work when you click on them.)

Gnome shell is growing on me, now that there are extensions that bring back some of Gnome 2 functionality. But we need more extensions to bring back that lost functionality. (For example, a force-quit extension for the menubar.)

5448: 1. I really miss the right mouse button over the desktop - simple menu here for a terminal, nautilus etc would be great
2. Does anyone need all this easier access to Facebook type social media crap - keep it simple - serious users don't want this stuff. At least give us a way to remove it or switch it off.
3. LXDE is simple - but it is very fast. I find myself using it a lot now that GNOME 2 has gone. It works, it's easy to use and it's simple.

To make GNOME 3 use able for me I have to add the minimize, maximize button back in and configure four or five "hotkeys' - terminal, nautilus, browser, email - I hate the back and forth to the Activities menu

5449: I cant think of anything I would change in Gnome 2.x. I have not used Gnome 3 or 3.2 because I'm using Ubuntu and all reviews say it is worse than Unity.

Looking at screen shot online I see no menu trees, just large icons. This is the reason I hate Unity. Give the option to use menus from a task bar, I'm using a desktop not an iPhone.

5450: better/more settings.

fewer wakeups.. better pointer focus support

5451: plugins easy to install through a desktop app,
less duplication of effort, why epiphany?

5452: Revert back to Gnome 2.x and start the remodeling process from there. If you want to make something brand new and awesome, simply customize it some of the same ways that we users do in our own environments and offer it as the default, but always maintain the SAME level of customization capabilities that Gnome 2.x offered. DON'T define for me my desktop environment experience. That's my job!

Read the above......

Also, what were you thinking? You were on top of the world and the only way you could lose your #1 status was to give it away. Why did you give it away????

5453: - Let a file manager handle the desktop again, as in version 2
- make GNOME 3 independent of graphics accelerators to be able to use older graphics card too, or set up the full GNOME2 functionality for those cases
- put system admin-tools into a decent sytem-admin-menu again

The dash is great, but the file handling and terminal access are just difficult.
The appearance is really cool, but GNOME 3 less usable than ver 2

5454: I only use Gnome 2.x because I don't like the direction Gnome 3 is going in. I use my computer as a computer and don't have a touch screen. I loved Gnome 2, but now am considering changing to xfce. I'm still running Fedora 14 and in a few days Fedora 16 will be released, and I might be forced to switch then.

Yes, stop calling it Fallback Mode, it makes it seem like you're calling it broken. Call it Classic Mode and support it more, and I will gladly switch to Gnome 3. As for now, you seem too proud to admit that all your foresight and "great" ideas don't please everyone. Even Linus calls your new direction utter crap.

Don't burn the bridges of the people that have been loyal to you all these years. Support those of us that have been loyal and we won't be looking for xfce as an option.

5455: Ease of changing the interface
Toggle-able options (.option for seeing workspaces without getting an extension.)
Easier way To Navigate

5456: [For GNOME3]
* Quick access to my windows
* Quick access to my virtual desktops
* Stop dumbing down the interface

Listen to the critique from GNOME (ex-)users.

5457: i'd rather you helped the KDE teams make further improvements

5458: 1) Build up Fallback mode. It desperately needs attention. It is not a viable alternative to Gnome 2 yet. Not everyone is impressed by eye candy...
2) Add more official gnome shell extensions.
3) Every distro that uses the shell looks the same. Give me the ability to customize it like I was able to in Gnome 2 (especially the panel!!!)

I know the Gnome developers have gotten a lot of shit recently, but they can solve a lot of it by not forcing their users to use the Gnome Shell at least as it is.. As of right now (Gnome 3.2.1 on Arch) Fallback mode is still crippled and the Shell is only usable with the frippery extension installed. The Shell isn't bad. I don't hate it, but unless all you are doing on your computer is just dicking around on the internet it's annoying as hell to use... This is the only reason I make the Gnome Shell look like as much like Gnome 2 as possible.

5459: 1. drop current developers

2. deep 6 gnome shell

3. listen to user feedback

gnome developers, get your head out of your ass, this gnome shell is a bunch of shit. don't try to copy windows, kde has already turned to shit trying to do this. i might come back if you get your act together but i doubt it.

5460: Keep supporting 2.x.x series

The 3.x.x series has a strong vision and is sure to have it's supporters. That said, it is currently not a good fit for me (and I know I am not alone). While it is clear that developing a desktop environment is a huge undertaking, perhaps it would be possible to maintain the 2.x.x series so that it remains a choice to those that prefer it. After all, Gnome 2.x.x had a lot of users and did very well by them over the years.

5461: Having more flexibility for the top panel (adding/moving utilities in the bar like system monitor graphs).

I'm a follower for Gnome 3.
I like the way it is heading.
(sorry, french is my native language)

5462: Please stop !

5463: Touch would be nice

5464: Tiling support for windows
Performance improvements of evolution

Keep up the good work :)

5465: that horrible bar on top needs to go.

bring back the classic gnome desktop layout

bring back customization settings/tools.

Start making Gnome 3.x more like Gnome 2.x, and people will stop HATING YOU.

5466: 1. Change the default behavior to include shutdown/poweroff opetions in the menu instead of having a to hold down the Alt key or installing an extension.
2. Faster method of switching between windows/applications without add-ons or extensions. Currently, under default install, two clicks are needed when formerly only one click was needed.
3. Allow users to place icons/widgets on main desktop windows. What good is all that space on the desktop if it is blank.

5467: 1) return spatial nautilus functionality, and traditional desktop
2) move away from cellphone style "apps", towards a document oriented model
3) Pretend gnome shell never existed

Basically? They had a good thing with Gnome 2, and they threw it away.

5468: * flick between screens with mouse wheel
* better built in customization options
* have the important stuff built in rather than added with extensions

keep on truckin'

5469: remove annoying taskbar on the bottom that goes in my way on last line of terminal, bottom bar of Firefox, ...

get back my pannel with the full support of old applets

cannot get used to TAB+~ to switch between same windows

Trying to make it simple too much by removing all possible options (like go-up icon in file manager, power management settings what happens when I close a lid) is really user unfriendly as people spend 100x more time trying to figure out how to tweak it... making them angry and less productive at the end...

Simple is good, too much simplicity borders with stupidity. Gnome crossed the line for me.

5470: 1, Currently in Gnome, there's no option for windows tilling. For that reason alone, I prefer KDE or Enlightenment. I'm not sure how many people use tilling, however I know there would be many, many more if it was implemented.

2, I would like to be able to adjust the size of application icons in overview mode exactly like I do in Nautilus - CTRL + Mouse wheel. Having massive icons looks childish much like large text does.

3, Last but by no means least, I would like the window buttons back by default.

5471: Use an applications menu as opposed to a 'full screen folder' view.

Show shutdown by default. Having to hold ALT is horribly unintuitive.

Allow users to use display: none in theme to hide things they don't want.

5472: more access to richer comfigurations a la ccsm

great work. love gnome-shell (mostly)

5473: - add a global switch to choose between "super-simple" and "advanced configurability"
- add tooltips telling which (CLI) command is behind every function (in an hypothetical "advanced configuration" mode)
- add tooltips to show where info is being saved to disk (in an hypothetical "advanced configuration" mode)

Don't waste efforts listening to (l)user complaints.
If someone has a real problem needs to state it in a technical (measurable) way, then logic can win over personal bias.

Keep up the good work!

5474: 1. "Hold alt to power off". Suspend doesn't work on my desktop.
2. Simpler to organize/customize menus, right click should be enough. Why should I need to manually edit files to accomplish this.
3. I should be able to customize "obvious" stuff like screen saver/themes etc. Small things, but that's what makes the desktop feel like home.

The big change to 3.0 took some getting used to, and I considered giving it up. Now I'm mostly happy and find most of the changes positive and refreshing.

5475: I would make it so that gnome 3 fallback mode is gnome 2.30 with gnome 3 rendering engine, I would make it easier to switch windows, and easier to open new windows.

Give the ability to use gnome 2.30 with gnome 3 rendering engine.

5476: search
online conectivity
more extension

Good new way for gnome 3 based on simplicity !

5477: - Single click custom launchers in panels/taskbar
- All running windows shown at all times in taskbar
- Let me move/add panels

See above.
Also, I am using a desktop, not a tablet: I have plenty of space, and I have a right mouse button that has been used for essentially the same function for the last 15 years in every OS GUI I've tried.
I can't minimise windows.
I can't put app launchers on the desktop.
I can't put app launchers on panels.
I can't see what I have open, or switch between them without having to click on Activities.
I can't add/move panels.
I no longer seem to have a menu that allows me to access any app/location on my computer.
Gnome 3 looks nice, but funtionality has been taken away. I'm switching from Ubuntu to Mint while they still have gnome 2.
I feel frustrated, hampered, crippled.

5478: - More compact menus and better fonts by default
- Make "Terminal" more lightweight (e.g. rxvt and derivatives)
- Desktop Gadgets/Widgets by default (GnomeGadgets maybe?)

Keep up the good work and please do not drive Gnome into SuperGlossyVistaKDEStyle

Gnome probably needs some minor feminine touches to it to give it a slightly sexier look. I'm one of the users who use mrxvt more than gnome, but sexy touches around will make it hot. For example, rounding the corners a bit, compactness of the windows and a more consistent location of the window buttons.

Thanks for you hard work!

5479: 1. Make more totally separate and integrated apps for the calendar instead of using evolution.
2. Build a Music Player extension, similar to the one in unity, and integrate it.
3. More social networking integration and cloud syncing. Google, Facebook, etc.

Gnome 3 has Unity beat out of the water. What it needs is to remove the need of 3rd party apps for tools like the calendar, and allow it to sync with Google calendar.

5480: - Revert back to the 2.x Interface
- Shutdown option without pressing the "alt" key (i'm not a noob but i had to google that in order to know how to shutdown my machine. Seriously what were you thinking ?!)
- Bring back Panel applets

5481: 1- Get back to the old proxy settings dialog or give the same functionality to the new one. Typing the same proxy server for every protocol it's a real regression.
2- Displaying which application is running in the top panel is useless. Put apps menus there, like Unity.
3- Applications view should be organized by categories from the beginning instead of having to click categories to filter.

Keep up with the good job. The overall desktop experience is better, but never forget that you work for smart people (people who use Linux) and they love to customize their desktops. You achieved a good balance between customization options at hand and under the hood in the 2.x series, but now the desktop it's way too uncustomizable for users taste. Learn from extensions made by users, they are a source of good ideas and a way to know the overall user feeling about some new "features" like hiding poweroff.

5482: Incorporate more system tools into it.

Keep the overall look and feel, but make it function better and easier. I loved Ubuntu (but used other linux variants). Now, I will have to find another primary linux variant to replace Ubuntu - to get away from Unity. Unity is good for netbooks, but wastes too much space for large-screen desktops and my laptops (even the 12 in Dell D420s and D430s). You guys have a great product that I would pay for without issue (I donated to Ubuntu), but I expect to be using primarily other variants instead of Unity.

5483: 1. easier customisation. less searching on the internet for weight gconf settings.
2. top panel + menu must be customisable. search function is nice, but previous tree version of menu makes more sense when you have a lot of apps installed and you don't know the name/function of each.
3. why the only power options are log out and suspend? I am a desktop user and I never use suspend. Surely laptop users would use shut down most as well.

1. easy selection of default application based on mimetype or group. I can't seem to find a way to do this either in nautilus or settings.
2. if switching between different open 'activities' is only possible while opening the relevant screen I want some kind of indication of what/how much I have open at a glance. in 2.x we had the taskbar for this.
3. I still can't see what the 'online accounts' is good for. It doesn't seem to do anything although I'm logged into google. seems like a nice idea - but maybe it is possible to do this as optional only (opt-out, if you prefer it)
4. startup applications *must* be easy to configure in GUI.
I'm using ubuntu so if something of my complaints is their fault and not GNOME's please ignore

5484: Keep the good work

5485: bring back the flexibility of (and fix drawers in) panels

kill gconf with FIRE



yes, i used all caps.

5486: Integrated customization
Top bar workspaces changer

You're doing great guys, keep up the good work, linux lacks of elegance and that's what you are providing

5487: The application icon in the top bar, activities to open applications if no windows are open, fix paste issue when apps are closed, make the fallback mode more like Gnome 2

Even if far from feature complete, Gnome Shell is great, much better than Unity. But for those who don't like Gnome shell, please consider improving the fallback mode a bit

5488: (1) add more options to arrange windows as with the compiz grid plugin/unity: top half, bottom half, quarter screen (I really miss this functionality)

(2) when I open a text document in gedit by double-clicking the file in nautilus and then another directly from the dash, the file will not open in the same gedit instance; in gnome 2 all documents accessed by the same user used to open in new tabs in gedit, which was a lot more user-friendly and created less clutter

thanks a lot for the great work you are doing

5489: 1) Fonts rendering is often terrible, but getting better; especially for Java programs.

2) I also wish it was easier to create custom launchers + shortcuts

3) upnp support to control multimedia renderers should JustWork (tm)

less "book" documentation, more howtos please.

Gnome3 is super cool! don't listen to the average blogger, keep this direction.

5490: On older hardware, I have found GNOME 3 to be quite slow, even in fallback mode. I value my user interface being quick and responsive, even on older hardware.

I would really like to see more advanced window management come to GNOME. I frequently use various tiling window managers as well as Compiz plugins and having similar features in GNOME would be a big win for me.

Please continue adding configuration options to GNOME! I am not so concerned with whether they are easily accessible or whether I have to dig into GSettings or configuration files, but having the ability to personalize my environment is important to me.

Please disregard the haters and continue to strive for excellence! Thanks for all your great work!

5491: Customising is hard.
Theme installation is not obvious.
Font selection not obvious.

Gnome 2.x works absolutely fine - don't change it!

5492: Gnome 2.3 is perfect. 2.32 started to mess things up. Gnome 3 = total failure It totally disrupted my workflow (using programs, placing windows, having a God damned fucking space to minimise programs to because I need to switch between them! - crazy huh?!?).

1. Stop trying to be popular.
2. Go back to being functional.
3. Stop trying to manage the users behaviour, telling them that your new way will stop distraction and other things. That's not your place to manage the way I work on my computer, and if I procrastinate, that's my fucking business!

Stop developing Gnome. You've failed at it in a very major way. If you wanted to cater to the netbook idiot crowd, then you should have made a 'Gnome light' version for them and not ruin my love of Linux. I'm going back to Windows in a few months.

5493: Move to Qt
Not try to do one UI for all PC/devices
Not rely on gl/gles. (For GNOME3 only)

5494: 1-option to switch between text and buttons in nautilus location bar
2-use Thunderbird as the default integrated mail client instead of Evolution (or at least integrate both and let the user choose)
3-have shutdown in the menu instead of only suspend

I really like the direction gnome3 is going. I assumed it was not usable due to Ubuntu switching to Unity, but after using Unity for about 6 months I finally couldn't stand it anymore and tried gnome3...It's the best desktop I've used in 20 years.

5495: I would make a GTK 2 theme like Aldabra default in each release until GTK 2 is irrelevant, I'd have application menu support in more applications, and I'd port more GTK 2 applications to GTK 3, making full use of the Shell (unfortunately, this is somewhat out of the GNOME team's control).

Stick to the plan and keep polishing things up, keeping it simple. GNOME 3 has changed computing for me and quite a few people I know- don't listen to the close-minded, change-hating people who aren't willing to understand a better way to interact with their computer. They can use KDE or XFCE- it's important that you do what's right and make a powerful desktop environment that's "Made of Easy."

5496: return to a decent menuing system.

5497: Nothing
just love it

Keep up the good job

5498: I haven't tried Gnome 3.x at all. BUt, I have seen videos and read a lot about it. I'd prefer a better version of Gnome 2.

Go hard. I still luffs ya!

5499: Keep the classic 2.3 look & feel

I'm not very happy with the Gnome 3 interface.
It's fine if that's what some users want, but I'm not looking for such a radical change.
I'd like to see a fork or an option that allows you to choose the classic 2.x look & feel if that's what you want, but keep adding improvements, support, etc.

5500: 1. Treat users with respect. Stop treating users like children.
2. Treat users with respect. Stop treating users like children.
3. Treat users with respect. Stop treating users like children.

See above.

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