What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 19 of 20. 2 Comments.

6801: 1. Undumb-down the interface. Gnome 3 is finally a desktop for computer illiterates who do not want to use windows.

2. Make it modular, so you could change the default terminal, browser, mailclient, media player without hacking around.

3. Stop assuming that everyone uses only the gnome default applications.

Redefine your goals and the guidelines.

6802: Better Evolution integration & redesign

IM Icon in system tray

Use the empty Desktop! E.g. you can place little yellow notes on it (Tomboy integration)

6803: 1. There should be an option to put keyboard layout on the panel. It was possible with Gnome 2.
2. There should be a lot of settings. Like enabling mouse accelerators.
3. It should be possible to configure system without gconf-editor. But if not, gconf-editor should be available in the system by default, without downloading it from the Internet.

6804: The riduclous 'locked down' nature of the desktop. Let me configure. Let me change the way things work to how I like the,

Radical != Better

6805: for gnome 3 a way to switch the alt+ winsuper key, so that i can use my alt key again in my favorite apps.basically the same as in gnome 2 -> system, pref, window pref -> movement key

6806: Add Apply/Close buttons to windows, instead of changing the value right away.

6807: 1 - Make it easier and faster to access and manage applications. With GNOME 3 it's not fast enough and you can't manage applications by creating folder of apps or things like that.

2 - Nautilus is too slow.

3 - Report, find and follow bug directly on the desktop without the need to open a web browser.

It's need to about 20% cooler.

6808: 1) Support AMD/ATI proprietary drivers.

2) Officially support extensions/applets from within gnome shell. 70% of toolbar in 3.x is absolutely wasted without using extensions. Why can't I change the date format to Day of Week, Month day, year????

Put more documentation on using Gnome on the gnome.org homepage and/or the Discover Gnome 3 page. The Gnome Shell cheat sheet should be listed prominently as it is a good source of information for users new to Gnome [ Shell]

6809: Go back to Gnome 2. I do not see any advantages to the new paradigm. Gnome 3 requires too many mouse clicks to do anything.

The desktop should not be a resource hog, and it should not require accelerated graphics. A lot of people are interested in Linux beause it runs on older, slower computers. This is an important Linux advocacy issue.

The version of KDE that comes with Fedora 15 is vastly improved over earlier versions. It is faster and easier to configure. I don't know what it is like on older computers.

If someone tells me they want to try out Linux, I will advise them to make absolutely certain they install XFCE.

6810: Put Gnome 3 into the tresh and start again with a Desktop Feeling of Gnome 2 that is based on GTK 3.

In Short. Gnome 2 was perfect, but Gnome 3 sucks.

Kill Gnome 3.

6811: -don't make decisions for me
-bring back customization
-don't require multiple steps to get to frequent apps (single action quick launch)

let users decide, we're not all idiots

6812: Restore much of the functionality lost in gnome 3.X
Provide more customization and configuration

Make it so that I can have a single home directory that functions properly with 2 different versions of gnome.

When you create a dconf setting, document it.
Listen to users, especially the development community, sysadmins, and power users. Too much has been done dumbing gnome down. You can always take things away to make a tablet or smart phone. Don't take them away from my desktop to try to break into other devices.

If xfce were a bit more visually appealing, I'd be using it every day.

Visual appeal is important to me (for some reason I can't explain), but it shouldn't come at the expense of productivity.

6813: improve perfomance of nautilus
system monitor is less useful and consumes lot of cpu compared to kde version and code requires a complete rewrite
autohide top menu bar
better fonts
better icons for gnome shell 3
better graphics card utilisation for playing hd movies

big leap in performance and usability compared to gnome 2
but still needs improvements.

6814: 1. Don't listen to the haters. The gnome-shell is good idea, and the current execution is very intelligent. I've had a similar setup for years, using my own custom compiz config (scale-plugin in left corner + meta-key launching gnome-do, removing window-frame of maximized windows). You can imagine my pleasant surprise when gnome-shell ended up defaulting to my exact preference. It got even better when I heard the new version was going to remove the need for my last tweaks (getting rid of the maximized window-frame)

2. Polish. It stills needs lots of it. You are now at the point where per-use-case you shouldn't just look at the trivial, but look at the complicated and make it trivial. For some part this is just about integration with more apps, than just the default gnome-apps.

3. My main suggestion is to focus on search and mime-type associated actions. I know there is already a standard for this, but I want this standard to be everywhere: when I search for a file, when I click on a downloaded file. Many operations, from unpacking an archive to uploading an image to imgur, should really just be scripts. They need to be part of gnome and be available throughout, with the same kind of consistency. Consider GNOME-Do a very good first attempt at this, albeit in a very limited context (searching). But this human grammar of [object] - [verb] - [subject] really should be some kind of built-in abstraction.

Keep the tone down. Nobody likes people that are overly sensitive. I understand that GNOME is people, and that this is almost impossible to do. But a general attitude of the 'public is going to think what they think' and we are going to love them irregardless, is the right path.

Love everybody. No more hating, please. It's not contributing anything. Thanks.

6815: 1. Give me back all my indicators!
2. Give me the possibility to configure Gnome to my liking, as I could before.
3. Make sure all old Gnome panel applets work in Gnome3.

Gnome3 is very much less usable than Gnome2. Sure Gnome3 is pretty and slick, but its not meant for anyone actually doing any work with their computers. I have a 22" screen, its silly to hide away all indicators! Its stupid to remove options and features just to have a pretty interface.

6816: 1. Give me back a taskbar. (Gnome 3)
2. Options would be nice. (Gnome 3)
3. Destroy Gnome 3's ugly theme.

With Gnome 3 you have made it more difficult to use a computer rather than simpler/easier.

6817: Don't go for 3.X

6818: Come back to 2.x., 3.x is a mess.
Put unity to trash can.
Take back to 2.x graphic chart. The new look and feel is a little more ugly.

I switched to xfce when 3.x was pushed to my computer by last ubuntu release. I hate gnome 3.x but think xfce is a regression toward gnome 2.x

6819: After some tries, I don't plan to use Gnome 3, exactly the way I didn't wanted to use KDE 4 (and I still don't want to!). I do like simplicity and functionnalities aware that is Gnome 2 (real apps/shortcuts/system menu, real taskbar, and so on) and the integration with Compiz and with a real dock such as Cairo Dock. I also like Gnome 2 capability to take place on a high-res wide-screen like mine (24" 1920x1200px, 16/10 ratio).

So, I'd like:
- A real control panel to get an easier access to desktop customizations, even for the login screen (GDM).
- Enhacements to Nautilus but also keeping its philosophy (not what KDE team did switching from Konqueror FM to Dolphin!).
- Not to have a tablet environnement on a real desktop/workstation with high-res screen!

A desktop with a 24" screen (1920x1200px) is NOT a tablet nor a smartphone! And a laptop is not a real workstation.

Please do specific versions to match the real devices that OS is installed on, don't follow the Unity example nor the forthcoming Windows 8. And please do use REAL desktops with some 19" to 24" HIGH-RES wide-screens (with 16/9 or 16/10 screen ratio, from 1440x900px to 1920x1200px, for example) to see the REAL result of your job...

A real desktop environnement must be oriented to real applications, not only to HTML "apps" or small gadgets, like tablets or smartphones are...

And please stop fuc**ng us with your "protect the user from themselves", "users are stupid" attitude is ABSOLUTLY NOT a good one! For those "stupids" who want to be guided by the hand in every seconds of their lives, there is MS Windows or Apple OS's or Google to do the job. Everyone CAN be responsible of itself and MUST be! THAT is Linux philosophy. Regarding that, don't "fall" to MS/Apple/Google level. If you do, there will be NO good reasons to use your environnement!!

6820: Dock needs work.
Window switching is sometimes not perfect.
Drivers, drivers, drivers. Fedora is too far ahead, Ubuntu is too far behind and the rest are one step above 90's Linux.

See above.

6821: 1. Make gnome 3 have the same customisable options that gnome 2.x has.

2. Listen to all the users regarding gnome 3.

3. Fork gnome 2.x

LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY! And stop forcing these unwanted changes in gnome 3!

And let compiz work with gnome 3.

6822: 1) Possible (quicker) separation of application menu from currently-opened applications. The "Activities" menu is clearly a tablet-oriented exercise
2) Easier customization. Having to jump through hoops to get gnome-tweak-tool, download new themes, etc. just seems like a step backwards to me.
3) The "taskbar" area (where things get iconified in the bottom-right, y'know, that thing?) is confusing to use and doesn't seem to adhere to any sensible set of rules that I've managed to figure out.

1) Try using Xpra/Winswitch to fire off, say, nautilus or something that uses gksudo on a remote device. Everything implodes in a horrible, why-is-there-this-big-white-box-covering-everything manner. And recovery borders on impossible. And by the way, "Why are you even TRYING that?" is not a valid response.

6823: Windows should stay where they are put
Things should not move away from the mouse when you approach them.
Reduce the amount of mouse movement required to perform simple tasks

6824: Collaborate more with other desktop environments

End you arrogance. Listen to your users and contribute to the entire OSS ecosystem.

6825: Better access to configuration
More configurable items, like those present in 2.x
Don't hide items behind obscure keyboard combinations (such as ALT to see the shutdown info?!)

I've tried out the newer versions of KDE, and they seem to work. Why is evolution such an old project, but still so unstable and defective by default?! It's literally the only viable competitor to Outlook in the business world, and it falls flat on its face.

6826: Gesture to the left of the screen to raise the Dash.
Gesture to the right to raise the workspace switcher.

An option to temporarily overlay both on the live desktop

A very brave decision to go with the new shell but I admire your courage in attempting to rethink the desktop.
Considering this is the first iteration I think the team have been remarkably successful and I look forward to seeing where Gnome goes in the future.
From a developers perspective, basing the UI on js and css and packing in the dev-tools (e.g. looking glass) was a stroke of pure unadulterated genius.
Well done !

6827: Throw 3.x away.

Listen to your users

6828: better optimise gnome and gnome apps code to have more features and utilise less cpu and ram.
autohide top bar and show always bottom bar to easily switch between apps and get more screen space.
ability to group running apps and start multiple apps from applications menu

compare kde and gnome
kde apps are better optimised for cpu/memory utilisation than gnome apps
gnome apps lacks features compared to kde apps and code is not optimised since they start slow and consume more cpu/ram hdd space than kde apps.

6829: less key strokes to accomplish task

I do not want my desktop to function like my smart phone or tablet.

6830: fonts need improvement
apps can be optimised
autohide top bar

A word to all those who complain:
1.nobody is forcing gnome 3 shell on you
2.you always have lot of choices
3.if you dont like something dont waste your time and others by filling up blogs with hate campaign make up your own mind and use what you want.

6831: 1.some other themes other than default glossy black theme
2.better fonts than stock ones
3.sound recorder missing
4.better support for propriety graphics drivers.

Dont lose heart about the hate campaign it is not possible to please everyone

People dont like to learn/accept new things/changes because they are lazy

But after a while they will all forget they were once complaining and go about as if nothing had happened.

Even If it was other way round for eg like gnome3 shell was old version and gnome 2 was new then also these lazy people would have complained .

6832: a.better fonts
b.option in future gnome 3 revision to choose directly .
1.fonts 2.themes 3. icons(in current version icons look kinda dated)
from gnome website and after selecting the options to download and install the packages
c.select between propriety and free graphics drivers after installation but before launching the desktop.

gnome 3 shell 3.2 is a pretty good release and im loving it.

6833: Redo Gnome 3.x

Respect the user's need!

6834: More system administration tools that works across distributions. With puppet, maybe?

Good job done with IP configuration and disk management (well, lvm and raid are still out of Disk Utility and gparted). CUPS configuration is a good target for improvement. We want good user management, permission management for file sharing (nfs/samba), ldap configuration, web server configuration, services management (start/stop, enable,disable), sshd options, ssh key management.

I think of this not for professional, dedicated system administrators. but more for professionals with system administration duties.

Maybe a layer of puppet would ease the job for platform/distribution compatibility.

I'm a professional, dedicated system administrator, who wish that more people would be able to manage their workstation/small server.

More QA, we're not in a hurry to get new features.
Take advantage of free software to offer users something proprietary software can't offer.

6835: Get rid of Cnome-Shell and give me back my usable desktop

Get rid of Gnome-Shell! It's ugly, unintuitive, and not good for power users such as myself!

6836: - better looks
- easier to use
- no crashes

keep up the good work! Gnome and unity are both the best desktops for linux

6837: - a simple way to use bridged network and Evolution. i couldn't found it (not too sarch abot it neiter)
- customization of the clock (top-center) i need to see the complete date!

- please! add more customization!

6838: Sushi doesn't convince me (and everyone else apparently) as a file previewer, I hope they'll make it better in the future because at the moment it's almost useless.
A trash icon placed in the dock would be nice (I don't see why this hasn't been already implemented).
It's not essential (at all!) but it would also be nice to have a drop down terminal, integrated in the shell. (but this is really non essential)

Not really, I think they're doing a good work. I love Gnome-Shell even though I think there's still lots to do. The important thing (for me) is that they keep it tight, light, snappy and FUNCTIONAL!

Keep up the good work!

6839: - free choose of window manager (get rid of active-on-top)
- let the application handle the screens (instead of the user)
- get a global menu

Rethink the whole way of using the desktop. GNOME 3 is a dead-end. The user has to do everything him-/herself. Many people don't want the Desktop to automate things they can do themselves. Also, accessing applications is very hard in GNOME 3. You have to use the keyboard or use one of the last recently used. This might be good for people using their computer for only one purpose but not for people using their computer the way they are thought for: general pupose.
If you want to know what a good desktop is like get an old Amiga.

6840: 1.autohide top bar for more screen space and always show bottom bar to quickly select running apps
2.autohide removable devices popup after few seconds
3.better fonts

i didnt like gnome 2 and was using kde which i didnt like much either

but gnome 3 shell is revolutionary improvement from gnome 2 dont listen to those who complain bcos they dont have anything else to do

6841: 1. Bring back GNOME 2.X feature.
2. Throw GNOM-Shell to the trash bin.
3. Fix the bugs.

I am very epic sad about GNOME 3.

6842: no sound recorder
no good fonts
no option to change themes,hide top bar
disable popups for remove devices it is annoying
better integration with nvidia graphics hardware

gnome 3 is better than gnome 2 but still performance wise windows 7 is much better and also applications are much more responsive in windows than in gnome

windows explorer is much superior compared to nautilus
ntfs file system is faster than ext4/btrfs
windows counterparts are much faster and feature rich compared to gnome apps .
no sound recorder is big disappointment i have to install audacity but ffmpeg integration not working in fedora 16.

unless gnome env and apps are comparable to windows it is not satisfactory for anybody.

6843: Reduce the hardware footprint.
Make it a bit more responsive.

Keep up the good work! Gnome-shell is awesome! :-)

6844: Desktop Icons - icons on desktop
Font rendering - it's the worst I have ever seen.
GTK toolkit's KDE interoperablity - Why don't use guys contribute to each other and make Gnome apps look good in KDE? This is foolish and I don't understand.

GNome is always a better tested release compared to KDE. I feel that Gnome3 is a good start. But it needs to a lot stable.
One imp thing? Why no desktop icons? Unity does that and is the right way.
It would be better if Gnome, KDE and Unity combine and produce a good stable and rock solid UI like Windows. Why making things differently and remaining buggy all throughout.
KDE 4.7.3 is still buggy and I don't know what KDE community is doing all these 3 years. They are adding new features each relase but not fixing the existing bugs fully. That is the reason even though I like the KDE UI I don't use it - it's not stable. Gnome on the other hand always looks stable and well tested with no ambitious features in each release which is a good Software Engineering priciple which KDE 4.x team missed out and making things still worse. KDE 4.7.3 is still crashing my system and I have used Ubuntu, Fedora and even Arch for KDE. But no use. Not stable.

6845: More settings and customization.

Keep the good work up! :)

6846: Get rid off the status bar at the bottom and move to the top panel.
A window list chooser to be available.
Get rid of hot corners.

I am using the fall back mode because it is more functional to me.

6847: make it easier to change Appearance in windows, menus ,etc

6848: Completely revert back to Gnome 2x
Redesign Gnome 3.x to look/work just like Gnome 2x
Lets eye candy, and more functionality. (Ability to Multitasking)

Re-examine the decisions that went into making a fully functional feature rich desktop manger into a cheep tablet interface, and make sure it never happens again.

6849: 1) make gnome 3 fallback mode the default for non-mobiles

2) add a evolution integration toggle

3) I dunno...

Re-think the new interface. It makes sense on system using alternative user input devices (ex: touch screens) and on mobiles, but nowhere else.

6850: Add more keyboard shortcuts for window management (tiling...)
Make it possible to move the top panel to the side of the screen
Add shutdown and reboot as a fold-out menu to Suspend (like in Win7)

Keep being awesome!

6851: Back normal taskbar

Now gnome3 like unity developed for touchscreen devices, when will be gnome3 releases for desktop system, or workstation ?

6852: 1 - Make it more practical instead of only looking at the design, a bit like GNOME 2. (e.g. always move your mouse to the top left, alt+tab, ...)
2 - Make it more stable
3 - Make it more customizable

6853: -add drag and droping onto top panel
-add gnome-tweak-tool by default with lots of configuration options
-replace workplaces like they used to be in gnome2

-moar configuration options to gnome3

6854: Better GIO (espacial mounting sftp servers)
A functional presentation software like ease (which seems dead for now)
A more developed gnome-keychain (integrate functions for password database like revelations UI, hardware authantication like yubikey, a better seahorse for importing/exporting keys)

Better collaboration with Canonical/Ubuntu community/Launchpad eco-system please

6855: In GNOME 3: Greater customisation without installing a bunch of plugins and config tools, they may think it simplifies the DE but everyone's installing these anyway so it just fragments management of it into a big half-working conflicting mess. What people wan is the ability to make it behave as GNOME 2 did, fallback mode just doesn't cut it. I really have tried to have an open mind and enjoy using GNOME 3 but I find myself messing around with bottom-edge panels and other shortcuts to turn it into GNOME 2 again.

They won't listen, so what's the point?

6856: Totally delete all GNOME3 source code and go back to Gnome 2.x branch.
I will never use anymore GNOME3 so if Gnome2 will not mantenied I will switch to KDE/LXDE/XFCE.

Let the user customize the desktop with panel, popup, plug-in, widgets, etc.

6857: more compatible with ati proprietary drivers(even i know it's not completely your fault);
more statusbar plugin, workspace indicator;
more configurable.

good job, but still hope more

6858: * Get back the icons for the Application Categories (now via Activity -> Applications then on the right side).

* Icons in Menus like (File or About) by default.

* fix bug?: laptop can't go to sleep with external monitor attached

Activity -> Type to search for Applications is slow and laggy so I still use ALT + F2.

6859: Rollback of a few too drastic changes of the gnome2x->3x move. Application menus are quite useful for example. Luckily there are the extensions now that bring back some of those features. However these should probably included in the standard install and activatable via a configuration menu like done in Mint-linux.

the overzelous change in the gnome3 desktop has alienated a lot of users, in fact I switched to KDE and only gave gnome3 a real try after the release of the shell extensions to bring back some of the old functionality. However with these gnome3 is a better user experience than kde.

6860: 1. Alt+TAB is broken is broken in Gnome 3. A quick Alt+TAB should go back to the previous window, not to the next window group. For example, if I have 2 gedit windows open, I can't switch quickly between them. Pressing Alt+TAB will just switch from one window group between another.

2. Don't oversimplify too much. Sometimes, customization is good.
3. Gnome needs a backup software a la Time Machine in MacOS. Now that BTRFS is gaining popularity, it would make sense to use it and create automatic system restore points for /home.

I REALLY like the new Gnome 3 UI (especially with 3.2). Keep up the good work (just fix Alt+TAB...). It's by far my favorite when comparing it to Gnome 2, Windows 7 and MacOS 10.7. Just make sure not to oversimplify too make and leave for room for customization. Gnome also need a backup software like Time Machine.

6861: 1. Keep 2.x interface
2. Dont assume that all users are 50+ dumbusers
3. Make things easier to user, not harder

See comments above.

6862: More configurable / more themes.

Thanks for all the hard work, don't get demotivated by the people who don't like change.

6863: Bring back gnome 2

6864: 1. Get rid of the so-called usability "improvements" that have come with Gnome 3.

2. Work on improving speed.

3. Bring back screensavers

Please listen to people who have used Gnome for years.

You cannot disregard/ignore your existing user base while at the same time attempting to bring in new users. Make Gnome easier to use for your existing user base first without focusing all your attention on making it work for users who are completely unfamiliar with Gnome.

6865: Go back to a real desktop not a smartphone UI
Let preferences be changed
Go back to gnome 2

Gnome3 sucks.

6866: 1) Go back to Gnome 2 by default! LISTEN TO YOU USERS! Revamp infrastructure of backend BUT Make Gnome 2 with taskbars + Compiz a default
2) Bring back old taskbars as a compatibility mode through an easy control panel setting
3) Make ALL new 3.x shell/enhancements OPTIONAL

I am a seasoned software developer and have been programming since the 80s, professionally since Linux first came out around 1992. I understand need/desire to progress and deprecate old code and try to head in a new direction BUT a fundamental change such as was done from Gnome 2.x to 3.x should NEVER have been made so quickly or so drastically.

There should have been an EASY was to switch back and forth between 2.x defaults and 3.x NEW TEST configuration. The new 3.x intefrace was and STILL is not ready for prime time and should remain an OPTION. Even if Gnome 3.x infrastructure development is to be the future OLD 2.x functionality should not be so quickly deprecated and discarded.

3.x is a fundamental paradigm shift in functionality and ease of use as well as efficiency, often NOT in a positive direction. It should be optional and be configurable to at VERY LEAST MAINTAIN 2.x functionality NOT decrease it.

DO NOT FORCE YOUR USERS to use new UI they HATE or do not know/like yet! This is a matter of PACKAGING really, ween users from old UI to new one SLOWLY and carefully leaving them option to try 100% new 3.x config if they are brave, default to 2.x like config with 100% + some new functionality by default.

Your goals are good and noble, you DO know where you want to head BETTER than the users BUT go there carefully, and tread lightly so you do not alienate significant portions of your user base!!!!!

I for one REFUSE to upgrade majority of my machines to 3.x based machines until I can get the same functionality easily on my desktop as with Gnome 2.x and Compiz.

Really, this 3.x nonsense is piss poor planning and piss poor implementation even if your goals are good. You are getting there the wrong way.

6867: Scrap Gnome 3 until it works
Scrap Gnome 3 until it works
Scrap Gnome 3 until it works

Scrap Gnome 3 until it works? I have moved to XFCE to actually get some work doen. I used to use KDE until they broke it.

6868: get rid of gnome-shell; don't force people to use 3D acceleration

there is no such thing as Gnome OS

6869: 1. FIX ZE SHELL

Yeah. Get a freaking view of what people are using. Don't be tablet friendly ._.

6870: 1. Add option to get rid of weird activities window button showing open windows/apps. I prefer alt-tab, a regular hierarchical menu and window buttons on bottom.

2. NO top panel. Sue me, I just can't have one up there. I need the ability to slam the mouse up to the top right and click to close a program without looking. Period.

3. Don't be afraid of giving users options.

1. Add option to get rid of weird activities window button showing open windows/apps. I prefer alt-tab, a regular hierarchical menu and window buttons on bottom.

2. NO top panel. Sue me, I just can't have one up there. I need the ability to slam the mouse up to the top right and click to close a program without looking. Period.

3. Don't be afraid of giving users options.

6871: 1. Throw that 3.x crap away, rethink, do it again.
2. You really let us power users down by this cartoonish fancy style take over my DE.
3. I was hoping for more flexibility i 3.x but You went the other way - the MS Vista way. All You need is a BSOD and 3.x is complete imo.

I have used Gnome for such a long time now, I'm working with computer sofware as well as light media editing, and a good, configurable, DE enviroment is crucial to me; I need to set up a lot of things in a personal way to have a good workflow. I use Fedora at two machines, and was stucked with FC14 due to this 3.x garbage. Now I have upgraded one of them to FC16 and left Gnome in favor to Xfce and LXDE, so I have to reexplore a lot. That's a poor grade for Gnome I think. Redo.

6872: 1. Change the leadership -- there are way too many negatives about the current one (wacky anti-customization dogma, Microsoft worship, arrogance in the face of criticism, etc)
2. Add much more customization (and more generally: listen to your users)
3. Completely kill off mono

Listen to your users.

6873: Be at least as good as gnome 2 in terms of customization. It has to be a lot easier to add your own applications to the fav bar etc. The performance is noticeably slower than gnome2.

I've switch to using KDE for the first time ever. I'm impressed with KDE so far. In two or three years I will reevaluate Gnome and Unity. I think it will take this long to get things back to a point where the features I want are available and the many bugs worked out.

6874: 1. I would like toolbar of buttons in the old nautilus back. They were more accessible and easy to use. Basically, just bring back the old nautilus.

2. Make the buttons, toolbars, and titlebars occupy less space

3. Make a better featured fallback mode, for cases where we don't want gnome shell to be using up resources (e.g. games or watching video)

I actually don't mind the new way of doing things in gnome shell. Just annoyed at the new interface for nautilus. It was only after I used nautilus in Scientific Linux 6 recently that I realized how much better the old button/toolbar layout was, compared to the one now. So bring back the old nautilus please.

A better way of handling and showing minimized windows in the activities mode would be good.

Merging the advanced tweaks into the general System Settings would address a large part of the complaints about customization.

A more convenient and compact way of installing themes and extensions would be welcome.

I still have the problem where watching a video in totem or firefox is quite demanding on resources. e.g. I see CPU loading on firefox, Xorg, and gnome-shell when playing a video sometimes. Can't we just bypass gnome-shell and render the video directly in the window?

Also, maybe a quick tutorial or tips window on startup on how to use the features in gnome-shell, keyboard shortcuts, as well as what a typical workflow would involve (start apps, moving them to another workspace, right clicking to get a new window), since at first, I was a bit puzzled about what to do with no minimize button and a splatter of windows on the screen. It was only after reading the the design rationale on some gnome developer's blog that I realized how one should cope with window clutter and organize my workspaces better.

Overall I am generally pleased with GNOME 3. Aesthetically, it is quite nice to look at.

6875: One of the most important things missing in linux is download manager/accelerator best one there is idm in windows.

1.add sound recorder to default list of applications
2.provide option to add audio/video files to totem by rt clicking and add to existing playlist.
3.make 7z default compression format.
4.ability to disable all popups.
5.Auto hide top bar.
6.Always show bottom bar to pick running applications.
7.Ability to edit audio/video file properties like artist,genre etc like windows.
8.make nautilus more powerful and feature rich and faster like windows explorer.
9.completely rewrite system monitor it consumes more cpu and is slow.
10.add jdownloader to list .

thanks for all your hard work gnome 3 shell looks good but could be better but i think it is the best there is in linux world desktop environment.

6876: static workspaces
developer attitudes

6877: Revert back to GNOME 2 developement.

Tried to switch to GNOME 3 a couple of times since it has been released, but it really can't fulfill my needs.

I'm a developer and GNOME 3 doesn't work for my kind of usage. GNOME 3 has been designed for non-technical users who mostly use their computer to launch a single application at a time: a web browser.

Yes, it's pretty, but it's very limited in its capabilities and totally uncustomizable. Even font size can't be tweaked !?!

Workspaces and applications management are broken.

6878: workspace switch as in gnome 2
allow right click on desktop
permanent display of favourites

I would like a raison d'etre for their changes to Gnome2.
Listen to your users

6879: Disable Unity by default when installing on a non-touch enabled device;
Compiz without Unity should still work as it did on Gnome 2.x;

Don't try to be hype and don't try to fix something thats not broken;

6880: Gnome 3 is a great step forward for UI. There are some changes that should be made. The title bars of windows should disappear when made full-screen. It would be even better if a global menu bar was adopted like in Unity (everything else Gnome 3 does better than Unity).

What happened to shutdown from the menu when logged into Gnome 3?

The shortcut bar on the left should have a certain number of spaces to learn your most used programs and display them there.

Keep up the good work on Gnome 3. You can't move forward without push back. The fork that keeps Gnome 2 going can handle those people just fine.

6881: Use GNOME classic with one bottom panel and three applets: Cardapio, DockBarX, Ubuntu Indicators (indicator-applet-complete).

6882: more customisation (docks, positions, etc...)
global-menu option

keep working on this great environment, you are on the good way !

6883: 1. Stick to GNOME2
2. Stick to GNOME2
3. Stick to GNOME2

Stick to GNOME2!

6884: Keep supporting and further developing Gnome 2.

6885: 1) Completely abandon the paradigm that every user is a "newbie".
2) Completely abandon the paradigm that every device GNOME is installed on is the same device.
3) Completely abandon the paradigm that every user and every device is totally dependent on the internet.

Reread your mission statement.

6886: Easier configuration (for example integrate gnome-tweak-tool in default install), more plugins (widgets ie. sensors, weather), better docu

6887: Linux Mint solved my issues with gnome- the solution is called either Mate or MSGE. Both work fine for me.

1 Dump Unity
2 Check out Linux Mint 12 - MSGE and MATE are the choices to go for.

If it wasn't for Linux Mint 12, I was using a KDE distro now!

6888: 1. Zoom (like compiz) (https://github.com/tobiasquinn/gnome-shell-mousewheel-zoom)
2. Wobbly windows (Without it, the desktop seems more static)
3. Bouncing icons

Keep up the good work!

6889: keep up the good work guys :-)

6890: 1. Customization is quite easy on gnome 2.x, but could maybe get easier ? I also miss desktop widgets.
2. Social networking apps should be optionnal.
3. Room for Android devices better integration ?

GNOME devs should do whatever they want to do & whatever they want to try without listening to me or whoever is trying to tell them what to do. Even if i don't like Gnome 3.x, I can only advice them to go on and keep up their (amazing) work to whatever they want to give us. They're amazing ! Period.

6891: Cancel Gnome 3 as it is, begin work on the Gnome 2 codebase again.


6892: GNOME Team representatives should tell people that they agree/disagree with what people have been complaining/feeding back. Such deed will help diminish un-oriented fighting between users.

More documents for newbies explaining how features in GNOME 2 or GNOME 3 work and how people can use such features in their daily work.

you have done a great job technically. Now it's time to organize the community that sticks with you.

6893: an integrated ability to customize it. Gnome 3 is sharp! It is mssing a lot of customization and functionality of gnome 2.3

6894: 1. Simplify the menu/activities/gnome menu
2. Able to use the Panel Bar as once use to be able too

6895: Less resource intensive.
I miss the days of simple dumb window managers (twm, tvtwm, etc).

6896: Revert back to the old desktop, Unity sucks big time!!!.

Keep tried and tested appearance.

Improve graphic card support across the board for all graphics cads!!.

If you are going down the Unity road, make it easier to configure, there are far too few adjustments available for it!!.

Thanks for all your hard work chaps. :)

6897: Is this survey about Gnome2 or Gnome3? They are familiar in name but completely different.

Bye bye.

6898: Go back as fast as humanely possible to Gnome 2

Get rid of each and any line of code attaining to Gnome 3

Go back to Gnome 2 for good

Gnome 3 sucks. It's beyond "sucks",it's actually hopeless.Why did you have to take something that worked so well,was so easy to deal with (even for beginners) as Gnome 2 and turn it into this nonsense mess lifted straight from a smartphone is beyond reason,guess that's what happens when Nokia and Motorola are your supporters.
Linux has been always served to us as being all about freedom and flexibility, empowering the user and teaching him the power of the command line,now all of a sudden the Linux userbase is given this idiotic desktop that won't even let you create a launcher,ideally suited to dick around on a tablet or smartphone but quite humiliating for a real computer.
Will you please have a good look at how much frustration and disappointment this decision has caused (are you aware that even Linux developers stick to Gnome 2 ?) and trace your steps back to a desktop environment that belongs on a computer ?

6899: 1) some replacement for the gnome 2 hardware monitoring applets

Good job with Gnome 3

6900: gnome 3 shell has better appearance and performance than gnome 2.

gnome 3 shell is not for the power user as it is difficult to launch multiple applications together and difficult to work with multiple windows/applications

so what is the solution:
1. In the applications window add a red button which when clicked allows user to launch multiple applications one after another then click red button again which turns green to leave the applications window.

2.Autohide top bar and always show bottom bar to quickly select different windows/applications instead of going to left end to see all running windows.

so what is the solution:


1. In the applications window add a red button which when clicked allows user to launch multiple applications one after another then click red button again which turns green to leave the applications window.

2.Autohide top bar and always show bottom bar to quickly select different windows/applications instead of going to left end to see all running windows.

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