What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 9 of 20. 2 Comments.

5801: 'smart' desktop/application handling. ie. automatically open new applications on an empty desktop. the small laptop screen (12") gets cluttered and unreadable when more than a few windows are open in the overview.

the black theme works ok for the OS; but please don't use it for applications (eog, totem, etc.)

5802: 1. !!!Keep option to switch gnome 2.x classic desktop!!!
2. make Gnome lighter and faster, less hardware consumption
3. more option and easy setup

I must repeat my appeal to keep option to switch Gnome 2.x style desktop. Gnome 3.x is nice and good for touchscreen, but many user prefer simply effective work.

5803: -remove Evolution. Online accounts is a step in the right direction
-enhance Nautilus, it has some user experience problems
-include filter views in Nautilus e.g. like ls *.pdf

You are on the right way. There are always haters who have no idea!

5804: Configurability, panel, workspace behaviour

Get me my configuration back!

5805: Shell on windows position
General responsiveness (more reactive, at least Win7 level)
less clicks UI

Good general feeling on Gnome Shell, but bad overall experience.

5806: More customization!

5807: Keep the ability to configure it like Gnome 2.x

Since I have only really used Gnome with Ubuntu, I dont know what other things should be changed, as most of the changes I would suggest are mostly Ubuntu's implamentation of Gnome

Keep the ability to configure it like Gnome 2.x

5808: 1. faster speed
2. more "windows explorer like" nautilus
3. just it

Listen to the user!! Most of us not ready to the changes of GNOME 3, it's difficult to configure, (and to adapt). Anyway, thanks for giving us a great GNOME 2.30. It just easy, bug free, and suitable for home user (like me)

5809: I hope the gnome back as first display a more user friendly and stable thank

I think the gnome is now a beautiful view but really uncomfortable ...
I prefer the look of an old gnome, more user friendly

5810: Allow Gnome 2 look and feel

Please co-operate with the KDE team so users can always use the best app for the job at hand on both (all) desktops.

5811: 1. Rethink the GnomeShell thing, it is obstructive rather than helpfull ATM.
2. Improve keyboard shortcuts, and window arrangements. (i.e. support for some (pseudo)tiling mode.)
3. Improve the feel of online accounts and empathy integration.

5812: Focus on performance.

GNOME Shell is extremely CPU hungry. It adds extra CPU overhead for every action on the computer like playing a video, scrolling a web page etc. This is unlike any other desktop environment I have ever seen. The specific GNOME Shell menus are extremely CPU inefficient, too (broswing the menus, highlighting etc.) GTK+ 3x is also 3 times slower on rendering than GTK+ 2.x for no reason (no new features that could justify it).

5813: Alt-Tab (rethink how we switch fast between apps)
better default apps (Mail-Client, better integrated Gnome Browser, ...)
consistent way to track progress (copy, donwload, installing, ... like android)

continue the great work
i think gnome is going in the right direction.
Gnome 3 is epic

5814: Spend the efforts in modifying the gnome panel to make it attractive environment so I spend less time making it look good. Gnome 3 graphical direction is good, interaction is terrible.

Revive gnome panel and make it work correctly with GTK3+, may be make more of compiz functionality native. If I wanted to use the doc or AWN I would have installed it a long time ago, or stayed with OS X.

Have you ever tried exiting full screen virtual machine back to the native environment. With compiz and expo it was a snap, this is no longer the case.

5815: I would improve the docs relating to CSS/javascript so that more web developers can contribute custom themes and plugins.

I would add the max/min buttons back in by default.

I would finish the keybindings relating to the panels so that we can autohide everything and target the panels that we want with those bindings.

I don't care about Twitter, Gmail and other data whores. Interfacing with them should take a backseat to making sure the shell and desktop are bug free.

5816: *Dialogs for choosing files should remember the location I have used last time on a per-application basis.

Please keep a classic (i.e. gnome 2.x-ish) interface available

5817: Make its UI more traditional

5818: More customization. More documentation about developing programs with PyGObject. A better design with user workflow in mind.

The current criticism about GNOME 3 is mostly on the lines of "it is not GNOME 2". Although most of it is just a fear of change, there are some good points. I would say mainly the lack of customization.

Not that we should be able to modify it completely, but when you must install gnome-tweak-tool to just change the default system font, there's something wrong.

Aside from that, I can't stop using GNOME 3. Thanks a lot!

5819: - In Gnome 3.x make the fallback session completely compatible with Gnome 2.x, including applets/plugins and GTK2 theming.
- Support automatic convertion of GTK2 themes into GTK 3 themes

Whenever you force a paradigm change in Desktop experience you should give a chance for users to still use the old one.Therefore, stopping the development of Gnome 2.x (or at least not porting it properly to Gnome 3.x) will decrease the users of Gnome.

5820: Better window switch method.

5821: 1. keep gnome 2 alive
2. keep gnome 2 alive
3. keep gnome 2 alive

1. keep gnome 2 alive

5822: 1. Make a 2D-accelerated version of Gnome-3 to support older hardware
2. Deleting history is a pain (xml file edits required). There should be an easy way to "forget" everything. There should also be a "no-history" mode (like Firefox "private-browsing" mode)
3. Enhance all popular Gnome apps to leverage Gnome Shell features. Add weather display to main Gnome panel.

1. Make a 2D-accelerated version of Gnome-3 to support older hardware
2. Deleting history is a pain (xml file edits required). There should be an easy way to "forget" everything. There should also be a "no-history" mode (like Firefox "private-browsing" mode)
3. Enhance all popular Gnome apps to leverage Gnome Shell features. Add weather display to main Gnome panel.

5823: Retain Gnome 2.X environment as an easily switchable option.

Listen to your users!

5824: 1. a window list to facilitate minimizing
2. move the Applications categories to the left (since I've moved my mouse left to get there anyway)
3. a "custom" mode that enables more user tweaks, but leaves defaults (which aren't bad) for average or inexperienced users

Thanks and keep up the good work!

5825: Customization
Multiple Display Support

I'm done with Gnome for good... It's dead to me.
From now on, I'll be fighting to keep out of my system any GTK, Mono or Gnome related apps. Maybe I'll have to spare Gimp and that's it.
I'm not an sheep or a retard, that's why I use Linux as my main operating system.
I use my computer for work not for playing.
It's obvious that a good part of the Gnome development team is formed by a bunch of teens playing with code.
Not interested on hosting users opinions?
Shame on you, what a total lack of respect and loyalty, specially in the Linux world.
Well, some users are not interested any more in knowing about you. Good luck and nice trip to oblivion on Tuxland...
Keep playing code on your touchsceens and tablets...
Thankfully Linux is about choice... RIP Gnome.

5826: Multiple graphics card / monitor support
Gwibber with multiple streams
Extensions which survive Gnome upgrades 3.0-3.2-3.4 etc

Support community requests for things like panels, widgets etc.
Make Gnome easier to customise
Look at memory usage of Gnome Shell - a creeping memory hog

5827: - Graphical tools to completely manage Gnome UI
- Use less memory (Gnome3 has a lot of memory leak)
- Port Clutter to the web (with the help of some JS libraries and HTML5 features!) ~ oops, it's not about Gnome!

Clutter don't have any good reference, so development of Gnome extensions are very slow.

5828: I haven't used GNOME 3, so I can't give any advice other than:
1) don't be as laggy as Unity (Unity '2D' is fine)
2) let users choose how they want to do task switching

I will burn a disc with Fedora and give GNOME 3 a try, hopefully it will be lighter than Unity.

I haven't even tried GNOME 3.x, so I don't have relevant feedback for the newest version of the desktop environment. I find 2.x to be almost perfect - it probably fits best my idea of how things should be laid out. If GNOME 3 is anything like Unity (which I kind of dislike), I would recommend what Windows does: backwards-compatibility. Let the user decide if they want taskbar or not. Let the user decide if they want 3D stuff or not. Traditionally, linux distributions have been aimed at desktops and power users, and in recent years there has been a lot of dumbification, which is perfectly nice IMO. I would like, however, that I am left with a choice. Pretty soon, I will have to switch to XFCE, because I don't like the concept of the new generation of DE. They seem aimed more at tablets and required a different mindset to use. I, like most people, feel comfortable with what I'm used to, and what I know. I love standard task switching, I love search in the start menu (actions/launcher), but I hate being deprived of choice. New DEs (KDE, Unity) are laggy on barely 2 years old laptops (4 gigs of RAM and 2.2 GHz dual core SHOULD be enough to browse, yet youtube lags, and in GNOME 2 or Windows 7 it doesn't), which is quite the opposite to what DEs used to be just a year or so ago.

5829: 1. ability to tie-in other calendar, chat and mail apps into built-in menu-bar functionality

2. screensaver? kinda strange not having one

3. more extensions for things like resource monitor, calendar, etc. like what was available in g2

I don't understand all the negative publicity G3 has been getting. I actually really like it. When I use my work Mac with OS X, I miss the layout and usability of G3 and actually try to make my Mac behave more like G3 versus the other way around. Great job!!

5830: I would want it to be able to support compiz
Make it super customizable
make it fast and efficient

I'm still looking forward to the changes coming in future gnome 3 releases

5831: I am very pleased with Gnome 3. Keep up the good work.

5832: Provide better configuration options - i.e. have the upper right corner as the hot spot for viewing the workspaces. More keyboard shortcuts - i.e. direct access to the applications menu.

Keep up the awesome work. Gnome 3 took some time getting used to but I blame this on indoctrination of concepts of years of using computers.

5833: make the skype notification icon always visible. Put that area in the top bar like it was in Gnome 2.
It's a big productivity bug to not always see the skype icon. Do not expect Skype to fix it. Maybe they'll fix it in 2 years!
So just bring back the notification area the way it was in Gnome 2.

Post your surveys a year before implementing a major change, not a year after!!!
You would know what your users want and have a chance to implement it, instead of the current Gnome 3 fiasco

5834: 1. Ever-present, hide-able dock
2. Removal of wiki/google buttons (never get used)

5835: 1 Better dualmonitor support
2 More customizations (docs, bars etc)
3 Better support for fglrx

Keep up the good work.

5836: dont know

Its a question of taste, but I will stay with gnome 2.x series...

5837: 1- More settings accessible without installing Gonme Tweak (fonts, themes, extentions etc...)
2- More visual aids on desktop at all times to see things like download progress, file transfer progress, music playing, ripping etc...

5838: Don't like Gnome 3. Have to agree with Torvalds on it's lack of usability. The thing appears to be designed to be too simple, and I don't currently have the time to invest to customize it to my preferences.

Would be good to make customization easier, or at least more obvious. I use KDE on my laptop, and I was also thrown by the transition from KDE 3 to 4 series, only made the switch to 4 when they worked out the kinks and customization got pretty easy.

Currently I use Gnome on our servers, and so far RHEL and CentOS haven't pushed 3, so hoping that by the time they do Gnome will be better suited for that purpose. Otherwise I'll have to switch the servers to XFCE.

5839: improve upone gnome 2.x

go back to gnome 2.x

5840: gnome 3's fall back lacks polish
gnome 3 close minimize maximize by defualt

5841: 1. slightly better search (integration with software center or synaptic, like Unity, would be nice)
2. customizable dock
3. fullscreen app integration like OSX Lion

Thanks for a really awesome product and for staying the course when Ubuntu and Unity stole you're thunder. Gnome Shell is a really interesting and usable desktop paradigm that will take some people a while to get used to, but all will love it in the end.

5842: 1. I'd like a little more control over desktops. It would be better to be able to define a finite number and place certain apps on certain desks permanently.

2. I want to choose to launch multiple versions of *some* apps. If I click calculator or terminal, it means I want another instance.

3. Incorporate GNOME Tweak into the standard system settings. Try to make ONE location to set everything including themes.

There has been a ton of bitching and complaining in the community, but many folks forget this is FREE software. There are choices out there, unlike most platforms. If you hate GNOME, try KDE (yuck) or XFCE and configure it to your liking. I can only imagine how offended or disappointed I'd be if I put all this work into a desktop environment to have so many people bitch and moan about it. So.. I just want to thank all the people that worked so hard on GNOME3. That's no B.S.

5843: Reverse the trend towards retarded "smartphone" interface!

Stay with the classic "desktop interface"!

5844: Make power off default in menu, instead of suspend.

Larger font size on caption when viewing windows in activities view.

When typing in activities it seems you only search programs and standard folders (music, videos etc..).
I think it should search all subfolders also.

Reason to make power off default in menu, instead of suspend.
If everyone in the world was using suspend instead of power off, then we would need more nuclear power plants... and I don't think that is the way to go. Please think about power usage.

5845: Clear concise documentation is critical. I shouldn't need a CS degree to configure and control my windowing environment (this is the biggest problem I have with M$oft users). Desktop icons and pull-up (drop-down) menus make it easy to organize applications, but even in 2.3 these were spread over several hidden directories making it very hard to manage. We also need better management of app helpers and mime types.

Unfortunately as a developer I have to agree with LinusT, GNOME 3 really hurt my productivity, I had to go back to Fedora 14 on all our development machines to keep GNOME 2.3.
Just because M$oft does it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. One of the strengths of GNU/Linux is its ability to have it your way, or not, your choice.

5846: 1. Customization. I don't use Gnome on my laptops, just on servers where I have to for this very reason, THERE IS NONE!
2. Why Can't I minimize an App?
3. Make up my mind how you're going to do things.

Yes, Make up your mind and stick with it. Quit changing everything and removing all the user configs. As it stands if I could remove Gnome from the Servers, I WOULD!

5847: Make the desktop useful again.
Perhaps make the Dash type thing the desktop.
Make the workspaces function easier to use by default.

Add more customization to panels, like in GNOME 2.x

5848: speed up gnome shell application search in overview mode
add a gnome shell extension repository to add/remove extensions easily

5849: 1. Theme options - Theme options should be built in. Using themes other than the default should not cause Gnome Shell to freeze when searching in Activities.

2. System options need to be all in one place, System Settings.

3. Extensions should be easier to install.

5850: Gnome Shell - it doesn't work for triple-monitor configs (or double-monitor well), it's not the best way to use the space, and it is very picky about on what it will run.

Lack of customisability - you can't change things to the way you want to have them.

Lack of 'pin to taskbar' style launcher functionality - unity-like or KDE 4.x with 'keep launcher' or win7.

Drop gnome shell, make something that actually works for people and does what they need.

5851: 1- Enhance notifications and make it more Gnome 2 like

2- Add autoshow/hide function to the left dock on the top of other windows

Please don't be another Unity or another KDE :D we loved Gnome for its simplicity and performance, not for the look.

5852: Zeitgeist integration
Faster Evolution
OTR support in Telepathy

Keep up the good work!

5853: 1. Get rid of this tablet-oriented crap.
2. I need readily-accessible toolbars and shortcuts.
3. Go back to the GNOME 2.x modality.

Get rid of the tablet-oriented crap.

5854: I would like more customization, the ability to move the launcher, a bit better multitasking (easier switching between apps).

Uour doing a good job and I love the vision. I think you should keep in mind that most who use Linux like to tweak and work on that.

5855: More settings, _NORMAL_ and more theme-ability, ability to move bars (like in KDE) in apps where possible (in Nautilus, for example) and panels, also the hide-panels (like the one where to choose workspaces).

Make it full featured and powerful DE, just like KDE is and set customize-ability to _MAXIMUM_.

5856: 1. Create an official plugin repository.
2. Create an official theme repository.
3. Make gnome-tweak-tool a standard application.

Please convince the Ubuntu team to either drop their horrible Unity desktop, or create a new Gnome Shell based distro, like the KDE one they have.

You are doing a great job, I love Gnome 3!

5857: Keep up the good work :-)

5858: replace evolution with something else
allow putting shortcuts in upper bar (Gnome shell)
allow placing stuff on desktop

Cooperate with Canoncial.

5859: I wouldn't change the 2.x look at all

Always have a way to have the new version configured to look and function like the 2.x series of GNOME

5860: Have the ability to still have a Gnome 2.x interface :)

Keep Gnome 2.x alive!

5861: here's 1 thing i'd change: on the user interaction side of it, put it back to how gnome 2 was... simple, and configurable

5862: 1. Desktop

2. Desktop

3. Desktop

Provide a GUI that is optimized for large monitors as an alternative to the phone-sized iconfarm.

5863: 1. stability should be improved (race conditions and crashes)
2. error handling (API) - many gtk/gnome apps dump asserts and warnings to stdout or stderr
3. memory usage should be improved (gnome often seems to eat pretty much memory)

Please, improve session handling. No need for suspend or hibernate if session saving would work.

5864: I thought the breakage of existing extensions from 3.0 to 3.2 was regrettable. I'd like to see that avoided in the future.
I'd like to see some straightforward front ends developed to allow more granular customisation of the desktop - ability to resize icons easily etc.
I'd like to see some forums established on the gnome.org website to make it easier for more users to provide feedback directly to gnome developers

See Above

5865: Nautilus performance is poor when the directory displayed has a lot of files; I mean thousands of files. I prefer k3b as CD/DVD writer, and I love Gnome 2.3.2.

I didn't like Gnome 3; and don't know what to do. Gnome 2 is the best; I don't see any need to change my DE; it will be better if they continue to support Gnome 2.3.x

5866: I really like it, and only one thing comes to mind - though I do not like Unity in general, I do like the 'lenses' feature of dash. Something like that would be nice in gnome shell.

Nice work on gnome 3.2 / shell. I like the direction things are moving. Very easy to use and productive.

5867: Include the zeitgeist extension to gnome-shell (and possibly tracker).
Add back customization like themes, screensavers... users think it is fun to customize things.
Make sure xmpp MUC in empathy works well with nick support so I can drop pidgin.

5868: Improved global search from the desktop. That is if I hit the activities button or super key to execute a search, I would like it to do a better job finding documents on my hard drive--not unlike what the nautilus search window does. Although it does do global searches now--they leave a lot to be desired. This could be improved. A one stop search.

Best desktop environment I have ever used. I feel as though you went back to the drawing board and asked the question--what can we do to build a user friendly desktop environment from the ground up. I believe you have succeeded. Although I have heard some complaints about gnome, in almost every case, I can log in and be working before they can run their mouse down the first drop down menu. Its sleek, its fast, its focused, its user friendly. I don't know what else anyone could ask for. Thanks for your efforts.

5869: Keep gnome2 the standard interface.

5870: 1. Backward Compatibility.
2. More support for Gnome 2.
3. End the era of Gnome 3.

Continue developing Gnome 2 project.

5871: Scrap Gnome Shell.
Make GNOME VFS mounts transparent for non-gnome apps (eg. not hiding the mount point in .gvfs).
Allow more themey things (colours etc) to be changed without having to edit files.

Listen to your users, they aren't all the morons you clearly think they are.
Kill GNOME Shell with fire.
Come to terms with the fact that GNOME is a desktop NOT an OS.
GNOME 2 does what I want in a desktop, make GNOME 3 as good and I'll be happy.

5872: 1. Not enough settings are easily accessible, using gconf all the time sucks

... all the rest is good, so no 2 & 3

Keep up the good work with GNOME Shell

5873: 1. Get rid of the shared menu bar
2. Add more configuration options (like KDE)
3. See item 1

A lovely desktop, one of my three favorites :-)
Thanks guys.

5874: Please fork 2.3

I tried 3, for quite a while, but it just makes using my computer difficult. A minimal 2.3 works great for me.

5875: 1.- Get rid of those awful HUGE icons
2.- Let me shutdown (I have an Optimus laptop. Suspend/hibernate does not work well)
3.- Let me configure things just the way that I like.

Go meditate on what this means: "Power to the user"

5876: 1. Alt-Tab back to traditional behaviour.
2. Place clickable program launcher icons on panel
3. Better dual monitor support

5877: -better control panel with more option, like the old one in gnome 2
-easier and better software than gnome-tweak-tool for theming
-in nautilus, move "previous/next" to top left instead of top right and re-add the most useful buton never created; parent folder

make nautilus more like marlin from elementary desktop team!

5878: Continue to improve Gnome2
Fork Gnome2

Consider your users before you force changes that are inefficient. Concider making variations based on use, i.e., laptop, tablet, netbook, etc.

5879: 1. Go back to the desktop paradigm
2. Make using multiple applications at once less cumbersome
3. Solicit actual users for what THEY want versus what developers THINK users want!

Yes. Listen to users!!! Not all users work the way developers work, obviously!

5880: Keep GNOME as simple as the layout of GNOME 2. Please stop it with the shells by default.

Keep GNOME as simple as the layout of GNOME 2. Please stop it with the shells by default.

5881: get rid of the messy applications display and go back to a list.

Don't emulate u$0ft!

5882: the recent pages menu in the early versions of G3 was useful for me

a more robust dasher that more fully approximates a dock

more communication between the devs and the community, like a gnome planet thingy at least

communication is the most important thng

5883: Add taskbar to shell.
Add mac/unity-like menubar to shell for focused apps. (maybe optional)
Add better gui tool for configuration.

Gnome 3 is great!

5884: Move GNOMW 3.x interface to a different project with it's own name and continue GNOME 2.x style desktop

5885: tiling wm support, ideally emulating xmonad :)

man I have no idea where you are trying to go with gnome 3.x. the lenses and dash and activities and all that is just...it's bonkers. it's too far a departure and I'm going to switch to xfce when gnome 2.x quits being the default for linux mint.

5886: Make it more intuitive. "Activities"?? That means currently open windows and launchers for new windows....oh...so obvious. And then I have to click that little rectangle that says "Applications". No thanks.

Why on Earth do you hide the Shutdown button. This is worse than Windows Vista!

Look at KDE. Now do it without the mountain of clutter, dependencies, and bloat. Instead, you've added bloat to GNOME and while not adding clutter, you've arranged things in such a mind-boggling manner. And if you're gonna have 3d acceleration and all that, design things for a 1024*600 resolution at lest. I have giant crude fonts, and panels that look like 150*100 resolution models with 3D and transparency thrown on top

5887: - please make 3x accessibility wise good !
- dont (shouldn't have) realese 3x without porting all apps

5888: Reverse the radical changes in 3.x or at least provide an officially supported way for us classic desktop users to keep our sanity. I don't want to hear about fallback mode, that's not a real solution.

Even though I am a very long-time user and "friend of gnome," I'm leaving as soon as I get around to rebuilding my systems due to the 3.x redesign being crammed down our throats. Additionally I'm leaving Ubuntu (after about 5 years) for the same reason (trying to force Unity on us.) I want a "classic" desktop sans bloat so I'm likely going to LXDE but have also been testing XFCE. I'm very disappointed in having to leave a DE that I have been so happy with for years. However Linux is about freedom and I'm going to "vote with my feet."

5889: Gnome 3 - Multiple Monitor Support
Gnome 3 - More configurable
Gnome 3 Devs - Listen more to the community

5890: I will add KDE-Dolphin like "filter" functionality to nautilus.
I will add Unity like "lenses" featute to GNOME shell.
I will add KDE-Okular like "reviewing and mark up" features to Evince.

As in 22.

5891: easier configuration of theming details, both for desktop and gdm

either discontinue gnome-screensaver or give full xscreensaver options/configurability.. jwz cannot be too pleased with how team Gnome has castrated the gnome-screensaver-config ui so meatfistedly that you cant pick what directory pictures are loaded from..

enable vnc at to the login gdm session - so that with a ssh tunnel the machine can be logged on remotely without autologon. I know it can be done in a hack, but make it an option as part of gdm to tap vino lib or tightvnc lib to allow this.

keep up the good work!

5892: Do you mean GNOME 2.x or GNOME 3.x ?

Changes to 2.x:
(1) Faster GNOME styling and integration of other apps
in particular

(2) Support for multiple profiles in Evolution and Epiphany. Not having multiple profiles is the only reason I use Firefox and Thunderbird.

(3) That's about it.

For GNOME 3.x:

(1) You urgently need to provide plug-ins / add-ons that provide the complete GNOME 2.x look and feel. There are partial solutions at the moment but losing minimizing was a disastrous mistake. Another might provide a permanent task bar with the "geographic" layout of workspaces. Similarly a plug-in to lose the Alt+F1 alternate view for switching and return to Alt-+F1 generating a menu that is navigable with the keyboard.. I prefer everything in my desktop at once, thank you.

(2) Vastly improved keyboard shortcuts. I use my GNOME 2.x desktop nearly full time and using the mouse is a minority activity that slows me down enormously. If I can't get to something from the keybopard it isn't there.

(3) Failing (1) and (2), abandon 3.x altogether and return to 2.x.

(1) Re-read the original GNOME Human Interaction/Intergace Guidelines. You seem to have forgotten them in 3.x.

(2) You seem to have forgotten the serious users of Linux who use it non-stop and who need to be able to use it quickly. In the hands of an experienced user the keyboard is fast er than the mouse. We are prepared to learn the shortcuts. We program our fingers to use them quickly. And when you take them away and force us to take our hands from the keyboard, move to the mouse, move the mouse to a particular point, click the mouse and then move our hands back to the keyboard you are *slowing us down*. I found GNOME 3.x immensely frustrating because I can't do my work as well with it as I could with 2.x.

(30 Please remember: touch screen tablets and phones aren't going away, but neither is the desktop computer.

5893: - alt+tab behaviour
- poweroff option without alt
- workspace switching with alt+F1, alt+F2 ...

Don't get discouraged. New gnome is good.
Remember to keep it possible and easy to control all window manager actions with keyboard (I don't like switching to mouse).
Control panel is way too buggy.
Bottom bar gets annoying, maybe it should react to pointer-in-the-corner only?

5894: Easier way to change font size.
Better support for VIA vga cards (using the "make " command is not my favorite way to get my computer working)

Try to keep the office applications as user friendly and stable as possible. I'm running GNOME in a small office environment with a dyslectic co-worker and I need a clear and stable workplace for him. 2D and 3D acceleration and social media integration should be options, not a default installation.

5895: 1) Bring back a Gnome 2.x like desktop.
2) No C#/Mono applications by default
3) Replace Shotwell by a photo manager that doesn't try to organise my photos for me. They're already organised in folders. Don't touch!

5896: Get rid of GNOME Shell, or provide the older, far more functional GNOME 2.x UI ported to gtk3 as an option

Make the fallback version more feature-complete

Don't alienate power users at the expense of making things more useable for new users (i.e. Don't provide only GNOME Shell because it is impossible to get real work done on it in an efficient manner, see suggestion #1)

Don't alienate power users at the expense of making things more useable for new users

5897: Abolish Gnome 3 and gdm3

I am leaving gnome for fluxbox myself, and taking my people to lxde, because I find gnome3 unusable. I also think gdm3 was misconceived, it just takes out all the stuff that was so easy to do in gdm2, and forces you to edit text files which you have to look up on the net. Crazy. Guys, the desktop is not a mobile or pad, and you cannot make ordinary people change from what they are used to in such radical ways. I have to keep them on something they can manage, and that's a trad desktop, and lxde is about the nearest thing to it. So its going to be goodbye gnome. Sorry, because it was a great package in its day, but you've wrecked it.

5898: 1) Improve the Gnome 3 fallback: the "old" Gnome 2.x interface has to still be there, if required.

2) Continue working on the Gnome 2.x branch as a "stable" platform.

3) More documentation, perhaps?

Gnome 3 maybe "modern", tablet oriented, whatever... I tried it. Did not like it. Tried it again. Hated it. I am a professional using Linux since 1994, Gnome 2.x was almost perfect for me. Clean, fast, simple. Gnome 3 is invasive, cumbersome, slow, complex (yes, it is when to perform the same operation as in Gnome 2.x you need to do 2 or 3 clicks more).

Improve the Gnome 3 fallback: the Gnome 2.x interface has to still be there, if required.

You cannot suddenly disrupt the workflow of Gnome 2.x users. Personally I cannot update my system as this will force me to Gnome 3. I will soon be forced to switch distribution just to continue using Gnome 2.x.

5899: 1. Stop treating users like if they were complete retards. They aren't. Even Win7 haves more setting than Gnome 3. Not to mention you can create shortcuts on desktop and adjust DPI unlike in gnome 3. And there are all buttons on window title. Shame on Gnome 3, yikes!

2. Split PC and Tablet UIs into two separate subprojects/themes/whatever. PC with mouse and keyboard needs different UI than tablet or smart phone. Attempt to make desktop PC with tablet UI or tablet device with desktop UI is counterproductive and will not work. So IMO there should be "Gnome for tablets" and "Gnome for desktops".

3. Listen to users or you'll lose them. I used gnome for some 5 years since it proven to be faser and less bloated than KDE. And KDE4 had so many bugs that I completely migrated to Gnome. And now what? With Gnome 3 my working process has been crippled. I can't even complete basic desktop setup to have anyhow usable DE without resorting to dirty hacks, tricks and crappy tweaker utilities. This is even worse than Windows. Ahh, what next? Registry cleaner for Gnome 3?! I want to do my work, not to waste time on clearing registry and running crappy tweakers!

Desktop != tablet, KDE has recognized this. Maybe it's time for Gnome as well?

PC is meant for efficient work. Tablet meant for entertainment. You can't have one size fit all. I can recommend to split to 2 editions - "Desktop UI" and "Tablet UI".

5900: lack of customizability
ability to swap out parts
control over theme

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