What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 6]

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 10 December 2011 at 06:45 AM EST. Page 18 of 20. 2 Comments.

6701: Upgrade to GTK3 (controls etc), but keep the Gnome2 interface ! Fallback mode in Gnome3 is good direction but not enough, right-click was better than alt+right-click; Lack of Settings menu is bad; Lack of free positioning on panel is bad; Lack of old applets like sensors-applet or timer-applet is bad;

Upgrade to GTK3 (controls etc), but keep the Gnome2 interface ! Fallback mode in Gnome3 is good direction but not enough, right-click was better than alt+right-click; Lack of Settings menu is bad; Lack of free positioning on panel is bad; Lack of old applets like sensors-applet or timer-applet is bad;

6702: I don't like Gnome3 interface (Shell). Don't like new 'checkbox' controls with 3(!) different ways telling the same; Upgrade to GTK3 (controls etc), but please keep the Gnome2 interface ! Fallback mode in Gnome3 is good direction but not enough, right-click was better than alt+right-click; Lack of Settings menu is bad; Lack of free positioning on panel is bad; Lack of old applets like sensors-applet or timer-applet is bad;

I don't like Gnome3 interface (Shell). Don't like new 'checkbox' controls with 3(!) different ways telling the same; Upgrade to GTK3 (controls etc), but please keep the Gnome2 interface ! Fallback mode in Gnome3 is good direction but not enough, right-click was better than alt+right-click; Lack of Settings menu is bad; Lack of free positioning on panel is bad; Lack of old applets like sensors-applet or timer-applet is bad;

6703: Gnome 3 doesn't let me drag items to the desktop. (Gnome 2 did) What's the use of having a desktop if you can't put items there?
Gnome 3 is not intuitive as 2 was - e.g. "removing items from the panel"
Gnome 3 where the heck is the "off" button? (or the log out, etc.) Again, not intuitive at all.

Gnome 2 [2.31.2] was getting to be just about perfect. Easy to use, intuitive, it did pretty much what I needed it to do. If I ran it on an older machine, I'd skip Compiz - often I don't even use it on a machine that can run it successfully.
For me, Gnome 3 is a giant step backwards.

6704: 1) If you go with the mouse to the upper-left corner and click on Applications button, then All applications get loaded, and that is very slow: please modify this behaviour, it is irritating!

2) When you go to the upper-left corner with the mouse and add some favourite applications to the dash, then the greater the number of icons, the smaller the size: please add options to increase the icons size in some way!

3) Sometimes I would like to open the gnome-terminal located in my dash, but with different size and position than the default values: please add some customization to the icons in the dash to pass arguments to the applications we want to open!

Keep up the good work, and please take into account the 3 changes I listed before :) Thanks!

6705: lighter, faster and less bloated. I really don't need 50+Mb of crap to run the desktop, although I don't have any choice. Apart from moving t0 another DE of course.

Do something with dependencies, installing hundred of packages as deps - this is insane. I.e. all those gir stuff - i don't need any introspection, really. Go ahead and write all desktop in java if you think C is too harsh for nifty desktop

6706: 1. The GNOME menu, making it more dynamic with the most used applications listed on top.

2. Change the file manager (nautilus) so that when click on an empty space you can deselect everything.

3. Improve copy/paste functionality between applications.

Keep up the good work!

6707: Lighter weight
Easier customization

Listen to users critics
Keep things customizable

6708: Better Error Logging. There is a stupid screen " Oops. Something went wrong, contact your admin" I AM THE ADMIN. DISPLAY THE FSKING ERROR MESSAGE!!!!


But other than that I sort of like Gnome3 form a UI perspective. Its just those other two things that keep me in KDE most days.

6709: Allow Gnome 2.x compatability, improve networking with Windows, better online documentation

Work with the Mint team, they have great ideas about getting Gnome 3 to work, while still allowing us Gnome 2x users to work in our favorite UI (either Mate or the Linux Mint Gnome extensions).

6710: - less hostility
- more open communication / PR / something
- rationale for seemingly irrational design decisions (i'm sure there is a reason, but nobody's explaining it)

I am unhappy with the way i was treated

6711: I guess I'm more annoyed by Unity, though Gnome 3 is almost as bad, it seems like a nice set up for a phone, but I'm running a workstation, I want an easy way to access apps, and not have just one huge list of apps (plus a list of stuff I've used recently, that is handy). Also, I want % or time remaning for battery life, showing me a 3d icon is almost useless. I used to be able to have that, I suppose if I try enough of the utilities, I can find one that works. It used to be an option in the default one, I think, and it is for both OS X and Windows, you should not be getting worse relative to them, I think.

Stop looking down on your users.

But I suspect I don't care, and E17 is nice, and I'm enjoying that these days.

6712: Go back to the Gnome2-like UI
Make more visual addons (compiz-fusion-like)
Advanced user configuration windows (come on, the user settings window in GNOME3 is a mistake, and gnome-control-center is a copy of MacOSX config window...)

Don't think "visual effects on the first place", think "bugless product on the first place". And who told you to make notifications bar visible only on mouse hover? And removing the favorities from top panel?

6713: - switch back to gnome 2
- switch back to gnome 2
- switch back to gnome 2

Why did you do this to me? I mean who can use this crap? I´ts not working really well for experienced users.. It´s like playing with colored blocks of wood for a engineer. You feel like the creators of GNOME3 think you are completly stupid.. srsly...

6714: completed redesign
gnome 4 shell should shock us
abandon gnome 3 shell

all desktop env sucks
i hate kde gnome windows osx ...

6715: Still haven't used the latest version, so no comments.

Still haven't used the latest version, so no comments.

6716: 1. Better integration with pulseaudio in the GNOME control panel.
2. Better icon theme. The current one is really ugly.
3. Make it easier to install custom themes etc.

Keep it up! You're doing great work. Gnome 3 gets better and better with every release, and is a nice place to be.

6717: Scrap the existing GUI metaphor
Build a better desktop based design
Insist that change be evolutionary vs revoloutionary.

Stop trying to fix what is not broken. GNOME 3 MIGHT work on a tablet, but I wouldn't bet on it, in any event is is not something businesses who were using Linux will move forward with, they'll go back to Windows or perhaps XFCE. The reason for this is that the Gnome 3.X environment is so alien to the end-user that it lowers individual productivity, they have to take time to learn a GUI paradigm that has no roots in reality as the desktop metaphor does. Businesses can not and will not retrain staff to use Gnome 3.0. When it comes to existing products evolution, not revolution, is what is required.

6718: I'm afraid I have to say bring back the full gnome2 interface as an option (ie, no reduced functionality fallback.) I was extremely happy with gnome2 + a couple of compiz plugins and I don't think gnome3 can support my way of working no matter how much I try to tweak it.

Thanks for all the hard work!

6719: more customizability... esppecially being able to remove stuff that i do not require like the gnome accessibility menu

6720: Give some more customization options by default.
Make it so you don't have to press alt to turn off the PC.
Make the favorite apps a bit more accessible, maybe in a bar to the left instead of going to the activities menu first.

Just go on with what you are doing! Ofcouse there are still things to improve but I really like the way you are going.

I think the narrowminded, hardcore Linux geeks need to give Gnome 3 a serious try first before bashing it to the ground.

6721: Add a complete set of integrated PIM tools
Make Epiphany a first-class browser capable of taking on Google Chrome
Add some sort of tiling support (or something like Divvy on OS X)

I love what you did with Gnome 3!

6722: Tried Ubuntu 11.10 with Gnome 3:
I'm completely lost
Graphical design has some nice ideas, but is not clean in many details
Seems slow to me (using it on an Intel CULV processor).

6723: Fork of 2.x that will be actovely maintained using recent gtk for people that don't like gnome shell
Adding more power user options
GNOME on Wayland

6724: Better stability and push ATI/NVIDIA to fix propietary drivers

Best regards from Barcelona. Thank you!

6725: - focus on desktop users
- improve performance
- put the fun back into computing

Bring back the old fumctionality of 2.x series retaining new look and customization of 3rd series.
There needs to be different editions for desktop and mobile device users, more options and customization instead of trying to find one best solution

6726: Throw the gnome 3.2 away. Nothing is configurable any more in it to be used as usal.

Stop devlopping the buggy gnome 3.2 to support the 2 tree

6727: I would first address the awkwardness of starting applications. New windows managers (Windows 95, X, MAC, etc.) managers always are awkward for my first uses. I have been using various windowing schemes for over 20 years and I have always managed to come to some accommodation with the new managers. Not so with Gnome 3. The hassle of finding an app and getting it started certainly detract from the experience. ( Ok, some of the early X windowing left little to be loved.)

Second, as complicated as it is to get an application started, I find it even more cumbersome to switch among applications. I do software development and am called upon to do some customer support as well. Please imagine the grief that comes from minimizing half a dozen software development tasks and switching to 3 other tasks needed for customer support. I find my self telling the customers "please hold on for a moment . . . "

Third, why is it so blasted hard to add a shortcut? Given the current arrangement I suppose I couldn't find the dang thing if I could create it, but shortcuts have been around and useful since Windows 95. Why the hassle nearly two decades later?

I have products that run on Windows as well as on Linux. My staff needs to use them in their daily work. None, repeat none, of them are pleased with Fedora 15. Switching between Fedora 14, XP and Windows 7 is routine around here. Mixing in Fedora 15 and Gnome 3 has been most unpleasant.

We are experienced and competent computer users using a wide variety of platforms. All have their unique challenges and many have their unique charms. Gnome 2 is a favorite among the staff. Gnome 3 is not.

One last note is that there is an underlying arrogance about Gnome 3. My way or the highway. Perhaps it is nothing more than the fact that Gnome 3 is in its infancy. Just the same I am looking into XFCE and have LXDE installed on a couple of machines.

I understand that there was a great deal of sweat, blood and tears required to produce Geme 3. I congratulate you on the effort.

I am still running Fedora 14. I have held off Fedora 15 as long as possible. Unfortunately Fedora 16 is not stable in my environment yet so I am switching to Fedora 15 over the Thanksgiving holiday. I will try Gnome 3 on Fedora 16 when the time comes, but there is a very good chance that I will be switching to LXDE unless Gnome 3.2 is more to my liking than what I see now.

6728: * Make gnome shell optional.
* Provide more personalization options, currently gnome is as customizable as OSx (and that is a bad thing)
* Get an identity instead of trying to be other DEs (first Windows Explorer and now OSx's Finder)








6730: Have both suspend and power off as choices in the same menu both visible by default.

After hitting the windows key I would allow the left and right arrow key to choose between Windows and Applications. Bit of a bother otherwise as you end going side to side with the mouse too much.

I would have left clicks on the open desktop pull up the windows menu and right clicks pull up the applications menu.

There seems to be a paucity of utilizing right mouse clicks. I prefer you make good use of those.

Keyboard shortcuts are fine though you need somewhere in the desktop to alert you to them without having to look elsewhere or google to find them. Help documents don.t really cut it here. Text or symbols should pop up in various circumstances to make it obvious.

6731: Bring back Configurability
Desktop effects and window manager
I want GDM and screensaver/lockscreen theming back

Desktop is beautiful BUT the gnome team should start listening to their devoted users instead of trying to attract Windows users with a dumbed down fucked up braindead system. They shoud bring back the theming in GDM and make the desktop more customisable. I hate the ne look control panel. Gnome 2 control panel should return along with compiz or compiz effects.

6732: You're doing it right :)
GNOME 3 is just awesome, true story.

6733: gnome 2...get rid of the last panel...It is almost gone (tucked in corner. No need for it with cairo dock. Gnome 3: let me set it up how I want to rather than how gnome 3 team thinks I should do it. can I change the look yet? I want to get rid of all desktop stuff except a dock I choose and configure, I can use synapse or docky to call up programs and docs so don't need another way that does not work as well forced on me. I work better in a by-window environment than a by apps environment. Workspaces is marginally better in 3 because they are created and destroyed on the fly. Have not tried since 3.0, so maybe 3.2 is better. will probably install mint 12's version of gnome for next round of upgrades.

I see the value of gnome 3, but dev team needs to restore user ability to set things up and need to listen to feedback instead of just dismissing it (this may be more a Unity thing). If the leader charges up the hill and no one follows, the leader needs to go back down the hill and find out why. Many tested and streamlined ways of doing things in the least amount of clicks with the least amount of real estate and the most configurability are gone from gnome 3. Won't leave gnome 2 until I can work how I want to in gnome 3, regardless of whether gnome team thinks it is better or not. I need to get work done with my computer and g2 allows that better than win, macos, unity, gnome3, or wasting my time trying to roll my own. Bring those 3 things (less clicks, least use of screen real estate, and user configurability) to the table and I'm there. Til then, not so much.

6734: Nothing you all aren't already working on:

-Wonderful core apps.
-A thriving app ecosystem.
-Deep online integration.

Keep up the great work! Especially the design!

The core apps look amazing. I wish you the best of luck building them, and building a thriving app ecosystem around them. May it all integrate with the cloud, include some sort of free-er cloud that will start to win over the people who hate that word.

6735: I used Gnome 2 for many years. I loaded it on Solaris as a huge improvement over CDE. I loaded opensuse 12.1 this week and holy crap I can't even use gnome 3. I downgraded to 11.4 and am now migrating to KDE 4.7.

I was very content with 2.X, it could have used some eye candy, but I could do everything I wanted and needed to with it. Now I have to alt-tab to do anything? So after MANY years of being a gnome user, I am going to the other side.

Unwind this gnome 3 shell and find your way back to gnome 2. Or at LEAST keep the gnome 2 functionality. 3 was useless for me for work.

6736: Keep improving GNOME!

6737: 1) Stabilize the user interface
2) Fork Gnome internally
a) Gnome-Lite: simple 2.x style graphical shell
b) Gnome-Featured: 3.x style w/ modern UI and 3D fx
c) Gnome-Concepts: bleeding edge stuff to force on the world
3) Reduce memory and system requirements. Simple things shouldn't take tons of data just because memory is cheap.

1) After following the latest and greatest distros my first 5 yrs as a Linux user, I got tired of rebuilding my system and settled into longer install cycle. I went from a 3 month install cycle to about 24 months. Initially I used CentOS, but now I prefer Ubuntu LTS for better multimedia support. It seems that core UI development should follow the same mantra, steady as you go.

2) As cool as people thought "Minority Report" style interfaces were when they saw the movie, I don't need that. If I wanted to I could get a Kinect for my console. Point is, don't turn a tool into a toy. That's great if you want to develop both, but do so separately. But by all means, keep them compatible.

3) K.I.S.S. - (super)users don't like change

6738: IttpZT <a href="http://ctllnpkoexih.com/">ctllnpkoexih</a>, [url=http://vpxfvsaxkski.com/]vpxfvsaxkski[/url], [link=http://hdmxvhqmlxuu.com/]hdmxvhqmlxuu[/link], http://pqkxbgntfcpd.com/

IttpZT <a href="http://ctllnpkoexih.com/">ctllnpkoexih</a>, [url=http://vpxfvsaxkski.com/]vpxfvsaxkski[/url], [link=http://hdmxvhqmlxuu.com/]hdmxvhqmlxuu[/link], http://pqkxbgntfcpd.com/

6739: 3.x: Rethinking the activites-menu or whatever it's called. It's nice looking but highly counterproductive.

3.x: Applet & shortcuts, where are those ?. The bonobo junk is good to go but replacement dudes...

3.x: Maybe the fallback mode should be the default for systems without touchscreen.

6740: 1. Faster, and much much thinner. I multitask *a lot*. Huge projects in eclipse + test code running + 20-50 open terminals across a dozen workspaces. On a slow day.
2. Better window management. Help me organize my psychotic use case. I juggle multiple editors, browsers, and more terminals than is sane. Workspaces are good, show me better ways.
3. Customization, customization. In 2.x I discovered that I could write gtk panel applets in python. Brilliantly productive. More of that.

1. Pick a direction. Please actively choose a set of customers to which to cater your efforts. Identify your user base and stick to it. There are conflicting needs and you will never please everyone. (Note that I greedily request you choose the hardcore coders/designers/technologists/operators/etc. But you are free to choose the average user, just please declare that and save me some time.)
2. Actually watch your users work. Learn their workflows, their stress points, their customizations, and what works and what doesn't. Study every single change like this as much as you can. Build tools that let you get this data out of the users anonymously. Study the data. Then study the studies. Then repeat it all just to be sure. Only then consider maybe releasing the change. As a beta.
3. Be driven by real need. Don't invent stuff. New UI concepts and desktop models absolutely require gobtons of research to get right. Tablets are new and hard, so avoid them. Huge teams of researchers just studying interaction full time. Supported by academics just thinking about this sort of thing full time. Unless you have those kinds of resources please don't approach those tasks. Fix bugs, solicit new ideas from the users, foster discussion. Keep it grounded.
4. Focus on usability not pizzazz. You're not selling product on looks here. Tired looks are okay if it gets the job done. Don't spend time on flash that could be spent on usable design. Strike a balance by letting creative types add their artistic touches in all the right places but avoid getting caught up in it. And always leave the option to turn that off.

6741: Speed the development of interface tweaks. Allow customizing the interface at the same level or higher as 2.x, especially in Gnome fallback (Classic, panels, whatever name people decide to give it). Allow removal of (all) panels.

Do not release ground up refreshes until they are at least as flexible as current versions. Whether the intent was to force users into the new interface or not, the perception is there that this is happening.

6742: 1) Make it again more user configurable in a way that Gnome 2.x was.
2) Make the desktop more efficient in how it uses CPU and graphic resources. Gnome 3.x seems to be real piggy.
3) Make Gnome simpler for those of us who do not want all of those new bells and whistles.

Offer a desktop configuration for those of us who do not have the graphics horsepower to run the standard full blown configuration or who do not want to run it. (Me!) You guys made a lot of changes between 2.x and 3.x. It is taking so long to get up to speed with Gnome 3.x that I an still running Gnome 2.x on top of Fedora 15 and 16 with FVWM as the window manager!

6743: bring back the activity bar (or whatever you call the space where active programs are displayed)

bring back application/places menus, searching through apps is aggravating

re-introduce advanced settings, like screensavers

I liked GNOME 2.x just fine, it was stable, it was simple, it stayed out my way. I am seriously looking into the MATE DE so that I can have that back. I only use GNOME 3 because I dislike it less than all the other DEs I've tried.

6744: - Fork GNOME 2.x, or make 3.x named something else - because it is.
- Make Nautilus faster, or use another faster file manager as default.

Hire some lawyers. You'll need them when Apple sends theirs.

6745: I would like gnome to function more like a Desktop instead of a handicapable tablet/Apple device wannabe. I would also like them to cooperate with Compiz for an all around better desktop experience. I would get rid of Gnome Shell as fast as I can say KDE.

There is a deference between change and drastic change. I would strongly listen to your followers before you have none.

6746: Easier customization
better multiple monitor usability

6747: - better and easier tweaking
- easier integration of gnome shell extentions
- a bit more "flexible", the interface design is a bit to rigid

Gnome 3 rocks ! I really like the improvements, the stability, the overall design. Good work !

6748: (see below for details)
- proper Desktop Search
- Desktop notifcations stabilize

- Don't mess with keyboard shortcuts (aka <Super> + X/Y/Z frequently stops working, atleast on Ubuntu).
- test/fix more on multi monitor setups (Gnome-Shell Alt-Tab window previews are broken on multi monitor setups for weeks)
- Don't "dynamically" open workspaces.. i assign windows with <super>1-4 to different workspaces
- lately Empathy + Gnome Notifications stopped working
- Better integration of File search (tracker uses too much CPU, can't find stuff anyway). Better integration with Mail client.
I'd really like to have an integrated way to search my .pdfs, texts, word documents and mails in one UI. Without the indexer eating up my CPU and powering up my CPU fan/making noise
- Make Evolution mail search usable
Perfect Desktop Work Environment:
- Fully integrated Tomboy + Hamster + Desktop Search + Calendar/Mail

6749: Create an area to allow for spacial memory of recently needed files (similar to the desktop).

Make it easier to identify the applications of windows in the overview mode.

Add a mail notification/biff-like program to GNOME by default (such as mailnag).

6750: Revert the desktop to a usable state as it was in the 2.x series. The new 3.x is barely usable. I tried very hard for one week, but I can't get used to it. I loved the speed and compromises made in 2.x/

See 22.

6751: -[graphic] modular design (even if it's only visually: changing locations and hiding elements). I waste most of my time with GUI basic problems. I think I have hardlocks because of GNOME, but I'm not sure yet. A special key combo to reset it would be mandatory because of other linux hassles. Keyboard actions on productivity similar to windows is also mandatory (Apple failed on using a modern computer without a mouse or productivity other than comercial/hobby AV), modularity implies some independence from a mouse.
-monitor sleep fix
-large dead space on utilities and other inconveniences, GNOME 3 is a improvement

Useless text in documentation is a bad choice, choose corporate style or direct information. The fact that „modestly advanced” information is not available in it wastes precious time reading analogies that some could use to make it better.

I'm offended with accepted practices only to be different from comnercial software mostly because of refusing to also force the implementation of the „normal” usability way (store in ram compatible with image & text editors). I want to have linux at work, but if any such easy technical snobism is still present I would refuse it if offered. Why do I have to waste my time with something that is in „puberty” design? Why would I set my employer for losses because of some that don't want to implement something that would be usefull for productive documentation?

It's comical how MS got the documentation „kick” with it's [alt+] PrintScreen and the „libre” world is intentional against it. Libre GUI is like porn, everyone is „touched”, abused and lots of... websites with claims. It's just as „adult”. Stop competing on needs of wiping something, as most adult sites aren't MS-only anymore (there is no need for alternatives). Analogies should be removed from documentation!

GNOME is going in the right direction, but with the other legacy triffles it's pointless as there is no real productivity benefit and those that want to contribute must waste long initial time with hassles. It's a lot better than years ago on finding, but it's probably still „impossible” to make quality contribution. I had the chance to read thoughts about design of those involved with MS & Apple and I would recommend not bother with their choices. They almost have done nothing above QC level work from a productive standpoint. GNOME will not afford comercial QC (only interest) by design so it is pointless.

6752: 1. Fix the missing notifications behavior. Currently the messaging tray is only useful if you're at the computer at all times. If you leave, chances are there will be missed notifications. Add notification badges to the dock (then again, dock is not visible so this wouldn't fix anything really) or a notification counter to the panel.

2. Making dock visible an option without the need for extensions.

3. Integrate Gnome Tweak Tool into System Settings.

Listen to the feedback more often.

6753: * More power saving options (Screensaver aka blank screen...)

* Built in tool to change settings, ie: integrate the tweak tool into control centre.

* Speed up loading application (activites overview) on first run and in general. Search is way too slow..

Update the icons, more optimizations, more settings. Most importantly, support a stable extension api!

6754: Use QT (looks better, easier, works great on Mac OS X), add more configuration-utilites for power-users and trash this tablet-UI (gnome-shell) because i tried it out on a tablet (we tab + fedora) and it sucks! -.-

Concentrate on a desktop-gui. NOBODY needs gnome on a tablet. There is iOS and Android... I want (!) my old gnome2 desktop back. I loved Ubuntu 9.10 . Linzúx will never be as popular as windows, so why do you guys implement such a f***ing touch guy which is just CRAP?! NOBODY NEEDS THAT! I'M NOT DUMB! I'm a linux power-user. I want to change and customize my desktop... and I don't want to use the gconf-editor. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVERT TO GNOME2! Gnome3 is just ugly crap! I'm a kde3 user atm. It's the best desktop out there... i miss gnome2 and the good old times... :-( Please make me happy again!

6755: 1 Use less screen real estate.
2 Use a grid based overview (a la N900 task switcher) instead of the exposee like you have now.
3 Show programs running on all desktops and monitors in my current monitor's space. Switching the desktops is a pain!

Support multiple monitors. Really support it. Include it in all your new end user apps.
Support tiling window mgmt (!!!) Include the thinking it in all your new end user apps.

6756: - Better, more detailed configuration apps
- Speed Up the Shell for slower Systems
- Complete integration of zeitgeist

Great work thus far, but there are many things to fix at all. Keep up the hard work!

6757: improve the fallback modus, that it behaves like a common
window manager

The standard modus I don't like.

6758: Whoever came up with the idea of Gnome 3 should take more water with it.

6759: 1. Change back to the 2.3x style or at least allow users an option through an enhanced fallback

2. Allow dialogs to move of the top, often on a netbook buttons are of the bottom and impossible to click

1. Stop being so intransigent.

6760: Keep it simple, don't add new apps to core gnome, there are enough bloated environments (like KDE)

6761: - maintain similar flexibility of Gnome 2 in Gnome 3.x (guess everyone wants that already)

- run Gnome 3.x it a bit smoother with ob-board graphics. Even backports are slow, don't look too good and obviously not customizable.

- Gnome 3.x goes, 3.2 looks much better, yet I'd rather have more focus on functionality over cosmetics not vice versa (unity is already pushing for cosmetics, but things take more time to do and the design is counter intuitive). Please don't fall into the same trap. Gnome has not been so popular because of it's looks. I love Gnome 2 because it is simple, efficient, non-intrusive and very functional.

- Being creative is cool. But we don't have re-invent the wheel.
e.g. why remove the min. & max. buttons? How about offering users the choice if they want these hidden or not?

The target group of Gnome is not the typical apple customer, we want to be able fully customize how Gnome will look like; so Gnome need to be flexible for users to accept it. Understandably, it takes time and effort. Please just leave the options on the table for future versions.

- in 1-2 years, I'd love to have gnome running on my tablet and smart phone. Maybe this should be thought out as well in the designs from now, if it already has not been.

Thank you for your great work through the years.

Gnome is a fantastic product, pure and simple; we all know that it is not backed up by billions of dollars like MS or Apple; instead it is backed up by the most talented people in IT who also care about other human beings, freedom and sharing. There are very few who possess such talent but are not spoiled by the prospects that it might bring.

Thank you again

6762: Gnome 2 became kind of the perfect environment for desktop use, why did you screw it up with gnome3 ?

6763: Currently 1) Gnome Shell customizability off the shell, 2) availability of panel extensions and 3) a more stable/reliable desktop fallback in case Gnome Shell cannot run for any reason.

Gnome rules!

6764: 1. privacy and encryption _by default_. otr in empathy and webservice integration come to mind.

2. a light mail client, that uses tagging as primary ui-means (similar to notmuch, but pretty).

6765: I have it hard to find as i like the current path Gnome are taking. The Gnome-Tweak-Tool should be included somway in Gnome-settings maybe.

Better support for web apps/social media.. like right click on picture to send to picasa or right click to send to pastebin.

6766: 1. I hate Gnome 3 HUGE window borders! It just waste space! Make it smaller!
2. Nautilus and picture dimensions... I have too many pictures and when I select picture, I don't know, what it size is in pixels! I have to open other program and check dimensions. This is stupid! Windows have made this well. Try in windows select picture and watch, what information it gives! Much better...
3. Gnome 3 waste too much performance! Make it lighter!

Bugs, bugs and bugs! Can you try fix bugs faster...

6767: A Taskbar for Gnome 3

6768: More configurability. Expand the tweak tool to be a full fledged settings manager with many extensions and themes provided by default to choose from with pictures to show what they do.

Customize a system tray again, even if it it a drop down or slide out button to save space in a menu bar, but I want to be able to interact more with my icons again.

Make the compositor more customizable like compiz or kwin is. CUSTOMIZABILITY.

6769: throw away Gnome 3

restart your brain

6770: get rid of the full-screen
get rid of mono-task approach
use a proper window manager

stop the GNOME 3 debacle

6771: A list of task on the upper bar

Gnome 3 is a great work ! :)

6772: - don't want to push alt in order to shut down
- want my gtk themes back
- put applications menubar in the top bar

- keep working guys it will be awesome.

6773: 1) Speed
(loading, rendering, low memory consumption)

2) Self-learning desktop
that monitors user patterns (see Eclipse Mylyn). Zeitgeist goes in that direction. I want to quickly switch between work, entertainment, internet, gaming and the desktop should have my mail, appointments, recent documents, and applications ready fitting the context I'm currently working in.

3) Integration
Desktop search engine, appointments, mail, recent documents, internet sites, etc. nicely itegrated into a powerful search bar.

Great work, keep it coming!

Shell operations (e. g. copying files) could be docked into an panel for asynchronous jobs similar to the notifications panel. Having these operations in floating popup windows is not useful - I'm just keeping pushing them out of the way. It would also be nice to pause and resume long running operations.

6774: Restore option for multiple desktops
Make much more customizable
Make much more friendly to non-mouse use

I use linux at work and at home. I consider myself a "power user" spending a large fraction of my time in the terminal (for coding and email), with often 10 desktops full of terminals, browsers, other applications. GNOME 2.X handled my needs very well; GNOME 3.X is horrendous for the power user. Everything is glitzy, there are no prearranged desktops, and almost everything requires using the mouse (which I attempt to avoid for productivity). I hate the incredible lack of customizable features and the cookie-cutter, standardized appearance. I am now a happy user of XFCE, which provides a non-nonsense, highly customizable environment for the power user. Unless GNOME 3.X drastically changes course, I don't plan on using it again.

6775: Add more configuration options. The lack of it means GNOME is dictating how they want me to use my desktop, which is a major turnoff. There used to be more opportunities to configure various things but they have slowly been removed.

Get it out of your heads that "advanced" features, such as using the terminal, should be difficult.

Listen to the users. There seems to be a real lack of this.

Fix more bugs before it's released. GNOME 3.0 was absolutely not ready for public consumption.

6776: R3ally liked it previous release, now i find ten more clicks to do anything and it seems to be moving to a windows 8 format.
It nice to have the choices and with linux there are many, but latest Gnome really is not very usable day to day and all just to fancy

Listen to the users

6777: Keep it light on the resources. Gnome 3 is a pig.
Ease of multitasking applications (you know. Like gnome 2)
Less flash. It's a desktop manager. (Basically scrap gnome 3. Go back to gnome 2. And dev from there.)

Stop developing a desktop OS for as if it was meant for a tablet device

6778: Fixed workspaces, more window tiling and less eye candy.

Stop forcing things on users and start giving more customization options in a simple way.

6779: 1. Continue supporting gnome 2.
2. Make more desktop like gnome 3.
3. Less graphic consumption.

These days gnome 3 has no use at my laptop, need something elegant and simple, cannot afford time in silly window and panel effects at work.

6780: 1. Customizability
2. Ease of Use
3. Revert back to a Traditional environment built upon the new technology.

I have used GNOME for over 5 years now, ever since Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake. I love GNOME, and it's applications. They have matured and have become a standard for me. But after GNOME 3 was released, all of that changed. The GNOME 3 desktop is simple, very simple. It's so simple that now I can't do my work properly. I know the GNOME developers say that you just have to get used to it, but I refuse to get used to something that is inferior to what I had in the past. If it was something better, simpler, and yet more productive, then I would have no problem adjusting.

Bring back the customizability. Let me be able to put the panel at the bottom. Let me have the option to have a simple menu at the bottom left where I can see my applications and search for them quickly (Not like the current GNOME 3, but like Windows 95 - Windows 7). Improve the desktop icons organization options that GNOME 2 had because they were horrible. KDE has exactly what I'm speaking about in terms of organizing icons on the desktop (Top to Left, Top to Right, Right to Top, Left to Top, etc), proper spacing and not being to close together.

The desktop should be easy to use. Switch back to a task centric system, where I have multiple windows open, and I can quickly select the application I want to go to by not just pressing ALT + TAB, but also clicking the application on the bar. It's a horrible and unproductive idea to switch it to a Window centric system. Having an expose/scale like feature is very good, but in your way to making things simple, it shouldn't be the _only_ way.

Last but not least, to close what I've said, go back to a traditional environment. The GNOME users did not ask for a major redesign of the UI. If we said "major redesign", we definitely were not speaking about some brand new idea that nobody else has. We aren't trying to compete with anyone, but rather make an environment that we love to use. That is what matters most. When we develop new technology, we improve upon the existing base. In GNOME's situation, they built a new base of tools, which is fine, but keep the old philosophy. Just because we are in 2011, and we have new fancy tools, and languages to fit our next-gen goals, does not mean that we have to change our philosophy. Never forget where you came from. A lot of people in society evolve and forget where they came from as they get older. They forget about their roots, and this is exactly what is happening to the GNOME team in the sense of technology.

As I said in question 22: 3 Simple things

1. Customizability
2. Ease of Use
3. Revert back to a Traditional Environment built upon the new technology.

6781: go back to gnome 2.X !!!!!!

sorry gnome 3 is not usable

6782: customizability, customizability, customizability

do NOT follow windows

6783: Touch!
Epiphany being better
OTR support for Empathy!

Don't look at the negative screams of conservatives only ;) Move forward and think about _everyone_!

6784: 1. Drop Shell.
2. Don't assume every user wants 3D effects and Touchscreens. Some have a mouse, a keyboard, want to save battery life and otherwise just work. Allow them to do this, without having to use "fallback mode", we aren't just "fallback users"!
3. Don't make things UNNECCESARY COMPLICATED. Why hide functionality behind the MAGIC ALT button? There is nothing wrong with having a context menu on the right mouse button, ACCESSIBLE to everyone. Instead you require the magic alt button to be pressed at the same time to access essential functions such as shutdown. WTF?

Stop adding new languages that are essential to GNOME. It bloats dependencies and adds just another source of issues.

JavaScript in particular should never have made it into a key part of GNOME: Gnome-Shell. This was already a mistake with Mono. Mono apps are cute, but always only second-class supported because of Mono. And now Gnome-Shell is the same chaos with JavaScript again.

There is nothing wrong with adding bindings (I'd love to see a functional Java-Gnome on Windows and OSX though, so it finally is usable). It's just that the *core* shouldn't depend on them.

6785: Better sceensaver support.

6786: I still don't know the extent of what gnome 3 can do - I haven't dug through the documentation. If it's like most FOSS products, the documentation is either not well organized and/or not interactive, and I'm a fan of interactive documentation. If the search box can be more like Gnome Do or quicksilver - one place to truly do anything in your system - then it can be a command line for those without the time to learn command lines.

Using fedora 15, assuming fedora made few changes. haven't updated to 3.2 yet.

6787: - smaller UI (not that much screen usage for desktop elements)
- conservative desktop mode (something similar to gnome 2)

6788: 1. Revert Gome 3 to Gnome 2
2. Alternatively, make Gnome 3 100% compatible with Gnome 2, for example panel applets and
3. Otherwise, bye bye Gnome

As soon as I can't maintain Gnome 2 any more I'm off to Xfce.

6789: Kill Gnome 3 and reinstate Gnome 2.

My desktop and laptop are not tablets or mobile devices. I want flexibility and an interface that allows me to do things more efficiently. Gnome 3 would be great on a tablet or mobile device with limited real estate and limited use. It is not for my main desktop/laptop machines.

6790: Less blowted
installations choose beetwen full-gnome install or a lite gnome install whitout games etc.

6791: Kill Gnome 3.x, along with the hard Pulseaudio dependency, once and for all.

Get your heads out of your asses and listen to your users for once. The Gnome 3 fiasco is a huge disservice to those that support you.

6792: I would have the dock removable . Configurable Panels . And an hierarchical menu available in Gnome 3.x shell - so that it can be configured to behave like Gnome 2.x .
This could be done by offering a "Classic" session or as part of a customization tool .
Gnome 3.x shell is not pleasant to use in it's current configuration

Please listen to what long term users have to say .

6793: The default theme in GNOME 3 is awful, custom themes are much better looking, and use less space. Large title bars and large buttons work against the GNOME 3 vision of using less screen space.

Add advanced configuration options back into the System Settings - even if "advanced" option must be a dconf key to enable.

Get the keybindings back again. Even the default "Terminal" keybind in GNOME 3.2 still gives an error there is no terminal defined. WTF?

Stop removing more and more options. People don't want a "Fisher Price desktop", they want settings they can configure.

And get the keybindings work damnit. WAAAYYYY too much mouse movement required in GNOME 3.

6794: Get rid of gconf, the application menu would be like 2.x, or at least an option to switch between the new style (just like KDE gives you the option to use the old style menu), and, Gnome needs to offer the user lots of options for tweaking their environments.

Gnome 1.x = Loved it.
Gnome 2.x = Not satisfactory, switched to KDE.
Gnome 3.x = Far from satisfactory, still use KDE, and love it.

I will probably never switch my main desktop to Gnome, however, my wife and kids use it because it's the default in Ubuntu. My wife likes Unity, then again, she hates computers and just wants to open a browser or play a game. Seems like the user base Gnome 3 is shooting for are for the people that just want to click a button to open an app, nothing more.

6795: 1. provide a window-centric experience that is "power user/multi-monitor desktop friendly" as an option instead of the current gnome-shell which is not useful for working

2. Have a classic menu we've all become used to. The new version requires far too much clicking.

3. Provide much simpler customization, not requiring that I write XML extensions for myself.

I get that the future of computing, and likely the linux graphical environment is in the new horizon where Windows (and now Apple's Mac OSX) is not there yet. However, not everyone uses a computer like that, and moreover, just because the MacOSX does things that makes a bunch of "iSheep" say it's great just because it's got an apple label, doesn't mean it's good - especially since most of these people would never touch linux with a 10 foot pole. So why are we accomodating non-users at the expense of known users of what was a good product?

6796: 1) PORT gnome-panel (or something like it) TO GNOME 3, PLEASE. :)
2) If compiz is indeed an optional add-on, make it easier to activate.
3) Moar tweeks! :)

Please don't make such radical changes to our desktops! Gnome shell is fine, but using gnome-panel (or something like it) should have been an alternative.

6797: The dumb top panel
The main menu
The lack of options to customize the environment

Please improve GNOME again! All the work done appears to be impressive, but the UI regression was too big.

6798: This is for GNOME3 ONLY:
Let users minimize their wndows.
Let users shut down their computer without pressing ALT.
Let users customize GNOME3 as it was possible in GNOME2.

Stay to GNOME 2.32 - or, at least, give users the freedom to change settings and configure their GNOME desktop!

6799: 1. Systrem tray notifications. Make urgent messages awlays visible? Not only for few seconds and then hidden in the systray line.
2. Add every extension in try/catch construct, so if some of them fails you'll only close it , and there'll be no need to logout. This is anoying! Or atleast add some button so the user can save this stuff if extension crashes (now we have an screen to disable extensions there) ..maybe start shell without any extensions just so the user can save things before logout :)

Again, keep up the good work, don't listen to those who don't like Gnome3 - they must evolve or die :)

6800: Allow easier access to configuration ;
Stop fearing users ;
Focus more on flag-bearing applications, less on gadgets.

Don't worry too much about the noise around Gnome3, but don't be deaf either. Don't try to protect users from themselves by hiding settings, you won't make the dumbs cleverer.
Don't think everyone will be using only a tablet or a phone for it's computing, that won't happen. Keep making a desktop that can be used on computers.

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