What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 16 of 20. 2 Comments.

6501: Make it GNOME2 again.
Make it GNOME2 again.
Make it GNOME2 again.

DE means DESKTOP Environment, not TOUCH SCREEEN Environment.
You've taken away the DESKTOP part of the environment from DESKTOP users.
GNOME3 might be usable for really basic users, but users that need a lot of windows open, launch a good set of applications (and several instances of each) can't use GNOME3.


I'd be a GNOME3 user on a TABLET, not in anything else.

6502: Just one thing. Turn back to Gnome 2.x and continue with develop.

I want more modify Gnome 3.2 than now. I mean editing windows, customize panels, customize main menu, more options how to switch open applications.

6503: give me back my Gnome Classic desktop; I really miss it!

include Gnome Classic in future releases so I don't have to install it and give it equal attention.

6504: Great work!

6505: Drop Gnome 3, drop GObject and move to C++, change for the sake of change is bad.

Listen to your users, no one is happy with Gnome 3.

6506: go back to the customisable gnome 2.x
go back to the customisable gnome 2.x
go back to the customisable gnome 2.x

with both gnome 3 and unity, linux has lost its way.
do not presume to know whats best for or dictate to your userbase how things should be done or you will find those users migrating in large numbers.
If we wanted those characteristics then we would use mac or windows.
you have tried to make a idiot proof system and have just made an idiotic one instead.

6507: More extensive work with hardware compatibility.

Gnome is one of the best!

6508: good job guys!!!user from the Czech Republic

6509: Add autohide function to top bar.

6510: * default calendar, clocks, ... better were in Gnome 2
* default gnome panel (as in gnome 2)
* actually everything what should be amazing in gnome 3 (gnome 2 was/is better and more usable)

Please, don't try to come with some super-cool features like that MacOS-like buttons, ... and please return to good old Gnome 2.x, actually that new Gnome 3.x is the reason why I am using Xfce, which fullfiled my needs better than Gnome 3.

6511: 1. Gnome Shell is utterly useless. It needs to be usable. On my 9-year-old desktop, it pegs the cpu at 100% and is only usable in fallback mode.

2. I want the interface to work how I like it, not how some brain-dead lame-ass script-kiddie thinks it should work. With Gnome 3, it is entirely useless. The Gnome Shell interface is so awful that even Larry Wall would be ashamed of participating in making it.

3. The Gnome "developers" (aka the script-kiddies in charge of Gnome) need to get off their arrogant asses and get out of their parents' basements long enough to interact with real people and realize that Linux and BSD users comprise some of the smartest people in the world. Maybe then they would wake up to the fact that they don't know shit.

Yea, go take a flying leap off of the nearest cliff and rid the world of your stupidity. I thought the KDE team was arrogant and stupid until the Gnome team showed an even more profound stupidity and arrogance with Gnome 3.

BTW, here's a new motto for you:

Gnome: raising the bar for stupidity and arrogance.

6512: Honestly, nothing. I like that Gnome is leaving the Windows 95 paradigm behind.

Don't listen to the naysayers - those people have KDE if they want a trad desktop.

6513: Alt+tab (I want the old one back, especially with regards to proper workspace separation), icons on my desktop, proper themability

I really tried to like GNOME 3, but after a few weeks, I got sick of it and installed FXCE on my home desktop. I still haven't done an OS upgrade on the work computer because I don't want to give up GNOME 2 on it.

6514: - file explorer
- windows management
- add multitouch support

You are doing great job, keep it up !

6515: 1) Unstick pupups in applications!
2) Make running apps more clearly in the favorites bar
3) Make it easier to move apps between desktop views

Provide a ROM so I can run it on my android 3.2 system

6516: -unify the screen control/appearance

keep a "fallback" interface available and easy to switch to for the "old guys" that love v2.

6517: Gnome 3 is unuseable.

6518: Attitude, backwards compatibility, gsettings.

A platform requires stability. If binaries written to the API of today don't work in 5 years, the API is worthless.

6519: 1. Some task bar or app list that shows what's running.
2. Faster searching for apps in the app list in GNOME 3.2. Too slow on a netbook.
3. All dialogs (especially system config) should be resizable. They don't fit on a netbook screen.

6520: Remove shell and revert to task-centric desktop. It's pure idiocy, just because Apple is doing it doesn't mean everyone should mimic them. [temporary Mac user]

I can't even use computer with Gnome 3 (even fallback) or Unity. Mint's MSGE is not enough. Please bring back task-centric desktop before it's too late. Focus on desktop, laptop, you have no chance in tablets segment - as Ubuntu.

6521: 1. Bring back the icons in Nautilus, especially "open parent".

2. Bring back the "System" menu in the fallback mode.

3. Stop removing features and trying to dumb everything down! You're not making things easier to use when you remove an icon and force people to go through a menu or constantly move their hand back and forth from the mouse the keyboard.

Why try to design Gnome for people who've never used a computer before? Sorry to break it to you, but such people are NEVER going to embrace Linux, no matter how much you dumb it down. Meanwhile, you're alienating the kinds of people who actually do use Linux and want to get work done. At least Microsoft and Apple understand (and care) who their users are.

6522: Publish usability testing data to encourage confidence in resulting decisions.

6523: 1.) Develop fallback mode to be a classic mode with old Gnome functions and style
2.) Being able to configure the new environment more to your liking
3.) Always have a simple feedback button available

Develop fallback mode to be a classic mode with old Gnome functions and style. Let people chose depending where they run it. The new Gnome feels like a "tablet OS". Maybe a PC-mode or Tablet-mode could be a way to move forward? Android is great but I would hate it on a PC.

Best Micko

6524: Allow grid layout of workspaces instead of just linear.
Make removing a workspace when closing the last window optional.
Bring back a sensible menu not the overview thing.

Now switching to XFCE as it has sensible workspaces.

6525: Go back to GNOME 2.x and keep maintaining that series

I hate GNOME 3.x.

6526: Alt+F2 (run dialog) should be enabled by default. This could be an Ubuntu 11.10 default and not a gnome, I don't know. I use openbox on anything else myself.

Shutdown options should be available without pressing alt. I just switched to using the command line when I could no longer find it in the system menu.

Make the online accounts system work. You have an interface for people to enter their google account info and check what they want it used for but none of the applications seem to support it yet.

See above. Gnome 3 is way better than Unity and although I am more keyboard driven then mouse driven I love the menu and desktop control. I might actually start using multiple desktops with Gnome 3 (never had the need before). Also, please start showing more than just the one program in the taskbar. That and close, minimize should be enabled by default.

6527: better GUI-Settings
widgets in the panel (like the gnome2 load display)
ability to disconnect from a WLAN-network

6528: Delete all remnants of gnome-shell.
Change history so that gnome-shell was never written.
Go back in time and shoot the person who came up with the idea of gnome-shell so that it was never written.

Bring back ALL the functionality of Gnome 2. What you call Gnome 3 is nothing that Gnome 2 was. It's a completely new project that just happens to share some of the same libraries, like XFCE and LXDE. They are not Gnome. Neither is Gnome 3.

6529: Make again Gnome 2.x default desktop for new distro Ubuntu 11.10, Debian sidq ...

Keep Gnome 2.x support !!!!!!

6530: Make it more customizable
Give users more choice how their GNOME should look like

Ask your user what they want to have instead of forcing them into new "usability" schemes. Not everything that is old is bad.
Ignoring users will cause them to switch to other desktops.

6531: I would change the style back to that of a regular desktop instead of the tablet style

That's about it, really... It looks awful purty, though...

6532: only one - Speed it up

I think you are going in the wrong direction with Gnome 3, Gnome 2 is fully configurable, and very easy to use. Gnome 3 sucks big time and is totally useless to me, I find it frustrating and very long winded to use. Please change it to be like Gnome 2 and give us back all the functionality we have been used to, Gnome 3 is even more limiting than ms windows - and that really is a retrograde step!!

6533: - bring back the window list switcher
- bring back a usable applications menu
- bring back window-centered alt-tabbing

Thanks for a very enjoyable Gnome 2 experience.

For the last 3 years, Gnome 2 was a mature desktop environment, with a really good and improving finishing. Usable by almost everyone.
You had one of the most advanced, and usable free desktop, and you ruined it.
Plese keep in mind that not everyone is using a touch screen/tablet!

6534: First, an option to return to Gnome 2.32 flexibility and functionality. I used Gnome for so many years because I liked using it, and I was able to very easily modify the desktop to my tastes and add in shortcuts for things I used frequently. Gnome 3 takes away all of this, requiring me to use the command line nearly to the exclusion of all other options because there just aren't many options in Gnome 3. It seems that Gnome 3 is designed, chiefly, to appeal to tablet users, or those with a touchscreen. It is close to useless for anyone with a "traditional" computer.

The Gnome 3 "fallback" mode is worse than useless; make it a clone of Gnome 2.32. As it is, it has all the obstinate turgidity of Gnome 3 without any of the "functionality."

Have documentation. There are probably lots of keyboard shortcuts that make Gnome 3 a less than torturous experience, but I don't know about them. The ones I have discovered have been through accidental discoveries while reading about other things on the Internet. If Gnome 3 is going to force all users to abide by one particular kind of desktop experience, the least it could do is tell them how to use it.

The design model of Gnome 3 seems to be fully entrenched in the Apple aesthetic of form-over-function. It looks nice, but to me it's unusable, and it takes away nearly every single reason why I used Gnome to begin with. Please let users modify the appearance, layout, and function of the GUI, or provide an easy option to fall back to Gnome 2.32.

6535: Empower GNOME users to see and evaluate the new GNOME for what it can free them from, not compare it to idiosyncrasies they are already accustomed to; thus, facilitate transition by a) pushing the llvmpipe software accelerated fallback; and b) emphasizing that users should see the new interface like the "glass is half-full/half-empty": It's not so much "dumbed down" as it is unencumbered.

I am tremendously impressed by the GNOME team's ability not only to transcend their own idiosyncrasies and habits to develop a user interface that leverages 3-d acceleration for much more than just playing games--to overcome their own resistance to change to the point of allowinf a new interface paradigm to emerge.
One of the most common acrimonious complaints I've seen in response to the new GNOME, unencumbered by myriad options that arguably cause us to slow our navigation to avoid mis-clicking--and ostensibly do not form any of our true roles and responsibilities day in and day out (at least I don't know anyone whose job it is day in and day out to configure and reconfigure...)--is that the new GNOME is ignorant of their workflows.

Instead, I think the GNOME team having done an excellent job of overcoing their own resistance to change, now must turn to pointing out to these users that leveraging the new interface model could indeed allow them to evolve a new, much more efficient, much less error-prone, cluttered, and more productive workflow (that is, unless their jobs actually do consist of configuring desktops all day every day...)

[email protected] http://RobinCheung.ca/

6536: Drop gnome3 interface
Return to gnome2 interface and improve that instead
Drop gnome3 interface

Drop gnome3 interface









6538: more stable, better design, PIM!

a cool android support would be nice :D

please replace rhythmbox!

6539: Make Gnome 3.2 more user friendly by going back to Gnome 2 look and feel.

Please, in future, listen to the comments of those of us who use Gnome.

6540: More settings.
Faster way to change virtual desktop using the mouse.
Automount encrypted partitions.

6541: Make it faster.
Make it simpler

I moved from gnome to xfce, because the latter behaves very well and looks prettier

6542: * Native desktop widgets / integration with gDesklets
* Better integration and account management with social networks
* Option for "power search" in Nautilus

This is THE GNOME I've been waiting for. Always found the 2.x series to be repulsive due to its decade-old look and feel. Gnome Shell ftw \m/
Good job. keep it up GNOME devs!

6543: Forget gnome-shell. It may be fancy and pretty, but it is somewhat complicated for power users. Classic window managers aren't all bad, nor is the good old Gnome-panel. I see the need for cleaning up the system tray bloat, but there must be a better way than shell.

Come back to the non-tablet users. Not everybody needs big buttons and fancy animations.

6544: More user configurability
Improvements to gvfs
Faster & slimmer

Let users have a gnome 2 like environment in gnome 3
Backwards compatibility for gnome plugins

6545: They should allow both v2 and v3 ways of working and let us decide which we want to use (maybe that's why Mint is top distro at the moment).

I'm a Mint user and want to stick with v2, I have tried and don't like v3 at all having to spend ages finding programs before you can launch then and having to jump around all over place to get there, v3 maybe fine for a tablet but not a desktop. If Mint doesn't solve the v3 problems then I'll be switching to LXDE or XFCE probably on Debian or Mint.

6546: 1.More lightweight, efficient and exquisite file manager.
2.Using Firefox or Chromium as default browser.

I absolutely support the changes in gnome 3 and xp-like style UI (gnome 2 and kde3 .etc) is out of date. But now I am using xfce4 because of these reasons:
1.Ease of use. Gnome 3 is somewhat difficult to use such as power-off button disappear by default, moving mouse to left-top screen time by time to active the application center , can't input other languages (chinese for example ) in the search box to find my installed apps in the application and so on.. Generally speaking, there are too many things need to be improved.
2.Customization. The dock's right-menu options is not enough for us to customize it. For instant, is there a function like win7 jumplist ?How to change the dock's position, volume,transparency? How to quickly and easily add apps?
How to use "add to panel" functions in gnome 3? The function is essential to me unless there is another similar function to instead it in gnome 3.
3.The file manager looks ugly comaring to mac os X 10.7 and win7. When I see the gnome3's windows manager ,I feel it is cool,then when I open the filemanger, As if I came back to the ugly gnome 2 and xp-like UI. They are not inharmonious with each other.

6547: 1.More lightweight, efficient and exquisite file manager.
2.Using Firefox or Chromium as default browser.

I absolutely support the changes in gnome 3 and xp-like style UI (gnome 2 and kde3 .etc) is out of date. But now I am using xfce4 because of these reasons:
1.Ease of use. Gnome 3 is somewhat difficult to use such as power-off button disappear by default, moving mouse to left-top screen time by time to active the application center , can't input other languages (chinese for example ) in the search box to find my installed apps in the application center and so on.. Generally speaking, there are too many things need to be improved.
2.Customization. The dock's right-menu options is not enough for us to customize it. For instant, is there a function like win7 jumplist ?How to change the dock's position, volume,transparency? How to quickly and easily add apps?
How to use "add to panel" functions in gnome 3? The function is essential to me unless there is another similar function to instead it in gnome 3.
3.The file manager looks ugly comaring to mac os X 10.7 and win7. When I see the gnome3's windows manager ,I feel it is cool,then when I open the filemanger, As if I came back to the ugly gnome 2 and xp-like UI. They are inharmonious with each other.

6548: I would only change one thing: open up the community.

6549: 1. Thicker borders for window resizing
2. Obvious keyboard way to manipulate the gnome desktop
3. Auto-hide for the top bar. It consumes to much space on a tiny net-book screen.

I am disappointed with the GNOME development team in that the configuration options were not even finished in GNOME 2.x before working on 3.x. It seems as though they are going down the road as 2.x all over again. 80% of Linux users want to customize their desktop. The other 20% is made up of those that use what the distribution gives them. Currently in 3.x, you cannot customize it.

6550: - Avoid windows resize/grid align when activating left bar, I would prefer a alt+TAB like bar with windows rising when mouse's over their icon
- Allow somehow to minimize windows (like "the old way")
- Possibility to choose categorized app search along alphabetic

6551: 1) Application Menu
2) Open Windows
3) Application Menu

Bring back the Application Menu and make fixable the Application Dock

6552: Gnome 3
Gnome 3
Gnome 3

You failed try again ...
Seriously drop gnomee 3 which is a real pain for real users and go directly to gnome 4 forking gnome 2

6553: 1. Add "run/open as root" command when right click on a file.
2. Make the upper bar customizable.
3. Add power off option for desktops.

Good work with Gnome 3 :)

6554: 1) Better dual monitor support (currently desktop, but not whole system, freezes when using xinerama, that was working great with Gnome 2).
2) When both root terminal icon and user terminal icon are present, allow opening the second without rightclicking (when having a user terminal open, and clicking the root terminal icon, the regular terminal gets focus instead of opening a new terminal as root)

3) better keyboard support

See question 22.
Please take care of the dual monitor issues.

Keep up the good work.

6555: 1. Stop trying to make the GUI simpler. It's not necessary.
2. Stop trying to be innovative. Innovation can't be planned or forced, it just happens along the way. You're only making things worse with your "we change it all" attitude.
3. Listen to you users, not to your egos.

In the IT world, Linux users are the 1%, literally. Many of them are very technically knowledgable or at least above average.
While I understand that you are trying to appeal to a less technically inclined audience, DO NOT BETRAY YOUR MAIN GROUP OF USERS. These user groups are not exclusive. You can appeal to both by shipping with simple defaults, but giving IT people options to change them.
The level of Linux/Gnome adaption is not yet high enough to allow for the loss of the technical Linux user group. If you lose them, you lose everything.

Just stick to what works: Copy the best features from all available operating systems, put them together in a way that makes sense and add some useful extras instead of trying to change the whole thing. Gnome2 did it and so did KDE and everything was good. Why change it?

6556: Regain freedom on our own desktop
Combine strenghts of Gnome-shell and Gnome2
Less dependencies

Stop and listen to your users every now and then, give us some flexibility/freedom.

6557: Get Gnome2 back on track.

With a much better app roster (without recreating new apps just for the hell of control). Apache, Eclipse, Mozilla and KDE are kicking Gnome ass really hard. We're fed up of SKELETICAL changelogs.

Replace the entire team with sociable progressists or the LinuxMint crew.


Stick to just improving GTK and system libraries, leave desktop making to the LinuxMint guys or really anyone else.

6558: Not to be forced to migrated to v3. Thanks to Gentoo I have not been forced yet.

6559: Integration with other software! It should be more sleek but I guess they are on a good road.

Keep it them coming :)

6560: I would:

1 - add an option to move the Shell top panel to the bottom, left or right side of the screen,

2 - add files thumbnails to the Gnome file selector as in Windows 7 (biggest Gnome's drawback imho),

3 - add windows management shortcut as in Windows 7 (example: Win+Up maximizes, Win+Down reduces, Win+Right places windows to the right side of the screen, Win+Left does the same to the left)

The third point exists already somehow, but isn't as convenient as in Windows 7.

Please continue to improve Gnome Shell's keyboard shortcuts support, with easier and more customisation options. Take the best from concurrent OS for your own users' sake!

6561: * Create an option so alt+tab switches between all windows (like in older Gnome versions)
* Bring Panel applets back!

6562: Give me back the original task bar.
Give me Linux Mints Debian Edition bottom task bar.

Give me top and bottom side by side snap. :D

I was going to write a novel but I'll just give you the bullets.
-I'm a C, SYSVerilog, Python, Assembly programmer.
-Used GNOME 3 for 6 months straight!
-Love GNOME 3 SYS key!
-Love side by side snap!
-Switch to Linux Mint Debian Edition after 4 months (missed task bar).
-Wish for TOP, Bottom snap.
-Wish for Original Task Bar to be restored.
-Please take a note from Linux Mint 12 and let us roll back some rich creamy features. Move forward with your own plans but LET US CHOOSE RETRO FEATURES!
-Lastly, your environment trumps any other one any day that I have ever used even across operating systems. You people are making perfection: Light, Responsive, Customizable, and Intuitive. And fully formed for people like me who do less sophisticated programming.


6563: 1. Have a working version without any compositing! or fix compositing so that it doesn't impact performance of other apps that use opengl
2. Less dependence on Mono
3. Make the gnome apps easily installable on other DE without pulling in too much of gnome

Android has been able to please both the power users and the people that just want the thing to work right out of the box.
It seems gnome 3 is attempting to please the latter group whilst angering the former. I feel reconciliation is in order. I know it's hard to please everyone, but gnome 2 succeeded at that.

6564: Give the users more options to configure it. We are not dumb:)

Perhaps for tablets Gnome 3 is great but for most computers it's not really functional.

6565: GO back to Gnome 2

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid

6566: What did you do to my beloved GNOME in GNOME 3 ?!

GNOME 3 should have been an evolution of GNOME 2. Cleaning up obsolete libraries and APIs, userinterface refinements, ...

But what did you do? You invented a whole new desktop!

GNOME Shell in it's current state just sucks:

1) The font size has to be edited in the theme's css files.
2) Large icons and tiny and illegibly abbreviated application names.
3) Mandatory hardware acceleration. GNOME 3 does not run as intended on older hardware (even an old Pentium III Notebook runs GNOME 2 just fine) or current hardware without working drivers.
4) No desktop icons.
5) This whole thing is not configurable at all through the userinterface!

These issues could all be fixed, but what I dislike most, is the developer's mindset of "we know better what's good for our users". But guess what? Your users are not mentally retarded!

With the release of Debian Wheezy I'm going to switch to XFCE. I hope it will be as good as GNOME 2 on the release of XFCE 4.10. One XFCE developer even promised to GNOME 2 refugees that such craziness will never happen with XFCE. Let us just hope the best.

6567: -Stop GNOME 3
- Stop GNOME 3
- Stop GNOME 3

Please, stop GNOME 3 and bring back GNOME 2 until GNOME 3 has enough configurable options to actually be an upgrade. New interfaces are fine and possibly better, but I don't want to take two steps back for a big leap some indeterminate time in the future.

-Stop GNOME 3
- Stop GNOME 3
- Stop GNOME 3

Please, stop GNOME 3 and bring back GNOME 2 until GNOME 3 has enough configurable options to actually be an upgrade. New interfaces are fine and possibly better, but I don't want to take two steps back for a big leap some indeterminate time in the future.

6568: 1. Stop the tablet wannabe game. I have an iPad, I need a desktop.... I need to get things done, Gnome is a nightmare, unity a calamity... Thanks to you my choice for OS X was more digestible
2. Stop thinking you are better off than your users or that you know more... You may be excellent at programming, but you suck at social skills, listening to your users is essential to provide the right desktop. Oh, I forgot, you do not care about dektops any more...
3. Life is about making choices, but gnome is about making choices for me.... Enough said...

You are not the center of the world, I have found better. it cost more, ai am a dorm prisoner...l but at least, I can control my workflow, I do not waste time with shell and I can contribute to my company...

6569: (1) Bring back the gnome 2 panel. Fix it if it's broken. (2) Bring back the old desktop. My users are used to it, I'm used to it, and none of us either understands or appreciates the new desktop paradigm. I have a couple of things (NX client, for instance) that practically require desktop icons. (3) Bring back the blankety-blank configuration files! You could keep brain-dead Gnome for brain-dead users, but for heaven's sake, people, leave the rest of us alone!

Yes. Quit. There's something the matter with you.

6570: add customizablility

Don't break customizablility. Don't remove the old alternatives (i.e. gnome2)

6571: Power button

Gnome-Shell is great, if not for everybody.

6572: More options visible in desktop!
More keyboard-driven UI.
More configuration options.

6573: Right mouse click to bring up a menu as in Gnome 2
More config options - aka what Mint are doing

Do not dumb the interface down too much - I will never use it on a phone or tablet.

6574: - working with gvfs should work like a real file sistem, and be able to modify the stuff you open, like .ISOs, 7z, zip, disk images(with or without partition table)
- add an option to anchor the applets to a specific side in the panel with X order (like reciclebin, anchor to left, 0 then workspace switcher, also left, 1) that way they wont be floating around in the bar or lose its order when rebooting
- more and better configuration tools

you have techies too you know.....stop oversimplifying stuff, some people like multitasking, gnome 3 along with unity look like linux for newborns. they are just a pain if you try to do more than playing sudoku

6575: give me the owner of the machine control over the machine

Really? Has MS contributed a large sum of money to help your design changes influence me and several others over to Win 7 that keeps looking like a better option. Now i am forced to use Mint to trick my brain into thinking I can do what I want on MY machine.

6576: Remove theswap between activities and other view. I do not get what is the point and confuses me.
Use a pop out dock like Unity, Mac OXwith only one desktop view removing the activities thing. All that moving the mouse to find apps and windows all the time gives me RSI
Ad some way to see what you have running like the launcher in Win7, or docks in OSX Unity so that you can just click straight to the app.
Bring back power off. Hibernate supend works so badly it should not be the default.

GNOME is very pretty and I like the embedded search but the switching between views and the lack of easy overview of what is running is impossible to use. I would like the Unity launcher on a GNOME single desktop view with the GNOME notifications and the GNOME desktop launcher.
But at the moment it is utterly confusing to find the window one is working on in GNOME SHELL

6577: Gnome3 does not work the way I do. I want more control of the appearance- visual effects do not impress me, they annoy me. I want system configuration options. I want a gnome2 fork, it looks better than lxde.

6578: Allow rearrangement of virtual desktops without having to manually shuffle applications around. I prefer to keep certain applications at the end of my virtual desktop group.
When viewing applications in expose mode have a toggle to display the application's icon next to the window descriptions for quicker window association.
Add back a tool like menu edit from Gnome 2.x to enable or disable an application from the applications menu and an mechanism to add customer launchers.

Great work! Gnome 3 is far better than Gnome 2 contrary to what some users say. This is defiantly a step in the right direction. Keep up the good work. Gnome is #1

6579: Keep the dock smaller and visible all the time.
Have the application menu back instead of showing the crowded list of all the application
Save my screen space! The toolbar is way too huge.

The current X server is not smooth enough for people to enjoy the composite window manager of gnome 3. Many times I feel a unpleasant delay in switching windows.
The default theme should be design in a way that saves my screen space so I have more room to show useful staff.

6580: 1. Make customization easier
2. Keep supporting version 2.3 until Gnome 3 is more mature
3. Don't "dumb down" the desktop

Never assume that the user base wants a massive change to the UI.

6581: 1.)abandon the gnome 3 interface and go back to the gnome 2 interface.

2.)I would make gnome less resource hungry

3.)Spend more time fixing and standardizing the supporting libraries
APIs and applications

Dump the Gnome 3 interface!

6582: Stability, theme-ing, less mouse clicks for accessing stuff

6583: I have been using Gnome3 for three weeks now after having used GNOME2 for 9 years. I should first say that although GNOME2 was not perfectly stable (especially when I added compiz) I was really satisfied. I really appreciated the way it could be customized.
My fist impression after the move to GNOME3 was negative but I forced myself to give it a try and try to see it in a constructive way. I have to say that I'm using my laptop with Debian and GNOME 3 every single day from the morning till late at night.
After three weeks of using it, I get accustomed with it. I can definitely work with it but in its current state, I still miss my GNOME 2. GNOME 3 ergonomy is OK but I could make my work in a easier way with GNOME 2 (less clicks).
What I miss the most in GNOME 3 is the following:
- CPU monitoring that I was running on a left toolbar in GNOME 2. This is very important because Firefox and its crappy plugins can block your CPU for several seconds and it is reassuring when you can monitor it.
- Network traffic monitoring that I was running on a left toolbar in GNOME 2. Also very important when you are scanning a network with NMAP.
- I don't like the toolbar on top of the screen. To me it doesn't make sense. In GNOME 2 I had moved it with the status info on the bottom of my screen. I find it especially important for laptop usage.
- I had a hard time to live without the minimize button on a window. I read that the idea for the future is to have all applications starting in "Maximized" window size. I understand the idea but I'm using an average of 10 windows on three virtual screens. I had no problem at all with GNOME 2 but now, when I use CTRL-TAB I get all my 30 windows which is not practical.

All together I must honestly say that I could work more efficiently with GNOME 2 than with this new version. IT is sad but this is the reality.

See answer to the previous question.

6584: 1. Fix the current window picker. Please add the application icon as an overlay on each window in the window picker. Currently, I get to see a bunch of the same sized windows arrayed in a grid, with generally the only defining feature being which monitor they show on and the title in small text above the tile. This has almost no utility for me, I love Expose, I love Compiz Scale, but if you're not going to help me identify which window is which other than reading each title, why have the ability (aside from having a whiz-bang feature that has no usabilty benefit). When my typical windows are shrunk down to the tile size (terminal, libreoffice, firefox, inkscape, nautilus, etc), they all just look like some tiny text on the same color background, a window preview alone doesn't cut it.

2. Bring the modularity/customization back, one of Linux's strengths is that you can usually tweak/modify things to suit your tastes. GNOME 2.x if I didn't use something on a panel, I could remove it, I could add things that I did find useful, I could theme it. I know you have extensions, but they're buggy and break my desktop frequently, so I can't use them. Why do I have to have an accessibility icon there that I will never use? Why can't I remove the bluetooth icon that I will never interact with? Why can't I restart from the user menu, I dual boot, sometimes I need to switch to the other one. My current options are 1) hold Alt and power down (why is shutdown hidden in the first place?) 2) log out, and then shut down from the power menu (cumbersome and inconsistent, considering I can't restart while logged in) or 3) give up and open a terminal to do it (seems like every 6 months, you decide to rework/move/change how or if I can shutdown/restart/etc, you guys had it perfect awhile ago, show me a dialog with all the options on it, or have them in the menu please).

3. Be open to suggestions and document your design decisions. Mistakes will be made in software and design approaches, it happens, but the true mistake is not addressing things that aren't working. I've talked to a prominent community member and she's given up on trying to help you guys hone GNOME into a great product, as developers lied/avoided/ignored her reasonable inquiries into the thought process behind some things that were implemented. If you're going to create a great desktop, you need to embrace people who are trying to help, and show people the road that your designers/developers traveled to get to where you are now.

As I said in 3 above, please have better documentation around your design decisions, and let the community in. It's hard for a small team to know all about every use case, and sometimes users have different expectations than someone in the trenches. Let us help you and let's make a better GNOME. There are some things I do like, but there are also some things I don't understand/agree with and are detrimental in my every day work.

6585: Remove unity, Have 2 modes. Power user and dumb user. Power user would default to a 2.x like environment, dumb user can have your "upgraded unity".

I was using GNOME for many many years but I have now switched to KDE and don't plan on moving back. You guys ruined it with 3.x, might be good for a tablet but I don't know how you expect people to get any work done without relearning everything and having to use gconf-edit to change every damn option.

6586: Get rid of GNOME3, or at least provide a GNOM2 alike fallback session that actually works.

* Don't fall for the tablet hype, or at least don't forget the desktop users.
* Leave your users the customizability you gave them with GNOME2
* Make a desktop for users who use their computer to do actual work, instead of just toying around

6587: More options, less bloat.

6588: Better looks (applies to 2.x)

6589: 1) Discard Gnome 3.x, it's pathetic and frankly it sucks (Windows 8 and MacOSX Lion suck too)
2) Bring back the Gnome 2.x environment/L&F for desktops and try to improve it by building on it rather than trying to be a lame copycat
3) If you insist on building a version JUST for post pc devices then fork it but do continue support and development for Gnome 2

6590: More options.

6591: I can't switch quickly to Desktop, I have to minimize all the windows in GnomeShell. Before Gnome Classic there was a button to show Desktop, is it possible also here?

6592: Make it easier to configure
Don't drop panels and useful productivity tweaks
Add features to current versions instead of replacing them.

Continue to support Gnome 2.X and leave gnome 3 as feature instead of a replacement. Really don't like Gnome shell and hate Unity.

6593: Easy to change colours and themes (as Gnome 2)
Include screensaver software
Improve mounting/unmounting devices (i.e. so that windows do not keep opening)

6594: multi monitor support

nope. 3.2 is coming along. Still prefer emacs/terminal.

6595: Customisation.
More desktop orientated.
Less ugly.

GNOME has really gone downhill in the last few years. It's actually really disappointing. One of the biggest failures in the linux ecosystem in recent years.

But the developers know better than the users, so we will watch GNOME go the way of Linspire.

6596: Return to GNOME 2 layout.
Have a desktop/notebook mode - not just touch screen optimization.
Expose all configuration in an easy-to-use manner and give me full control.

I cannot overstate how much I dislike GNOME 3. Consider programmers, not just tablet/phone end users.

6597: I have been avoiding Gnome 3 - please continue to support Gnome 2

6598: Restore functionality removed due to oversimplication

You have pissed me off completely with the tabletization of GNOME

6599: · Make it easier to install extensions without depending on which distribution we're using.
· Fglrx support (is it on GNOME or AMD?)
· Better online accounts integration (they're on the right way, but it doesn't work properly)

You're doing such a nice work on Gnome-shell. Keep improving it!!

6600: Consult users before adopting major interface changes.

Support Gnome 2.

Bring back Gnome 2 functionality to Gnome 3.

Gnome 3 prompted me to try other desktops. XFCE and KDE are superior to Gnome 3.

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