What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 4 of 20. 2 Comments.

5301: More modularity so distro makers arent forced to bundle certain apps, for example Empathy being installed & logged in automatically by default is a bad choice.

More approachable for suggestions. Currently on the Gnome website, anyone with a suggestion is basically told 'the Gnome devs are probably already aware of the drawbacks of a particular feature and have chosen that design with good reason' its as if youre saying we know best and we dont want anyone to help out. For an open source project youre not very 'open' with regards to encouraging participation.

Making it Linux only is a bad idea. Keep it portable. Linux may not always be the best kernel - not just in the future - even now, for a particular job someone may have a very good reason to use a different underlying OS.

I love Gnome 3 and think its absolutely the right way to go but Im concerned about a few things....

1. Youve expressed a desire to write your own apps for things like photo management etc to bundle with Gnome. Great if theres not a great app already but for photo management Shotwell is awesome so why waste effort re-inventing the wheel? Sounds like NIH syndrome!

2. You need to work on your PR and stop coming across as so arrogant with 'we know best' and be more open to letting new people contribute ideas and suggestions. The fact that you wont even 'officially endorse' this survey speaks volumes!!!!

3. The revamped developers section of the website is great but some good (upto date) books on getting started with things like GTK, GDK, Clutter etc would be welcome. Apart from Andrew Krause's book (which is awesome but doesnt go far enough) all the others are over 10 years old and so out of date theyre worthless. Make Gnome more accessible to Windows devs to encourage more apps to be ported over.

Gnome is by far and away the best desktop for Unix. KDE & Unity are bizzare and enough to scare any Windows switcher away for life. Gnome 3 is very promising and has serious potential to take market share from Windows but dont squander your golden opportunity by not listening to ideas.

5302: I would like GNOME to go back to a more classical, contemporary setup. If this is not possible, at least

do more testing for user friendliness,

put pack in missing options (GNOME 3.0 didn't even have display properties!).

GNOME 3.0 was also very "crashy" and unstable. it is very hard to use, and too different from contemporary icon/taskbar/WM desktops. there are too little customization options, down to not even being able to adjust looks and appearance, and being able to hide the main toolbar. Desiring a "uniform look" against the wishes of the desktop user, and forcing these changes, is a very Mac and Windows move.

5303: 1. Better support for modifications like OpenBox does on arch or something similar, and with more documentation that isn't aimed at how easy it is (that's for mac people) but for what else you can do with it.

2. Fix screen glitches on older hardware that gnome 3 supports.

3. Change the way users can modify the DE! (SEE #23)

4. Why is it so hard to find dox on how to do screensaver, as easy as it was in gnome 2?

Per 3.) in Q#22:

It's good to have it simple, I use it all the time, and would love to see it on a tablet. The documentation however is poor, especially if I want to keep small processes on the desktop.

e.g. On windows (I have to boot it up for FAFSA every year, and netflix sometimes) I use rainmeter to display CPU/RAM/Temp info and Weather/Time/Date info on the desktop. This requires very little processes, and it could easily be implemented into gnome 3: that would be great.

I would also like to see more themes available. The gnome team should work on these more, not just changing icon packs, but SERIOUS mods, stuff you can actually do with the top-bar, and more control of the bottom-fog-bar-thing. And by the way, compiz?

A word of advice: if you are to go the simple route, don't make it harder for users to make it more custom, and perhaps, more simple.

5304: Allow more customization, more applets, and more free arrangement of virtual desktops instead of stacking them all ontop each as a huge tower

ask more from the community and everything will work out just fine

5305: 1. An easy way to disable auto-mounting

2. More reconfigurability

3. Less focus on desktop widgets, more focus on window managing (all I use it for)

Stick with the gnome 2.x desktop metaphor. The gnome shell looks atrocious.

5306: Gnome 3 - smaller window decorations (not usable on 1366x768)
Gnome 2 - better access to terminal everywhere
general - more options to set up something (graphically & naturaly)

keep the good stuff up!!:D

5307: Configuration and don't make me move my mouse across the screen multiple times in order to interact with applications

I might use Gnome more often if it wasn't targeted towards complete idiots and tablets.

5308: GNOME 3 fcking sucks.

5309: No need

Dump version 3

5310: Abandon Gnome 3

5311: - Replace ugly default theme.
- Better documentation for extension writers.

5312: Greater app cohesiveness
App hiding support
Permanent dock on desktop by default

5313: make it less iOS-looking. enable right click. enable menus instead of searches

listen to your users!

5314: gnome shell comes back to gnome 2.X
gnome shell comes back to gnome 2.X
gnome shell comes back to gnome 2.X

kiss, keep the gnome simple and stupid, but not the user

5315: 1 - Avoid Barbie/candy/purty_colours
2 - Maintain the Gnome 2 looks
3 - KISS Gnome 3

KISS principle

5316: A sidebar (vertical) like Unity.

Not really. I use Unity and Gnome. I like Gnome 3 better than Gnone 2, but I have to say I now like Unity better than Gnome 3. It is easier to switch between applications that are in different workspaces in Unity: I just click on their icons in the siebar, no need to press keys or combinations of keys. That is quite useful, I believe.

5317: 1) add ability to launch multiple instances of Terminal/Browser by left clicking dock icon (right now it focuses one of the existing windows).

2) the notification area at the bottom of the screen obscures my full screen terminals (really annoying with twitter messages coming in)

3) alt-tab behaviour across workspaces is unpredictable and annoying

In spite of the previous issues: really good job.

Everything feels very well polished already, and it all seems to form a cohesive whole. I like the no-distraction focus, and the minimalism.

A few rough edges, yes, but I think by the time we hit 3.8 it'll be fantastic.

But don't be afraid of self-criticism: continuously re-evaluate your design choices if necessary, and evolve.

5318: I would try to reduce some resource usage. I personally would like to have better keyboard integration. Gnome is not my desktop of choice, but I would prefer it to KDE.

5319: I was basically 100% happy with the way gnome2 worked in conjunction with compiz in [E.G.] Ubuntu 10.10, and Mint 10.

Don't like Unity... and Gnome 3 seems similar to Unity.

Stick with what was working in Gnome 2
Take a page out of OSX handbook... don't drastically change anything that users are already comfortable with, and has been working well for a long time.

That's the problem that occurred when Micro$soft released Windows Vista, and then Windows 7.

They tried to make it all "touchy feely" and moved stuff all around into places that made no logical sense.
[e.g. "programs and features"... why would I go there when I need to uninstall something... why did they change it from add/remove programs]

5320: faster and lighter memory footprint. Advanced effect but with something lighter than Compiz.

5321: include gnome-tweak-tool by default
re-enable desktop icons by default
add a more desktop-friendly menu

5322: smaller dash icons

way to search for files or recent items directly in the shell

ability to hide accessibility menu or completely disable for those that don't need the functionality

Keep up the good work! ignore the criticism the new design is definitely innovative and very easy to use!

5323: Stop dumbing it down.

Stop dumbing it down.

Stop dumbing it down.

Stop dumbing it down!

5324: The alt tab setup in gnome 3

The multiple desktop display to add the ability to click a picture, rather than just use the ctrl + alt + up/down

Make program open when i click on the icon, rather than going to an existing instance of the application.

Gnome 3 is bold, but I seem to like it, and I get lots of comments from work colleges over the looks. Keep going gnome you guys produce great work

5325: 1. Built in Easy Themes to mimic Mac OS X and Windows to take on additional users and ease transition to Linux. Gui features that function nearly like them ... From Mac OS X dock and unified menubar, to Windows 2 column Start menu.

2. Stop using Mono. It's bloated poison and not fully compatible with Windows anyway ... so it's really one big lie. I have to constantly uninstall and check dependencies to avoid it. I'm quite happy to run XFCE if you don't.

If you want to sway folks from the dark side of computing, you have to ease them over the shock will turn them off instantly. It's about "them" not "yourself".

I don't like reading or hearing about drama and ego bruising so stop squib-ling over petty stuff. It about *User Experience*. Get over it.

5326: Bring back the Panel Applets!

5327: Mostly regarding Gnome Shell:
1 - Built in social networking (Gwibber). Like how Gwibber is integrated with Unity. Tweet/Post without having to open the whole Gwibber program. (Something like what empathy does when you're chatting and you don't have to open the program. You can message directly from the notifications)
2 - Built in music controls - Like in Unity, how the top right sound panel exists.
3 - Better calendar support - Integrating Google Calendar into the GnomeShell bar at the top would be awesome. Evolution is very poor IMHO, so please don't make me install the WHOLE package just for calendar functionality.

Keep up the good work guys!

I Love what you did with Gnome Shell (in Gnome 3.2). GS has definitely come a long way than when I first tried it. Also, I love the iOS style toolbars/theme/look.

5328: Make Adawita waste less space
Use global menu as Unity so we can use that space to show other things
Add an option to change icons, theme, and fonts.

Try to no oversimplify everything, free software is about options and you are taking that away from the user.

5329: Change the way for halt the system. Have to press the ALT for shutdown is a bad idea.
Change the layout for Application menu in overlay mode.
Improve the fallback mode.

5330: 1) Bring customisation to Gnome3
2) right click functionality
3) have both menu bar and the overlay, replace shutdown/hibernate options

There are some great parts to Gnome3, and generally I like the design of the gnome shell, I think the left hand dock in unity is a good use of the widescreens on most computers. I like the overlay that shows applications/workspaces etc.


Usability of Gnome3 is appalling.

Linux PCs are not tablets or smartphones. The users are not idiots, they are generally power users. People liked Gnome 2 as it could adapt to suit them rather than forcing them into a predefined set of tasks.

its all well and good to redesign Gnome, and i do like most of the new interface, but try not to lose what made it special in the first place.

5331: - When I used GNOME 3, I had an issue where it would crash if I tried pulling a window on top of a maximized Minecraft

- GNOME 2.X I would want more control over theming and have everything possible match that theme

I guess my advice would be to stick with what users are more familiar with and to take their advice when possible. Obviously you don't want your project to remain stagnant, but do try to keep things familiar for your users so it isn't too much of a leap into the new version.

5332: More user configuration options in the GUI, Better handling of multiple icons in the launcher-panel, Better developer documentation.

You have smart people working on GNOME, and I know that you want to create a good environment for users, but it seems like many of the recent design decisions have been made without user testing or user input.

5333: options in gnome3

3 more like 2xx

5334: Improve the outdated documentation

A fallback mechanism in Gnome 3 to like a Gnome 2 interface with a click of a button. I really like the Gnome 2 interface.

A gui to configure GDM 3 just like GDM 2 without resorting to hacking config files.

Improve memory leaks and consumption

5335: shut down available by default
empathy sucks big time!
a tad more configuration options

5336: + Give more options for user customization
+ Quicker access to typical used options (Empathy, Web Browsing...)
+ I can not put in 3 things all the stuff I NEED to change in GNOME 3.x

Give OPTIONS. Give Customization. Make it friendlier. Making it prettier does not give points if the whole thing is harder to use. The amount of changes and the limited customization that is REALLY needed (like in KDE) makes one start looking for alternatives.

5337: Fixing Ati Driver and more configuring tool inside

5338: Fix the fallback to become EXACTLY like Gnome 2.
Polish fallback mode.
Perhaps add some of those fancy gnome-shell graphics to fallback mode.

Listen to the damn users already, we are tired of being treated like second class citizens. We want utility, not pretty. If we wanted pretty we could use Gnome with Compiz and make our computers run like shit.

5339: I'd like to have my screensavers back. Enable theme and look-and-feel configuration out-of-the-box. Allow us anti-social users to turn off all of the chat, messaging, social networking stuff out-of-the-box.

Keep up the good work and continue to work on your vision. Its merit and benefits will become more evident as time goes on and gnome 3.x matures.

5340: Being able to customize more (without the need of Tweak tool, etc);
More 3D effects (like compiz);

5341: Ditch that GNOME 3 rubbish, or at least make it usable.

Get off your high horse.

5342: Substitute the taskbar with an Avant Windows Navigator like taskbar(I like the easy configuration(graphical) and the cute bright,rotating icons).
Cuter icons.Happier color icons, glass like. This is cute: http://www.crystalxp.net/galerie/img/img-icons-a-png-official-macosx-leopard-icon-pack-daddy77-17777.png

5343: applets
tabs on left in terminal
resizable dialogs

stop playing jobs

5344: I really like it. Sometimes I have problems with window focus but I haven't even begun to look into what's causing that. It may not even be Gnome.

Congratulations, you have created something that has allowed the general public to more easily embrace Linux. Thank you.

5345: 1. Gnome Tweak as a part of G3
2. More customizability options for interface. Why do I have to install GnomeTweak in order to simply change my theme or font?
3. Indicators support without plugins.

1. Why don't You make a survey of what Compiz funcs users use most often and implement those, if Compiz itself is non-integrable into G3...
2. A couple of themes available by default(not just Adwaita) would be REALLY nice... and a theme chooser similar to or better than in prev G versions...

Good luck guys!

5346: GNOME 2 is almost perfect, I can't really think of anything to change other than making gconf-editor more user friendly.

Please make GNOME 3 more customizable, and allow other compositors to be used with GNOME 3.

5347: Stop dumbing down everything. Stop removing config options. In fact, start adding them back to config tools and then add some more but don't end up like KDE. Make it easier to turn off that bloody GDM plunk sound (how about in a GDM config tool...). Let me, the user, decide what I want to configure and how.

Keep up the great work!

5348: 1) Real configurations, like there was in Gnome2. There shouldn't be a prerequisit to know freaking JAVASCRIPT to change something. If you guys think this crap is good, then make a decent drag'n'drop'n'twist tool to personalize the desktop YOURSELVES.
2) I'm going to spend one of my "three wishes" on this: TURNING THINGS OFF IS HIGHER PRIORITY THAN SUSPENDING THEM. Alt + Click should be for Suspend, NOT Shutdown.
3) Empathy really should work. There's a HUGE memory leak problem - so huge it always closes itself seconds after I try to open it.

Come on, don't abandon us like the Firefox team. We need to fight the evil KDE!

5349: - Better power management options. For example, a hibernation option from the user menu. This includes the ability to choose/set a screen saver and have a screen saver appear without locking the machine.

- The ability to use Empathy without having the buddy list open on some workspace all the time.

- Better sizing of application thumbnails on the activities screen. They could be much larger targets and thus easier to click on. Also, the ability to pick application thumbnails using the arrow keys.

Not sure if love you or hate you. Please make distinction clearer.

(Everything is different, yet somewhat awesome!)

5350: customize!
when having 2 of the same programs open (let's say - libreoffice writer and libreoffice impress) - i want alt+tab to change to them without using an additional key (being the down arrow)

add a lot more customizing options!!

5351: (1) Ditch the split between Gnome 2.x & 3.x, enable both through customisations. Let the user decide what they want, that suits their asthetics & needs.
(2) Completely customisable menu system (through a UI). Let the user decide.
(3) Improve GTK (if it isn't part of gnome, should be!) for far better support for window/dialog docking (like MS Visual Studio, only damned thing M$ got right). Would allow users absolute flexibity & control in how they position/manage an applications multiple window/dialogs (would allow users to decide how they want to layout GIMPS windows, without this never ever ever ending debate). Let the user decide.

5352: The stupid defaults and the justification the GNOME team makes up for them.
Change the printer setup back to what it before Gnome Shell.
Have the minimize and maximize buttons by default.



5354: More configuration
Less padding in windows
Add an easy way to install extensions

5355: More functionality and configuration. Less emphasis on making it look pretty, more on making it work well.

Please consider your userbase in the decision making process.

5356: - GUI settings for gnome 3.2, with some extensions by default,
- more custom-ability, power off button by default!
- more speed


keep up great work!

5357: 1. better multi-monitor workflow (have to look at first monitor to see active app)
2. better functional use of Super key and Menu key (unity has some ideas)

I think the target user isn't everybody; I find it very usable. Keep up the good work.

5358: I wish that certain more popular distributions *coughubuntucoughcough!* would have been more willing to work with gnome and incorporate gnome-shell in the default install rather than going and creating a whole other side project (unity). In short, I would like to see more people embrace gnome 3, and that more people were backing the gnome project. I would love to contribute to the project somehow, but time constraints keep me very limited in what I can do.

I think that the gnome team is doing a great thing for the Open-Source world.

5359: 1. Nautilus should be able to sort and group folders and files by type exactly in the way Dolphin, Windows File Manager or Apple's Finder (10.7) can do.

2. GNOME 3 should work as fast as GNOME 2 on my machine (Pentium D 3,0 GHZ, 2 GB RAM, Nvidia 8400).

3. I don't want to have to click on the activity-button to see the dock with my favourite applications. I prefer a permant dock like in MacOS X or Unity.

GNOME is a great project, but to my opinion it is developing into the wrong direction for desktop users. I wish GNOME 3's classic mode would be equal to GNOME 2.

5360: * Sound configuration - make seperate control for every channel.
* Failback mode - More verbose output for the reasons for failing to use normal mode.
* Application list - needs to be cached and behave way way faster then it currently does.
* Theme suppoprt - for failback mode!!! Make the failback mode more like the gnome2 expirience ..make it possible to add applets to the toolbars , change their colors and so on....

Keep up the good work ppl....stay away from unity!!
Maybe hotkey for hidden terminal (something like tilda/yaquake) intergrated into gnome-shell will be a nice addon.....most of the gnome users depend on terminals...(and who cares about those who don't use the terminal? ) so its normal to make it as accessable as possible:)

Regards! ;]

5361: Does it really matter? I could tell what I would like to get fixed in GNOME 2.3X but the GNOME people dropped it.

I think that the delusion that users have a saying in open source projects was swept away once more with GNOME 3. The fact that Win8 will offer a fall-back mode should be taken seriously. There's a reason for that. I'll stick to 2.3X for now and consider switching to Xfce in the future.

5362: Stop copying Cupertino so much. And not for Apple, but for the power users.
Reverse the useless, intrusive simplification that came with Gnome 3.x.

Thank you for creating and maintaining the Gnome desktop and it's conponents. But please follow Linus' advice, and stop this gross over-sinplification of this once great desktop enironment.

tl;dr: GNOME 2.x was EXCELLENT, GNOME 3 with gnome-shell is a wonky UI for the desktop and gnome-panels has been crippled.

5363: - gnome shell must die
- moar settings
- better look and feel

- gnome shell must die
- moar settings
- better look and feel

5364: For GNOME 3
- Learn from what GNOME 2 did right; leverage that in new versions.
* Think through the kinematics and eye motion flow; having big spread out icons is often not as helpful as a categorized and ordered list.
* One of GNOMEs greatest strengths historically has been it's easy and highly customization interface that the average user could change; regaining/retaining that would be wise.
* Give back many of these beloved features/options from previous versions.

The GNOME 2 interface with Compiz options available was one of the key factors in getting me to switch from Windows to Linux. I enjoyed:
*the logical and efficient menu systems, both in terms of their compact visual nature and their strait forward and rapid kinematics
*the highly configurable interface out of the box
*icons weren't bulky-yet-ambiguous like windows vista+ were heading with key features like the task/launchbar
*didn't encourage the inefficient frequent switching between mouse and keyboard for such things as searching through an incomplete listing of programs and locations
*didn't arbitrarily lock key menus or windows to certain sizes or automatically change the order of shortcuts/links without adding new ones

I fear that many of the things that drew me to GNOME and Linux in the first place are being more or less abandoned in favor of experimentation and inefficient fad-like trends.

The fact that some of your greatest supporters have been of like mind to me does not bode well. Tread carefully, and fear not looking into the past for enduring concepts that will stay relevant for as long as Men seek order and need be productive.

One of the most annoying things as a software user is being able to do somethings in one version that you liked and not being able to do them in a new one. Always remember that!

5365: 1) More user-configurability options
2) Better support for extensions
3) Easier customisation of applications menu

5366: Have back the ability to launch multiple instances of applications from the launcher, not this psuedo mac os thing we have now.

I've actually just moved to KDE since gnome 3 became the default in my distros repositories. It seems pointless. I don't know how you'd fix that.

5367: I'd just like easier configuration and customisation tools and settings.

I think Gnome 3 has tremendous possibilities, there are some aspects that I really like. Hopefully, both Unity and Gnome 3 will be able to mature swiftly. I don't think people will be very forgiving if the chaos stays around too long. Sadly, the Gnome community seems to have more than its share of unhappy, unfriendly (bordering on bitter and cynical) members. Some with obvious chips on their shoulders. It doesn't bode well for the future of Gnome as they are swiftly losing our trust.

5368: Shutdown method, Nautilus, Banshee

Get rid of Nautilus and build a modern file manager at last, Make life easier cause everyone needs to know how the hell he will turn off his computer, give all the efforts to build new modern apps for multimedia

5369: Make GNOME 2 become an active project again.

Bring back traditional desktop.

5370: More options in normal configuration center
file search directly from the shell

5371: In energy settings, allow different behaviors when connected with or without battery.
Also, in general, more options in settings (I supose the lack of settings is due to the early stage of GNOME 3),in particular, "Startup aplications"
Voice control (time ago there where a few projects for GNOME 2, but not good). There are times when you are focused in something and just to look for the button you need or change from keyboard to mouse makes you loss the concentration.

In general, I like GNOME Shell. It's similar to how I used to modify GNOME 2 in my computers. Maybe the application list in the right it's annoying (too far away), but I usually use the "searching" method to open applications, so it's not a big problem. I feel a lack of customization possibilities (in part caused by the early stages, because in the version of Fedora alfa 16 it's better - but since it's alpha, it does not work anymore :P )

Good work.

5372: 1. Dual monitor support - workspace = both displays not just one
2. Lethargic performance
3. Work space grid location

Horrible experience for those working with dual monitors

5373: Absolutely EVERY action should be easily done using only the keyboard. From windows arrangement to checking the battery status or exiting session. And document it well enough!

Windows key (Super/Home key) should be the only modifier key used by default by the desktop. Please, leave ALT and CTRL exclusively to apps. Forget forever ALT-TAB, CTRL-ALT-UP/DOWN, etc. It's an aberration to use it as a normal key (instead of using it as a modifier key), as they have done in gnome-shell.

It would be great to have a good gnome-shell extensions manager and repository.

Please, don't exclude people who don't want or can not use a pointing device. Steal some good ideas from Awesome WM or other tiling WMs.

5374: Just about perfect

Thanks for your work!

5375: Maintain GNOME fallback (GNOME 2 like environment - at least!).

Maintain GNOME fallback (GNOME 2 like environment - at least!). GNOME 3 is a terrible concept for those used to have a minimalistic but completely finctional GNOME2 environment. GNOME 3 is ok for newcomers.

5376: More options to tweak by "advanced" users - hidden as they may be, they should exist. GNOME 3.x is particularly bad in this area. The whole "just works" and "developers know better" paradigm is flawed. Provide decent defaults and let people tweak things to hell and back if they wish so. Note that it is coming from a professional developer who has made the "I know better" mistake more than once.

Be less arrogant with your choices - your users are not idiots, they don't need to be treated like they don't know what they're doing. Give more control over how GNOME works to those who want to tweak it.

5377: Bring the screensaver back!
Work with AMD to fix the Catalyst...
An option for tiling windows by 1/4 page

5378: 1) Get back all the configuration options of Gnome2. I had made myself a nice environment, it's been ruined by Gnome 3

2) Get back the gadgets of Gnome2. F.e, the desktop chooser doesn not show windows anymore, I can't place widgets on the bars as I want them...

3) Getting back Gnome to its sense. Removing features is not making simpler, it's making poorer. I am seriously considering returning to KDE (which I left 3 years ago).

See above!

5379: I would reconsider the 6-month development cycle and/or the way it is implemented. While I think the quality in general is good, I think just a few to many annoying bugs end up being release into stable version. These might better be resolved with longer development cycles.

I would reintroduce "cross platformness" as a pritority with the GTK+ people (though it is probably more a matter of man-power than priorities). I think offering up good gtk+ based FOSS for windows is one of the best kinds of advertisement we have.

I would like to be able to open chats in empathy via whatever "launcher"-app is available, dash, unity (I know it is not gnome) whatever.

Stop putting so much stuff about bug fixing in the release notes ;)

5380: - Easier to customise for power users
- Avoid regressions

5381: I would like a Gnome 2.x look'n'feel solutions for gnome3.

5382: 1. make
2. it

5383: lots of shell plugins that can be found easily on one webpage and installed/removed easily.

good shell plugins (which can be ordered/requested perhaps) that can allow me get the desktop i want to increase my productivity.

non-crashing and well-working hardware accelerated flash (i know this is not gnome specific but..)

Gnome3 is great. It'd be better if users had a bit more customization options.

5384: * Command-line access to GNOME features (most importantly shutdown/reboot)
* More options configurable via GUI
* Better window manager

5385: 1. Make an option to change to "classic" Gnome 2.x look in the 3.x series

Make an option to change to "classic" Gnome 2.x look in the 3.x series

5386: 1. Appearance of GMOME 3(Unity)
2. High Performance optimization
3. Appearance of GMOME 3(Unity) :)

Listen to what consumers want!
Remember that you write programs to help us - ordinary consumers.

5387: Modularity
That's it, realy.

At the moment it does not scale well to low-end devices. This might be fixable.

5388: it's logo :)

5389: not nearly as powerful or configurable as kde especially the file mgr
needs a directory browser in th menu or panel like kde

5390: standardize extensions and make them available as packages
reduce vertical space use (ala unity)
make it easier to confibure themes (like gnome2)

5391: - I would like the Shut Down back, not just suspend, log off and lock screen
- I hate the notifications for every received message with Pidgin or Empathy and I would like a notification icon on the top (main) notification area, where wireless status and other stuff is
- Better Alt+F2 (Run) menu, more like KDE.
- Make search for apps FASTER, as it is now, it is barely usable

Keep up the good work. Gnome 3 looks nice. It takes some time to get used to it, but is usable.

5392: 1. In Gnome 3 to switching from one window to another is difficult. I would change that.
2. I would change Nautilus into much more visually appealing

5393: 1. Give me back my options: stop dumbing everything down by hiding options. Trying to make Gnome more easily accessible for new computer users is - sorry - a pipe dream. New users will probably go to their nearest computer store and by a PC with Windows or a Mac. And even *if* you want to dumb Gnome down for new users, do it without kicking your existing userbase in the knackers.

You say I can theme and edit things with 'extensions'. Ok, but how are those managed. Through typed ALT-F2 and then 'lg'. Brilliantly accessible to new users!

2. Bring back applets, like the monitor applet, and allow me to remove applets I don't use (like the accessibility applet).

3. Do something sane with the hidden / invisible task bar with icons at the low edge of the screen. It is a non-obvious feature and hides valuable information from plain view magnificently, though I doubt that it's meant for that.

Please, please, please start listening to real users and stop trying to be an environment for new users. We hardly have any of those and by trying to woo them, you are pushing away your existing user base.

5394: gnome-shell deafult theme
nautilus desgian
remove package kit or give it some love!

thx :)

5395: no it`s ok

thank you team

5396: Significantly better documentation. A dedicated forum.
A well maintained wiki.

Keep it simple stupid.

5397: -I would give GNOME Shell flexibility to choose the position and size of various elements of the interface. For example, move the top menubar to the bottom, left or right edges of the screen. Pick which corner to use to get to the "activities" screen, move the activities overview panel to right, top, bottom of the screen etc. Have direct control over how large the "favourites" and application icons are. So in summary, more freedom with positioning and scaling the UI elements.

-Offer an easier way to edit various elements of the UI. For example instead of navigating to the system settings to change the wallpaper, one could simply right-click on the desktop and access the related options and changes from there. In summary more direct access to options through UI elements themselves.

-More efficient layout to access applications. From my initial GNOME 3 testing, to open a new program, my mouse has to go to the activities corner, then all the way to the other end of the screen to pick the application category, then again back to the centre of the screen to find the desired icon. I imagine it can work well when using touch with two hands and fingers, or mouse + keyboard, but for purely mouse based approach, the current solution makes my cursor run a marathon.

GNOME 3 looks like a really bold and interesting approach to redesign how to interact with conputers. And I really like new and interesting approaches. However, after testing GNOME 3 for a while, I found out it's somewhat lacking in speed and efficiency when used in the standard desktop way. I see it as a really good solution for touch based computers, but for standard mouse+keyboard it doesn't offer the same level of efficiency than other desktop configurations I use. My suggestion to the GNOME team would be to focus some more on the classical mouse+keyboard style of interaction, because GNOME 3 shows great potential, but for now only for touch-based computers.

5398: Prevent the strategy in which one program is chosen to be integrated completely in the environment (Evolution as database/mail client/calendar, Empathy as IM, Banshee as multimedia manager), which hinders experience of users who choose something else and sometimes leads to system breaking when trying to uninstall. Instead, focusing on a universal form of possible integration.
Revive the idea of Ubuntu Netbook Edition. Current GNOME versions are getting seriously slow on netbook devices, which probably applies to old computers also. The Netbook Edition should allow manual performance tweaking in addition to it being more lightweight. Without that, people will start to use other desktop environments, such as XFCE or LXDE.

I would like them to address the points I stated in answer to question above (22.), but I am aware that my point of view is only mine, not theirs.

5399: in 2.32 none, maybe some bug fixes nothing major

Gnome 3, still waiting to be usable. Think I'll watch what happens to MATE project.

5400: improve gnome 2.x that run with compiz and more productive
i forget gnome shell , it's not good
make more survey before any new desktop of gnome to know what people want

gnome shell is very bad
and any one say any thing else he don't what was gnome and what know became !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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