What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 12 of 20. 2 Comments.

6101: Stop. Listen. Participate.

6102: 1) Remove the applications menu bar, and include all those commands on the icon that is next the Activities button. 2) Make unnecessary to press the Alt key to shutdown or restart the machine. 3) Tabs on top, like new browsers do.

I love your new work ;)

6103: Add an expert mode for easier configuration than with g/dconf. Like in vlc.

Make it possible to run the gshell with compiz.

Add an easy LAN-file sharing programm, like the dead "giver", in the whole g-desktop.

Add an easy LAN-file sharing programm, like the dead "giver", in the whole g-desktop.

Add an expert mode for easier configuration than with g/dconf. Like in vlc. Gnome Tweak-Tool is a beginning...

6104: 1. Go back to 2.x
2. Go back to 2.x
3. Go back to 2.x

6105: 1. bring back gnome-panel, remove this single-menu-thingy and leave menu-bars visible! I want to see what i can do, always, and where it is...
2. improve nautilus (windows has improved much recently), especially the file-operations-dialogs
3. think more of multi-monitoring!!!

My first thought on G3 was "fantastic, visibly astonishing, great user-experience". My second thoughts sadly where "and what about my 2.monitor? scrollbars? menubars? quickstart? menubarapplets i always want visible? damn." and "thank god, there is at least a fallback-mode. Unfortunatly that sucked too... :-(
I believe i will stick to 2.x as long as i can.

6106: 1. more HW compatible
2. less resource hungry
3. keep supporting GNOME 2

Linux should be about speed and power, not eye candy!

6107: GNOME is a non-starter for us. We only use it on original edition netbooks. The reason is that GNOME's continuing determination to eliminate configuration options makes it useless for people whom are visually impaired.

Among other things, I configure computers for people with different types visual impairments. Different visual impairments require different {sometimes radically different} configurations. The ability to control/configure every possible aspect of what the user sees and is able to work with is essential to a successful desktop.

GNOME 3.x is now even worse than Microsoft when it comes to setting up computers for the visually impaired.

Even people with simple age related impairments such as age induced nearsightedness are ill served by GNOME.

The very best environment for configuring computers for the visually impaired without resorting to installing specialized software/hardware is KDE.

The other problem I have with the GNOME project is it's continuing attitude of "I know what's best for the user." Frankly speaking, they don't. Really, they don't. The GNOME Foundation leaders have absolutely no clue about the importance of being able to configure anything as needed at any time for any reason. This gives a very distasteful 'tin god' flavor to everything they do.

Since we can't get past the configurability issue, any other questions about GNOME are meaningless. i.e. If we can't configure anything in ways we need to, questions like 'ease of use' become moot because the end user has too much difficulty seeing anything much less being able to see how easy or hard something is to use.

I've permanently given up on GNOME except for a very few specialized niches. And I'm actively finding alternatives.

Generally speaking, attempting to set up a GNOME desktop for any purpose feels very much like {to me} as setting up any version of MS Windows. Since I detest MS Windows for it's lack of configurability, attitude of "I know what's best for you" and insistence that everyone must conform, why shouldn't I detest the same things in GNOME?

6108: 1. Desktop and panels like older versions
2. More printers, scanner and drivers support
3. Many softwares do not run properly, but no one cares. Why?

In my opinion Gnome panels are better than Unity. But I found myself more comfortable with gnome-2 panels. Given a choice, I would chose Gnome-2, because of ease of comfort. Gnome-3 with older panels will be accepted.

6109: 1) menu

2) better usability

3) more consideration on multitasking

Gnome 3 seems to be aimed more at mobile device users. Please consider the desktop user that wants a big monitor and easy multitasking.

6110: Get the fall-back be similar to accelerated GNOME.

Get back the functionality, which existed in 2.x re. mods of normal gnome-panel - I want to see my CPU utilisation to know if the app is doing something or just froze; I want to see my network bandwidth utilisation to know if something is downloading or just waiting, etc.

Do not make things more complicated than they used to be (more clicks to do some action...)

I liked GNOME 2.x for its simplicity yet functionality. GNOME 3.x seems to get too much simple with even worse user experience.

6111: i want to habe shut-down-feature in the menu without 3rd-party-tools
i want more possibilties of tweaking the userinterface

i like gnome 3, but i want more control over it without the need for other tools or gnome-config

6112: Keep it possible to customize
keep it light
keep it stable

Communicate more to the users about developments

6113: I like the new gnome, but to access the dock you souldnt have to go to the upper left corner and then back down. Docks should be a quick easy way to hit an application, I should be able to open the dock by going to any part of the left screen rather then just the corner. This makes things quicker when I know the general area of where a certain application is docked.

ICONS- My god I feel like gnome is stuck in the 90's and cant get out. The desktop is completely redone with shell yet the terrible icons remain. It would be great if you used something more pretty from the start like those seen in osx/kde/hell even windows..

GTK - IDK what it is about gtk just looks/feels old. I dont think this really falls under gnome, but I know gnome is heavily involved with GTK. Big grey buttons and what not, I just feel like GTK again is stuck in the 90's. QT, OSX, Windows all have a more modern feel to them.

6114: - bring back the panel applets
- bring back desktop effects
- bring back the desktop

think of the community you have and not the made up target community
listen to your users

6115: - Find an easy way to administrate extensions
- Gnome Pie by default
- Widgets on the desktop

I really like the look of Gnome Shell!

6116: in gnome 3, I really miss having the full date on the top - yes, I know this is easily changeable, but it's one of my favourite things about gnome2. The other problem is using multiple workspaces is clumsy and slow on gnome-3. I can't think of a straight fix though. I prefer a horizontal arrangements of windows, so if this were the case, then a workspace switched in the form of gnome2 could be an option in the top panel. As the workspaces are vertical, this doesn't look easy. The other problem I have is that I don't have rapid access to 'places' like I do in gnome 2. I like being able to directly open, say, 'pictures'. I think the best way to integrate this into gnome shell is to have this as another tab from the workspace and applications tabs. Maybe a system tab, too.

It looks good so far - but gnome2 will remain my current distro until I find working in gnome3 is as easy.

6117: #1 The shell, frankly it's too distracting with it's animations and required mouse movement

#2 The enforced work flow, it's distracting to have to fight with your computer to make it do what I used to be able to do with ease.

#3 Allow backwards compatible gtk themes, I wrote a few and now can't use my old themes. So I have to re-write my themes which is more work for me to get productive again, something as simple as a theme may not seem like a big deal, but when it's been carefully crafted to be as distraction free as possible, then it is a big deal.

Actually listen to your users, they know what they want, if you don't listen they leave, I did and it wasn't lack of bug reporting on my part either! Some of my bug reports have sat in limbo for years without so much as a 'no, we wont implement it' at least a no would have told me where I stand.

I used GNOME 2.6 all the way through to 2.32 and now I just switched to XFCE because G3 didn't allow me to work the way I think.

Assuming a one size fits all mentality is nothing short of insulting, everyone works in a different way. Unless you facilitate diversity then users will simply find another way to become productive.

To go from a nice stable release that allowed me to work the way I wanted, to some glitzy tablet interface wanna be was too much. Unless something drastic happens along the lines of user communication and feedback and the whole gnome shell being overhauled to be as simple as gnome2 or xfce4 is then I shall be staying away.

To emphasize that last point further, I find gnome 3 to be MORE COMPLICATED UI than gnome2 and it's not for lack of being unfamiliar I did try it for sometime and came to the conclusion it's not me, it's gnome 3.

Finally the one good thing I did like the look of, Zeitgiest has not been included, has been rejected as part of gnome 3 official, what gives?

6118: more automated tailling like xmonad but in easyer way to handle
when alot of windows are on the same desktop it's a pain to rapidely pass from one to another

hum make linux looks like linux and not half assed windows or half assed macOSX ... to the question what is linux looks like ? I would gladly be able to describe it as a unique experience ...

6119: 1. Fix the useability patterns of gnome shell, right now its a mad ammount of mouse moving and clicking, it feels like gnome shell was made for touchscreens, not mouse and keyboard.

2. Fix the graphical design to it doesnt waste so much space, as it is now i cant use default gnome 3 on a 1024x600 netbook. This is both the gnome 3 gtk+ theme that is just INSANELY BIG, the window handles are BIG, you have bars both on top and on the bottom of the screen that uses upp space, here you should definitively look at unity, they got it right in that particular aspect!

3. Fix the configurability of gnome 3 so i can set the font size i want, the icon size i want and so on, right now its just impossible to config it to my liking.

Its going to sound hard, but, you realy need to take a big step back, look at gnome 3, especially gnome shell, and just do some major redesigns of it, as it is now both unity and kde is WAY nicer and easier to use then gnome shell.

6120: Simple

6121: Don't change anything. The actual desktop environment details are almost irrelevant for everyday's productive outcome. What matters
is that the desktop doesn't get in the way of your work. (Working
with terminals, ms-office documents, virtual machines, remote desktops,
Changing the way the desktop manage things just keeps you from
trying to make better use of the desktop's features
and keeps your working habits ways from desktop dependencies.

6122: 1. Add the ability to control volume on a per application basis (as in the Applications tab in the Sound configuration) under the sound icon in the panel (currently has only master volume). Settings should be remembered between application and system restarts.
2. More GUI configuration tools.
3. Add a small overlay exclamation mark in the lower right corner when there are notifications that the user has not viewed (useful when the user is away and/or misses a notification).

6123: 1. The Gnome desktop needs to be more changeable. Using gconf-editor and friends does no count!
2. The bars, applets, and other gui elements need to be movable.
3. Gnome needs to run under boxes without any 3d acceleration.

Please backport the older Gnome to the newer Gnome. The older Gnome really is better.

6124: - bring back gnome2 panels

- do not try to mix mobile and desktop experience in one single piece of software

6125: Make it more configurable, allow removal of dash and toolbars
Change icon size
Restore simple menu

I like to set-up my desktop the way I want, it is impossible with gnome shell. I run a desktop computer for work, not a tablet or a pad.
If I had wanted an ipad I would have bought one, I don't.
I want a desk top environment not a OS for a touch screen phone.

6126: 1) Default theme.
2) more options/settings.
3) Make kde apps look better in gnome

6127: 1) There must be a way for power users to enjoy Gnome. Gnome 3 is even worse than Gnome 2 in that respect. Also, there are many crashes in Gnome 3. Altogether, Gnome 3 (including unity) has been a disappointment. I now switched to xfce4. So, support the power user, have more configurations.

2) Make it easy to find applications. Old style menus help a lot. The newer interface makes it harder to start an application.

3) Why can windows not be un-maximized. That was the reason for me to drop Gnome a couple of days ago. Now use XFCE4.

That said, I great appreciate Gnome (and KDE) efforts for Desktop integration. The real world of the end user is one in which things just must work and in which all applications, including QT and KDE based ones must just work. Nowadays, that is working all pretty well.

Too much focus has been on the newbie and windows users, and too little on the power user. But I assume that many users are power users, and they get frustrated by all the dumbing down!

Please, work on more office and web applications. I find Epiphany really good, and so are Abiword and Gnumeric.

6128: Get rid of the 'alt-tab' behaviour that hides all windows and shows you only icons.
Make it possible for pidgin to provide better feedback that someone has IM'd you.

please keep 'focus follows mouse' - get rid of that and I'll switch away.
Please allow one to easily turn off 'eye candy'.

6129: auto twin monitors

auto 3 or more monitors

6130: 1.configurability.
2. make all extensions part of the default de,so one doesnt need a tweak tool.
3.make themes easily switchable.and kill the ugly default with the large title bar.

yes.but they are too arrogant to listen to anyone.except the voices in their heads

6131: I would keep active support for GNOME 2 usability features (panel, application menus, etc.)

I tried GNOME 3 and found it unusable for my work processes, so have kept machines back at Fedora 14 in order to stay with GNOME 2. I will try GNOME 3.1 when Fedora 16 is out, but without a panel and other things that are part of my basic usability needs I won't go to GNOME 3.x. I don't say everyone should work my way, but it should be supported.

6132: 1. more themes
2. more wallpapers
3. more mouse themes

gnome 3 is fantastic! congratulations on a job well done!

6133: 1. Add a global menu similar to Unity to the panel.

2. Add a taskbar or finder back into the panel.

3. Make it easier to change the theme. The default theme is UGLY!!! At the very least make the default Shell theme match the default GTK3 theme.

1. Listen to your users, and don't try to totally reinvent the wheel. Change for the sake of change is just disruptive.

2. Focus on solving actual usage problems not on redesigning the UI just to create more.

3. Bugs come first, shiny new features come second.

6134: It should just be tiling window manager. No desktop environment.

Stop trying to copy windows and do something innovative instead. Don't try to cater to Joe Blow. Develop truly novel user interfaces that enthusiasts will adopt and let it spread to the average user through the word of mouth of the enthusiasts.

6135: The built-in ALT+tab window switcher (including recent variants in Gnome Shell) have never been as good as the Superswitcher project.

Gedit needs a vi mode, like Kate.

Nautilus needs a built-in terminal synced to the current folder. No, the open-terminal-here extension thingy does not cut it.

I havn't contributed, so all I can say is: Great job! Keep it up :-)

6136: Less memory consumption.
Faster login performance.
Faster start up time.

Keep up the good work, I understand the change in Gnome 3 is very disruptive but I think it will be very positive in the end.

6137: I get sick of having to click away from the what I'm using or Nautilus or Firefox to go back to the applications to open or go to something else. I'm sure you will improve access.

I have had far too many crashes with Nautilus just doing basic delete files or working with folders.

Hi, I'm running an Asus N61JQ-JX002V laptop, with Win 7 64 installed internally. I have 2 x Western Digital, 1 TByte USB 3 hard drives plugged into 2 x separate USB ports – no hub.
One WD USB 3 hdd has Fedora 15 64 bit plugged into the Asus USB 2 port, the 2nd has data and is plugged into the USB 3 socket.
I have had problems booting Fedora and the desktop shaking when the OS is left idle for about 10 to 20 mins. This is something to do with Dracut and I feel possible voltage problems with the USB ports/ cables.

I feel Fedora would run better installed in the internal hdd.

Despite the whinging and complaining about Gnome 3, I think the Gnome team did an extremely outstanding job, while focusing on keeping it simple and not becoming a heap of bloat like KDE.

I think over the next 12 months, as improvements are made, it will mature into a first class desktop.

Remember the bitching when KDE 4 was released. What short memories people have.

Thanks for your fantastic work.
Steven Woods [email protected]

6138: Undo GNOME 3
Undo GNOME 3
Undo GNOME 3

Undo GNOME 3

6139: Make the application menu (or however it's called in Gnome Shell) faster - use some cache or something. On a netbook, it takes a _very_ long time to load, especially compared to GNOME 2. Searching in applications is very slow too. That is my main usability issue with Gnome 3 and also the main reason why I'm not using Gnome 3 at the moment.

Listen to your users.

6140: Stop copying Mac OS, it's a usability nightmare for advanced users, which many Linux users are. Taking the good features, which it does have, is cool, but it shouldn't go further than that. The window management of Gnome2/Windows is a lot better.

Listen to your users. There's a reason thousands of people tell you that Gnome2 was better, and it's not that they have to get used to Gnome3. Getting used to good things doesn't take that long.

6141: I'll have to wait and see what Gnome 3 brings as Gnome 2 is now coming to the end of it's life.

Not at this time.

6142: Burn GNOME shell in a cleansing incandescence, and dissolve its hateful ashes in acid.
Choose a default theme that distinguishes the active window from the rest.

GNOME shell. It is an abomination. End it.

6143: I don't like having to hold down alt in order to turn my computer off, I know it's minor but it's still a pain.

More flexibly in the side bar would be awesome.

More customization in general would be great, I love what you guys have done but there are minor tweaks that I'd love. Besides, tinkering is fun. ;)

Great job everyone and thanks for all your work! Felt like a change from xfce and openbox to something with a little more eye candy and loved G3 immediately. Don't mind the haters, most people hate change for the sake of it being change.

6144: - bring back applets
- better dual-screen support
- better synchronisation tools for computers/phones/tablets...

Gnome 3.2 is a quite huge improvement but I am still missing some bits to be back to the level of Gnome 2 for me (I surely miss some of the applets).

6145: Simplify the new environment, everything seems to have to be semantic these, which is great as long as you know what you're looking for. Sometimes a list of everything can help (when organized correctly!)

GTK3 has great potential.

6146: Restore the pause/previous buttons in rhythmbox notifications (only next since severaal months).
Improve virtual keyboard integration for touch-screen laptops.
Improve nautilus address bar to be easy to select the path with mouse without using the Ctrl+L shortcut, add a lauch console from this directory, and add svn/git integration.

Keep doing this good work !

6147: Remove any trace of Gnome 3. Is far worse than Gnome 2 for me.

You cannot do some drastically changes and hope that a lot of people will not complain. From Gnome 2 I was forced to switch to an old friend: fluxbox. I really like it. Gnome 3 is a failure from my point of view.

6148: More configuration options.
better 2d support

6149: 1. this stupid survey
2. mccann idiotic choices
3. i won't allow calling GNOME, stuff that is not GNOME like Unity (which should be called Shitty)

6150: - Less clicks and mouse movements to increase productivity
- Stability is still not archieved
- Less screes estate waste

- Make usablility testing!
- Stability, stability, stability
- Make it usable and productive - for the moment it's not the case.


XFCE style menu.

PCMANFM for file manager

Don't treat my desktop like a mobile phone.

Traditional Gnome/XFCE style menus make it infinitely easier to find the application you are looking for rather than the model used by Gnome 3 and (ugh) Unity.

It really looks as if Gnome three is desperately trying to look like an iPhone. That's just sad.


6152: I really like Unity on my netbook, but can't stand it on a desktop machine. Likewise, I really liked Gnome 2 on my desktop, but it was difficult to use on a netbook.

Having two 22" screens on a desktop is a much different environment to work in than a 10" screen on a netbook. I don't think you will find one desktop metaphor that will fit both environments. If you want to go after netbook users and desktop users, you need some sort of adaptive, easily-configured options for deciding what navigation options stay on-screen (one click away) and which ones hide behind "Activities/Applications" (2, 3 or more clicks away).

Hiding the application-picker behind the Activities button and losing the task bar makes sense on a netbook where screen real estate is at a premium. On a desktop with two 22" screens and tons of real estate it's annoying.

I've been using Gnome for about 6 years on three different desktops (home and work). Before that I used KDE. I also run Unity on a netbook and Mac OS/X on a couple of laptops and two Mac Minis.

I recently upgraded to Gnome 3.0 on Ubuntu and immediately had stability problems where the machine would lock up. The problem seemed to center on gnome-screensaver, but even when I killed gnome-screensaver on startup the desktop would typically lock up within 24 hours.

After further experimentation, including clean installs of Gnome 3 using both Ubuntu 11.10 and OpenSUSE 11.4 on three different desktop machines, I have yet to have a machine running the Gnome desktop for more than 24 hours without locking up, regardless of whether gnome-screensaver is running or not. (Although Gnome 3 definitely seems more stable without gnome-screensaver running.)

I have switched to KDE in the meantime, just because I need a stable Desktop. OpenSUSE 12.1 is being released in about 2 weeks with support for Gnome 3.2, so when that comes out I’ll install that and see if there’s any improvement in stability. If not, I’ll either be running KDE or LXDE on my desktop.

6153: Fork 2.x

I will not be moving to 3.x

6154: * "Advanced settings"-tab (or similar) for all gnome-related programs.
* Better integration of unnecessary eyecandy-fluff-stuff like Compiz etc.
* New, more "modern" look. But with the same functionality. Not some Unity-like crap.

The possibility to make more advanced settings. Lots of functionality seems to be missing from time to time, just to make it "easier" for me as a user. Well, it is NOT easier to have to install a completely different desktop environment just to be able to do basic things. How hard can it be to add a "advanced settings" button in programs that lets us do basic things?

6155: More configuration options in the desktop and applications (k3d is much better than Brasero, for example).
Put mouse scroll speed adjustement into GTK!

Keep CPU and memory utilization at a minimun: I want CPU and memory for my applications, not for the Window Manager!
Let the user choose how he will use his system: do not remove features, keep things configurable.
I will use Xfce from now until Gnome gets better.

6156: The state of documentation is surprisingly good already. I'd still like to have small tutorials on how to use the APIs for common tasks for official modules in the HTML documentation along with the API docs. Some libraries have a comprehensive tutorial and its much appreciated :)

I'd like to see better developer tools. Glade interface designer was pretty broken the last time I used it just recently. I also found Anjuta rather disappointing. Perhaps better development tools could be created as Gedit plug-ins instead.

Also I've noticed different modules leak memory in different releases. Perhaps a proper tool for detecting leaks would be in order (gobject aware valgrind?). Related to this I'd like to see Vala embraced more. I would think this leads to less memory leaks as well as faster development.

Keep up the good work!

6157: Keep the good philosophy of Gnome 2.x. Just let us do the job. No annoyances, please.

6158: Go back to 2.x

Listen to this survey

6159: the whole Gnome dev team!

Quit now! You suck!

6160: go back to 2.x

go back to 2.x

6161: Icons and files on desktop
Taskbar with minimized windows and shortcuts
Virtual desktops...
Basically... I would bring back gnome 2.
My laptop is not a phone or an iPad.

Rollback option.

You guys have been complaining about Windows wannabe imitations for a long time.
Well... imitating an iPhone without a touchscreen is NOT the answer.

6162: - Make Gnome 3 better configurable
- Make Gnome 2 applets available in Gnome 3
- Make Proxy settings integration with applications working better.

Keep up the good work!

6163: better support for amd and nvidia graphics
more black themes
ability to customize more

great job with gnome 3 shell

6164: in gnome2 I don't want any changes.
in gnome3 a would change everything. Y have 4 computers (2 laptops and 2 desktops) only one of them can run gnome3. The others have problems with gnome3 (one don't start gnome3 and the other 2 have error in visualization an after several minutes hang. With gnome2 it didn't happen. Now i've migrated three of them to lxde in order to continue working with them.

Forget gnome3 or create a fork with gnome2.
Most of the computers i have can't run gnome3

6165: better support for amd and nvidia graphics
more black themes
ability to customize more
while playing movies the top bar shows sometimes make it hidden.
totem sometimes does not show slider in full screen option i have to use windows key 2 times to see the slider.

great job done with gnome 3 shell
gnome 3 shell is best desktop env to work with today.

6166: better graphics hardware support
faster nautilus eg :properties of file take long to show;ability to edit the properties of audio files eg:change artist ,album details etc.
hide top bar
sound recorder
totem still buggy save playlist does not work;sometimes the progress bar does not show in full screen,
themes:more blacker themes ;remove silver line in top bar make it completely black or ability to hide the top bar.

keep up the good work please improve the icons in gnome3 shell.

6167: 1. greater ability to customize the panel (transparency, icon based taskbar (like win7) or a dock-like taskbar.)

2. greater control over the gdm

6168: 1. Bring the taskbar back.
2. Hierarchical menus as they were in Gnome 2.0.
3. Make so that the icons in the dock don't get smaller when new ones are added. Unity is better in this regard.

I absolutely hate the bar in the lower right corner. It is awfully embarrassing when you try to click one of the icons of the active programs and it jumps to the left or right in the very last moment before you click it and so finally you click on something else and unwanted.

6169: Allow shortcuts/icons on desktop
Go back to intutitive menus

The previous versions were much better, Gnome 3 is barely usable

6170: Nothing, I love it (GNOME 3).

Keep up the good work!

6171: dump the stupid Unity and new Red Hat type interfaces. The desktop is not a tablet or a phone. Change for the sake of change is stupid. There is no guarantee that everything is shifting to mobile devices long term. Desktops will always have their place and corporate america is not about to start using mobile devices for everything. Stop believing in the PR hype of people who just need web hits and selling magazines.

Listen the to the users. They are hot as hell about all these changes and GNOME is loosing users as a result of forcing changes on users. That is *NOT* the Open Source way of building community concent and giving users what they want. Linux desktops have become just like the commercial companies telling us what we are suppose to like and not giving any choices about it. That is not and never has been the Linux way. If this continues it will kill the Linux community and Linux will die a slow death as people leave for other OSes like Mac OS X.

6172: make gnome 3 more customizable
make more plugins for the shell to make it more like gnome 2x series
make a 2d version of the shell for people with older computers

6173: amélioration du look , transparence ,effet visuels,etc...

6174: Not sure if these are gnome issue, though:
1) Nautilus file manager is too clucky - it should look up to PCman
2) I'd like to see a good option to not showing windows' content when dragging them

6175: 1. Ditch the gnome 3 paradigm or at least work concurrently on both gnome 2 and 3. Call one something different if you want.
2. Smack around the developers until they stopped mimicking the Bush/Cheney Administration.
3. goto 1

I read the mailing list discussion on the survey and, seriously, I thought I was watching an evil government of corrupt politicians.
George Orwell's 1984 flashed before my eyes.

6176: return to gnome 2.3

ditch gnome 3 shell

6177: -more personalization (more official extensions?)

6178: - more configurable, like gnome 2.x
- remove the dynamic desktop remove when there are empty
- notifications is too intrusive, especially those for "remove disk"

good luck for the next :)

6179: Add more GUI setting tools

They are making great job.

6180: A window with a lot of highlighted text scrolls so slowly that I have to use a different environment to get work done with those programs. Please make drawing highlighted text more efficient.

Please allow customizable actions on the desktop (right-click menu).

When I click on a file in a Gnome program (Evolution), and I don't want to open it with the default program, the open with other program button offers to let me search for an alternative program in the file system... Please let me select from a list of programs, perhaps using the application menu.

Thank you for supporting free software.

6181: Stick to GNOME panel (GNOME 2), please !

I have tested Unity and Gnome Shell : I don't like either of them.
Let us have the choice of the themes, window border colours, pattern of the window background, colour and transparency of the pannel, place of the pannel, COMPIZ effects (mostly, I am addicted to the woobly windows and the cube with a quick and useful access to different tasks I have opened on different virtual bureaus).

Fork gnome pannel if need be.

6182: -Configurability!
-Classic alt+left/right desktops
-Gimme back a normal, click-to-get apps/places menu

listen, amend, acknowledge.

6183: 1) add taskbar and launcher
2) remove superflous screens (activity/programs/...)
3) come back of easy mouse navigation like in gnome 2.x

think about desktop computers, not only tablet and netbook. we need taskbars and launcher. Gnome 3 is not usable for people who have dozen of windows/programs running. I like to often switch between windows and see what is running. Too many clicks or keyboard action needed !

6184: 1. Make it easier to access more powerful features (eg, open terminal window at this folder).
2. Put window controls in the standard location (or make it EASY to do so). This is not a trivial issue for people who have used a particular convention for years, it is a major annoyance. I have a signed copy from Bruce Tognazzini of Apple Human Interface Guidelines given to me in 1983 (prior to Lisa, and way prior to Mac). It explains people can learn to conform to any conventions or operate any machine. No matter how uncomfortable.

Thanks for the great work.

6185: staying on gnome 2.x

keep gnome 2.x alive

6186: 1.gnome 3 shell is the best dont change anything
2.better hardware compatibility with nvidia and amd graphics
3.recommendation on the list of hardware compatible with gnome 3
4.autohide top bar
5.default sound recorder
6.totem needs improvement
7.firefox startup is slow
8.better flash integration
9.html5 imtegration
10.nautilus has to improve
11.completely black theme (more darker) please remove white shiny borders.

Great job keep it up.
Please concentrate more on amd graphics.

6187: Easy ability to create custom tabs in the Activities Menu.

Shutdown/Restart entries all the time in the user menu built-in. Right now I need an extension to do this easily.

A way to have certain applications open in a certain workspace, and if that workspace is not available, then it should be created. This is NOT a high priority for me though.

Keep up the great work. I love the new look using Gnome-Shell within Gnome3. It makes doing things so much faster and easier, and it looks great.

6188: set gnome shell on fire and put it out with a wet chain
drop the crappy windows-like look-n-feel in 2.x
reduce bloat

6189: As far as GNOME 3 goes I'd make it so that it's still innovative but doesn't look the simplicity that GNOME 2.X offered.

Not really. If anything consider a GNOME 3/ 2 hybrid. GNMOME 2.5 perhaps?

6190: More configuration
Better stability
Ability to hide the workspace thumbnails in the activities view when multiple workspaces are used

In my experience GNOME Tweak Tool is a very useful tool and it would be nice if it was integrated into the system settings

Also A fourth improvement idea/change would be to have the lock screen dialog match the authentication prompts in style, also it would look less odd if the lock screen either showed the background and possibly the blank panel or was just completely black. Right now it looks like it has a bug.

6191: tits

support nvidia

6192: 1. Customizibility
2. Customizibility
3. Customizibility

Listen to your existing user base and not only provide an experience for new users. Also consider the habits and genuine requirements from veteran users.

6193: go back to the old gnome, or make gnome 3 as configurable as gnome 2, and switch the desktops bck to a cube instead of a wall

piss poor job of designing a new system to replace a non-broken system

6194: I Wish Gnome would'nt change to 3 I feel like it is going to be resource intensive.

6195: 1) Create a drop-down application menu again.

2) Allow me to adjust the desktop to my choosing. If you want a minimalist version, fine, have that as the default. Don't force me to work that way though. Add back in the minimize button and allow me to add an bar showing currently open windows. You say to "center click" to move an app to the background, but that is ridiculous. I find that more cluttered and harder to work with than a simple app bar on the screen. You don't like it? Fine, don't use it. Bring widgets back. Don't use them if you don't want, but allow others to create them if they want to.

That's a lot of litte changes, but it boils down to letting me work how *I* want to work and not how the design team thinks I should.

3) Re-read #2.

It seems like it's designed for tablets. It's a horrible experience on a desktop with a wide screen (mouse movement all over, multiple clicks for what used to be one). The design team needs to bring back some of the basic concepts of GNOME 2, like a minimize button, the ability to add an app bar, and widgets.

I tried it. I couldn't stand it. I switched to KDE.

6196: Global menu
Reduce visual padding around window titles
Better desktop integration with Google services

6197: 1)Make it more easily cutomizable, mouse pointers (size and design), Window borders, colors etc.
It took me all night to figure out how to get my Gnome 2 cursor back (only works in some apps, even as default), and to add program launchers to the panel using Gnome classic. Unity is much less convenient.

2)Design it so that the average user can make custom changes via gui.

Yes - give the user back the simple gui control of the look and feel of Gnome. Version 2 was the best.

6198: I would improve the Fallback mode in Gnome3, because I used to love Gnome2, but the new shell it's (for me) completely useless.

Make the Fallback mode work like the good Gnome2, not all of the Gnome users like the shell, please give us a real chance to choose.

6199: More settings
More settings
More settings

Thank you.

6200: Keep Gnome 2. Slim it back down as it's too "fat" these days. Concentrate on making Gnome 2 more secure.

For a GUI, Gnome 2 is extremely practical and functional. Gnome 2 is a pleasure to use. Gnome 2 is easier to use than Gnome 3 without debate in my view, and if I can't get Gnome 2, I will have to go back to XFCE and Slackware Linux.

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